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RMXPU Survey 2010

Survey 2010  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following most accurately describes the site?

    • A site for RPG Maker XP
    • A site for RPG Maker VX
    • A site for both RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX
    • A site for any game development software
  2. 2. How well does the domain name(rmxpunlimited.net) reflect the content of the site?

    • Badly
    • Alright
    • Good
    • Very good
  3. 3. Should the domain name be changed?

    • Yes
    • No
  4. 4. The navigational system is easy to use (for example, quickly finding the link to the section of the site you want to visit)

    • Strongly Disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Strongly Agree
  5. 5. The site loads quickly

    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Strongly agree
    • Different parts load at different speeds
  6. 6. The topic prefix system for engines is easy to use and understand

    • I dont know what this is - I'm new
    • I dont know what this is - I'm not new
    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Stronly agree
  7. 7. What do you think of the forum structure? (multi-choice)

    • Too many
    • Not enough
    • Decent amount of forums
    • Confusing
    • A little confusing
    • I understand where all my topics should go
  8. 8. Why is the MAIN reason you joined? (multi-choice)

    • The community looked friendly and welcoming
    • I'm a leech - I latched on and sucked all your bandwidth dry (for resources)
    • The design of the site looked cool
    • The site was the first one I saw when I googled
    • I was referred by another member
  9. 9. Taking all factors into account, how would you rate the site overall?

    • 1 - The worse site on the web, I hate this place
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7 - The best site on the web, I love this place
  10. 10. Features (multi-choice) check all that you agree with

    • Less BBCode, there's way too much
    • There arn't enough 'entertainment' sections on the site, such as a casino, lottery system, etc.
    • There are too many smilies
    • There are too few smilies
    • The aren't enough social features on the website, member to member interaction is limited
    • I dont like out chat system - change it to IRC or some other system
    • The "Engines" item in the main menu is confusing and unorganised, what's with that?
    • The RGSS Scripts archives are an effecient method of distributing scripts
    • The RGSS Scripts archives are an ineffecient method of distributing scripts
    • The tools & utilies item in the main menu is deserves to be there, its useful when I need to find software to aid the game making process
    • The tools & utilies item in the main menu does not deserves to be there, I rarely goto that section

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Hi all,


Over the past week I started work, as I have mentioned in statues, so unfortunately I won't be around too much until I start university again in February 2011.


Lately I have been getting inspired from various sources, so I have a few interesting ideas for when I finish work. It's likely to be a major reform. I have enjoyed my 4 years here as the head admin, but it is time for change. Suddenly when you start to average 30 posts per day, and simple topics that any number of members can answer don't even bother, the site isn't fulfilling its goals and there is little point in its existence. At the end of 2011, if the site is still like this, I will close it down, or I will step down as admin. If it comes to that, I'm not sure if I would like to pass it on to new owners rather than close it entirely.


The starting point of the reform is to get some feedback and some nice indicators of whats not working now. So, please answer the survey to the best of your ability. If you would like to reply, please keep them about survey questions and not about the 2nd paragraph of this topic.

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Marked, this forum has a major problem. The number one problem is the lack of people contributing to the forums. I am partly to blame for this because I removed my work. However, as you can see I am remaking and uploading my resources. At least you have a guy who can provide some resources.


We don't have much else in terms of resources. We don't have anyone making scripts.


We need a resource team who will make character sprites and scripts. These are the top two areas that need to be address. Once these areas are fixed then we will lure more members.


Secondly like I said before we need a profile for our projects similar to what rpgmaker.net has. It would be an attractive feature.

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I completed the survey. :)


I think we need to update the scripts and resources, it will definitely gather more people. I'm thinking if we make the resources have done in subject, like if its "pokemon" for example, look under Pokemon, Mario under Mario and if its user done (created by someone) there is a "User Created Resources" and then within, different "folders" for different members. Or at least, organization seems very important :>


I think we need a little more for the members as well, something for them to do.


But overall, I love the forum any way.

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We already have resource sections labeled Mario, Megaman, Zelda, Sonic, etc. We only have one member who is uploading content to that section of the gallery.


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I can help with spriting, all though I prefer to take requests rather than make resources

the only other sprites I make are specifically for my games so those dont get uploaded

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Enigma, how about you make a request shop? You can setup your own shop rules and request limits. ;)

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We already have resource sections labeled Mario, Megaman, Zelda, Sonic, etc. We only have one member who is uploading content to that section of the gallery.

We do?


Man, I must be one of those lost souls who can't navigate through the gallery xD

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Haha yes we do, and RKO, I have my bleach resources in there too.


I suppose its only natural for this topic to start discussing all that kind of stuff. But I want to set some rules for this topic. I don't want to simply replicate this topic: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3973-membership-rapid-increase-and-inactivity/


First of all, lets not discuss ways of increasing member activity and contribution. The poll doesn't really reflect these topics, but inevitable there's going to be some overlap there, so I'll just try to keep the posts relating the poll questions the best you can. No problem though, I'm just trying to keep the topic clean and organized.

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Which of the following most accurately describes the site?


RPG Maker XP! How I came about this is simply not my opinion, but a fact being a web developer and webmaster. The domain name itself is RMXP Unlimited (RMXP = RPG Maker XP). In fact as some know regardless of my JOIN date I was here when this place was using a free hosting and at one time the domain name rmxpunlimited.com (before .net).


Now yes RMXP Unlimited (herein referred to as RMXPU) has recently adopted RMVX (RPG Maker VX), but the domain name and the site name say RMXP which is a known reference to RPG Maker XP. Doing a simple Google search (using rmxp) you will find many links to things related to RMXP (RMXPU ranks number 2 using this search phrase in Google). Using RMVX RMXPU is ranked number 8 using the search phrase rmvx and it reads the link (www.rmxpunlimited.net/engines/rmvx); in fact RMVX is in bold in the link on the Google site.


The description on Google when searching for RMXP Unlimited is, “A community for RPG Maker XP (RMXP)and RPG Maker VX (RMVX) and other engines such Action Game Maker (AGM) and Game Maker (GM).” Take note the first item list is RMXP which this in itself tells people that RMXPU deals mostly with RMXP and mostly with Enterbrain products.


If one searches for RMVX Unlimited RMXPU is the first to appear even though the site doesn’t use the domain name. So from this again we can tell that the sites focus (regardless of description) is RMXP/VX.


Doing a search for Game Maker RMXPU fails to show up in the first 13 pages (I stopped at 13). This little fact also tells people that RMXPU doesn’t have direct or indirect knowledge or use of the GM product.


From all of these FACTS we can asses that RMXPU as of now doesn’t accurately describe the new stuff or planned ideas/concepts.


How well does the domain name (rmxpunlimited.net) reflect the content of the site?


Read section above labeled “Which of the following most accurately describes the site?


After reading you will see that it is a FACT that it doesn’t reflect the NEW content or ideas planned.


Should the domain name be changed?


Yes, read section above labeled, “Which of the following most accurately describes the site?” and “How well does the domain name (rmxpunlimited.net) reflect the content of the site?


After reading you will see that it is a FACT that it doesn’t reflect the NEW content or ideas planned. Sp regardless of [people voted if the domain name stays the same it could ultimately hurt any chance of RMXPU getting and keeping new members.


The navigational system is easy to use (for example, quickly finding the link to the section of the site you want to visit)


I sometimes forget where the FORUM navigation is for the download manager, gallery, etc. It seems to me to be almost hidden at the top if you’re not paying attention.


The site loads quickly


I will say, but at the same time the lack of IE compatibility is quite annoying even though I myself prefer to use FF. As a developer of websites it is poor practice to make a site function better in one browser then the 4 most used browsers.




Sorry for the late reply been busy.

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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Completed the survey. I like the domain name just as it is :) .


But why do you like is the true question? Is it because you simply know it and domain name change would in a small way hinder you ability to accurately find the site? If RMXPU is to be taken serious as a site for multi game making software the domain name and site name have to change. This is proven by doing a verity of searches for certain game making software and how RMXPU doesn't appear in the first 10 pages (if at all). This point can be further proven if you search on Google for Game Maker and try and locate Crankeye (rmrk.net). It also doesn't appear in Google's top 10 pages and one main reason behind this is their FORUMS URL is rmrk RM= RPG Maker.


Plus it's not just the domain name that can be the issue, lets look at HBGames.org; their description on Google is: "The indie games development community. Incorporating the largest and most active English RPG Maker XP/VX boards. Learn how to make your own games with ease!" From this we learn that even though their domain name is not related to RMXP/VX their description and key words used was a poor choice on the webmaster as it limits their appearance in a search engine. In fact HBGames.org appears 3rd on Google search when searching for phrase rmxp.


So the domain name is playing a huge part in the lack of new members to the site as it is the FIRST thing read by a search engine, plus the description used is not diverse enough to fully describe Marked's new plans.


Plus lets look at the Creation Asylum when using the search phrase rmxp they do not appear in the first 10 pages (I stopped looking at this point). Their description on Google search is: "*REMINDER: A TOPIC NEED A GOAL AND A SUBJECT* If you want to discuss about something that isn't covered in any other section of Creation Asylum, well, ..." From this we can tell that it is pulling information from posts or news section from the forum as this is what we view first when going to creationasylum.net


The basic point here is the domain name also PLAYS a large process in determining a sites status on a search engine. This is why when you create a website web developers and webmasters alike always to choose a domain name that is closely related to the topic of your site.


More Info and Facts: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5910-rmxpu-survey-2010/page__p__51043#entry51043

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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Marked's new plans.

Which are? lol


In regards to the first post you made, you're right about it all, but in terms of the survey I'm not really after any facts. I want to know what your impression is. If your impression is a site for RMXP and RMVX, then VX users are more likely to stay. So that is the purpose of the poll and what I'm looking to find out...


In terms of the domain, I know enough about SEO. The fact is that we are going to support more than one engine, making the engine names in the domain impossible, and therefore we are disadvantaged by that. But that's where the disadvantage ends. I can get the site up there on goolge if the domain changes.


Thanks for everyones votes! This poll is officially the most voted on poll in RMXPU history!

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The domain name needs to change. Most new members are XP users. That's not a bad thing. However, there is a lack of VX users on this forum. This shows most people see this site as a XP site.

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The domain name needs to change. Most new members are XP users. That's not a bad thing. However, there is a lack of VX users on this forum. This shows most people see this site as a XP site.



Yes, also a fact. Doesn't matter how swavay you are when it comes to SEO if the domain name fits it will hit and miss, Marked.

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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Personally I think entertainment things like casinos and arcades are completely retarded for a site like this.

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Personally I think entertainment things like casinos and arcades are completely retarded for a site like this.



Maybe the Casino, but the arcade allow member to play what ever games; especially if it was a member who created the flash game.

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Personally I think entertainment things like casinos and arcades are completely retarded for a site like this.


Casinos only work well on sports related sites. I don't see how it would do well here.


We have an arcade. We just need more games.

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Maybe the Casino, but the arcade allow member to play what ever games; especially if it was a member who created the flash game.


I never thought of that. It would be cool if we had some pretty bad ass Flash Games for this site only.

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I filled in the poll. Though i'm pretty new here, i hope it can be of any help.

I'm not Marked, but I actually think that's good for this poll/thread. Having new members vote and tell what's right/wrong with the site...


But again, I'm not Marked xD

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Yes, also a fact. Doesn't matter how swavay you are when it comes to SEO if the domain name fits it will hit and miss, Marked.

If the domain fits it will hit and miss? What do you mean. The domain is just one part of SEO. Besides, I dont necessarily care about google rankings. Well I do of course, but at the moment our SEO is very good, and obviously things are working out how we'd like. I'll give the site every advantage possible, but there are other aways to get attention.


Personally I think entertainment things like casinos and arcades are completely retarded for a site like this.

In terms of the casino, which we do not even have, its just like the arcade but you have points to gamble with. They're just games. So to me it fits. Its just something to waste time on.



I'm not Marked, but I actually think that's good for this poll/thread. Having new members vote and tell what's right/wrong with the site...


But again, I'm not Marked xD

Exactly right. New users are more useful than old ones for this actually.

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If the domain fits it will hit and miss?


You should know this if you know about SEO. It follows into picking a domain name that best describes what your site is about. Right now your domain name is RMXPUnlimited and was created for and about RPG Maker XP. Thus the domain name made sense as it alone would attract people.


The domain is just one part of SEO. Besides,


Yes, I did point this out already...


Besides, I dont necessarily care about google rankings.


I was not talking about Google ranks; regardless of the mentioning of where RMXPU falls in on Google or any search site. As I have already stated and thought was CLEAR. I pointed this information out to those who want to keep the domain the same as by all rights and web developer FACT (regardless if you care or not) that keeping RMXPUnlimited with the suggested new ideas is retarded.


Well I do of course, but at the moment our SEO is very good, and obviously things are working out how we'd like.


And that means what if anything? Nothing! If you have a computer running Windows 95 would you not upgrade simply because it does what it needs to do? There is always room for improvement no matter how perfect you think something is.


but there are other aways to get attention.


Yes which you do not utilize them to there advantage. You created a Facebook page and Twitter account, but do you use them? It's a known fact that billions of people go on Facebook alone every day (some times more then once) as to Google which is less.



The site has nearly had 2 million pageviews this year according to google analytics.


2 million is not that big a deal. Out of them how many of them where bots or even better the percent of those who would have joined or did join is less then 0000000.4%. From this alone and the fact that RMXPU only have maybe at most 100 active members which a rough count of over 1,000 members this information really means nothing.

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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Lol I feel like you're arguing with me. Which I feel indifferent about. Not much to comment on, you didn't say many relevant things... I didn't create the facebook page, I made a topic bout that.

And that means what if anything? Nothing!

It means something to me, however, you're just completely missing the point.


I was going to not reveal how many hits we get. Then I thought 2 million sounded impressive. Only to the normal member of course. That would be under my goal if I were to set one. I do not set goals for hits of course.

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well, i've completed the poll a while ago, but i wanted to stay a little longer arond before i state my opinion. i believe you have an interesting site with lots of resources, but that has suddenly gone dead. i've checked out most of the tutorialsand they are all written long ago. i checked out the resources and they are a lot, but there's not enough refreshment. there's not enough new stuff, and there's no real motive for new members to try things out, i believe. if you eant a succesfull commutity, you have to make it a community that is challenging and interesting. give new "missions" to members. urge them to map, and script, and sprite, and draw. make new compatitons! make a community project. like a game that will be made by all of us. like, each and everyone will have the opportunity to make grafics, or maps or scrips etc for it, and the most active ones will actually be in the party and chose their characters style etc.

well, for the domain name and what it represents, i believe it should be changed if you want a broader audience, apart from rmxp/vx. but i have no suggestons on that, because i cant really handle your lagnuage and syntomografies well enough. also, i use opera and the site loads pretty quick. maybe a renewall on the disigns would be a nice thing to attract older members etc, but i like it the way it is.:)

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Lol I feel like you're arguing with me. Which I feel indifferent about.


No, just pointing out facts, but if this is how you feel then it is your problem and not mine.


Not much to comment on, you didn't say many relevant things...


Actually yes I did, if your closed minded or do not wish to take advice that also, is not my problem.


I didn't create the facebook page, I made a topic bout that.


Did not know that.


I was going to not reveal how many hits we get. Then I thought 2 million sounded impressive. Only to the normal member of course. That would be under my goal if I were to set one. I do not set goals for hits of course.


Hits are irrelevant in this case.


PS: Sorry if I am coming off as an @ss, but when one shoots down advice and calls it irrelevant it does piss me off especially since I have a degree in Marketing!!!


well, i've completed the poll a while ago, but i wanted to stay a little longer arond before i state my opinion. i believe you have an interesting site with lots of resources, but that has suddenly gone dead.


In any communities defense, spriters like scripters are hard to come by.


i've checked out most of the tutorials and they are all written long ago.


A need for new and fresh ones would be nice to see. But these are dependent on members.


there's not enough new stuff,


I don't remember when we had a new staff member, but with the amount of active members I don't think this really would help in any shape or form.

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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well, actually it would, simply because they would get more motivated...;)


Not really. Lets look at an example. If said site had 50 active members and 10 of them are staff; more is not needed. Especially when it comes to MODs and Admins. To much staff and then a site looks like it has active staff members and not actual members. Looking at how many RMXPU active users are it really would not benefit RMXPU.

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PS: Sorry if I am coming off as an @ss, but when one shoots down advice and calls it irrelevant it does piss me off especially since I have a degree in Marketing!!!

Yeah you were, but half it is the type of post/personality we have come to expect of you. I guess we have to agree to disagree on your post being relevant. From my point of view I was just stating my opinion, and things that didn't really need any elaboration, so it came off strange to me. But anyway, thats where we disagree. I didn't know you had a degree in marketing. I took marketing in university (just a course) and someone in family also has a postgrad in marketing.


Anyway, if you guys check one of my posts above, I was just trying to get some feedback on some areas of the site. Ideas to spark activity where by no means my intention with this. I don't care about that at the moment. I may as well say that I have a pretty huge reform planned but not for a long while. It may be appropriate to promote a staff member to admin while I'm working over summer, and while I work on reforms, but sadly none are active enough.


Kage, if you want to continue you can PM me, or post if you think its relevant.

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