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some idea for map with panorama

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Hello !


In first, I will give you a part of code that I have modified for have a panorama which don't move.


I guess that It's the same script for you (Why not?)

I have modified the lines 121 and 122


    @panorama.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8
   @panorama.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8


if you put an other number that 8, the panorama will move faster (<8) or slawer (>8) than the real map.



now, the real tutorial.

You will need photophiltre (studio or not)

You can adapt this tutorial for other graphic logiciels, but me I have just this one :/


My first idea, for town (it's not the only =p )

un place with stair







for start this tutorial, you sould create four pictures: (in the order in the screenshot)

- the ground who will be downstairs

- the floor who will be upstair

- the horizontale part of the stair

- the verticale part of the stair


My verticale part is the same that my horizontale part, but I have added a verticale movement (filtre => optical effect => euh... ^^' flou movement...)

mitigate to 50 % (edition => mitigate ... )

and gamma - (2time)




Now, we need a form for the stair.

Create it in black in a white picture.




We will not create a simple line...




Don't let pointed corner. The result is bad after.

duplicate the picture




later, we need to create the steps

put your first color in white

copy and paste like a mask (edition => special past

move your "mask" up

If you are with photofiltre studio, merge the layers


For do a new step, put your first color in black

and paste like a mask

adjust height. The white between the blacks stuffs will be the elevation of your step.

merge the layers




Now, the verticals parts

Here, there is three

duplicate the picture

Copy and paste like a mask

Move up the new stuff

the new and the old stuff should be Bunk (In the screen, the red distance should be deleted)


you will use this technic too for have more steps




If you want one step, repeat the same action but just on the bottom

If you want deux steps repeat this on the bottom and on the top

If you want more step, do as for two step and add one on the top



The result for two steps:




merge the layers

change for negative. (setting => negative)

You can see in black the verticals parts between the step




With the pen, the first color in white, delete the black parts in the bottom et the top




assemble your pictures like this

(edition = > spécial paste => assembled paste)


the first picture (the form) on the left of the ground who will be upstair

the second picture (the steps) on the the left of the horizontale part of the stair

the third one (verticales parts) on the the left of the verticale part of the stair


You should have this:




assemble all the picture

(edition => special paste=> picture and mask associated)


past the upstair ground (in the downstair ground)

After, paste the step

And in last one, the verticales part.


The final result:




In game, in my big city of Esparide :






I now, the stair in the right are bigger...


It's after translate this tutorial that I guess that my project will not be in english tomorrow ^^'


Sorry if I have do big faults

And if the names of differents photofiltre's command are not the same ^^'

Edited by Hinola

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Wow, holy -bleep-, that's amazing!! When you were drawing all the lines (I didnt open the first spoiler) I wasl like "What is he doing?" then the finished product and I was :o . That is awesome :D . Your map looks great, too.

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Good job with amazing results. Thanks very much for this tutorial.

It would be an interesting idea to create a script for fixing /unfixing panorama movement.

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Hello =D


thanks all for the reply.


It would be an interesting idea to create a script for fixing /unfixing panorama movement.


yes I thought do this with switches, but my level in script is not very hight :/


Now, I will give you... not an idea, not really a tutorial, but ressources for photofiltre studio.

Install the pictures in : "... Photofiltre studio / Nozzles "


For use them, you sould click on the strawberry in the bottom right corner of tools. (on the right)

I recommend you to put the others in a new file.




for exemples, I give you two map and their panoramas.














It's finish =D

I hope I was helpful


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