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Legend of Chaos - Cutscenes

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I've abandoned my previous failed topic, to bring you a new, albeit temporary one.

I am still far from completing even the first part of my game, though I would like to show you this cutscene I've made. The environments and the dialogue are currently still unfinished and up for suggestions, though I plan to keep the current sprites in-game (Except for Lihonessa's sprite, which I may change in its entirely once I've practised some more).


I hope that I'm not breaking any rules by creating a second topic, but I made a mistake with creating my first one, and I could really use some advice from our more experienced members. If I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know so I can remember this in future occasions.


Anywho, if you'd like to see the cutscene, you can download the game client here. You won't be able to leave Azure Village, though you will be able to walk around the village once the cutscene is over and interact with some of the people and objects there.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please notify me in this topic, or feel free to send me a PM!



Edited by Leophard

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So this is the 2nd topic for this project? You know you can just edit your topics, right? I was about to move this topic to Game Development Discussion, as topics about something like a cutscene only would go there. But I assume you are going to edit this topic as your project develops? There are rules regarding topics in this forum also: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3919-minimum-requirement-for-a-project-topic/


What could make your cutscene better is a message system script: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/scripts/rmxp/category/message-systems It would look a lot nicer if who was talking was more distinguishable. If you could get facesets in there, it would make it even better. Personally these days I wouldn't make a game in rmxp that excluded facesets. Also, for the fading effects, I noticed that it is in black and white and then when it fades to black it gets color again. You should make it consistently the cutscene shade, and then just fade straight to black, and then back again for the next scene.

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Thanks for the review and the advice, I'm sure it will be really helpful. I just downloaded Dubealex's AMS, and I found that it contains some things I could use - Enough to vastly improve my cutscene!


Unfortunately, something seems to be wrong... For some reason, none of the commands seem to work! They work fine in the AMS, but in my own game they don't. For example, when I tried to place a face graphics in a message box, it didn't appear. Instead, my character just said the \f[picture] line without anything appearing. I even tried to copy the event and the picture directly, thus re-creating the entire example in my own game, and still it didn't work!

What am I doing wrong? Are there some settings I need to turn on to make them work, or are there any scripts which I have to copy?


EDIT: Nevermind, found out that I had to copy one of the scripts to my own game. It's all working now! :biggrin_002:

Edited by Leophard

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I downloaded this then forgot about it. xD


The cut scene is alright, but there is always room for improvement.


The main problem I see is the speed. The characters move to slowly, the reactions are too slow, etc. half the cutscene is waiting for a character to get to a position to say something. You can use show-text and set-move-route at the same time you know. Also, add face-sets to your game. It improves RPGs majorly. Especially if they change depending on emotion of the speaking characters.


There are some portions of the cut scene where there is no sound. While this can be an effective technique in specific parts of a game's story, it wasn't executed properly in this case. So try to control music nicer. Just play with it some more. You can try lowering volume at parts.


I can't wait to see improvements. :3

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AGain, thanks for the feedback. I think that making the chartacters move faster isn't a bad idea at all - If I knew how to do so! Could anybody help me out with that, please? :sweatdrop:

Making characters move and talk at the same time doesn't seem like a problem though, I can simpily use side-triggers for that. As for the music and the factsets, I'll try to tinker with it some more.

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