Survey 2010
67 members have voted
1. Which of the following most accurately describes the site?
A site for RPG Maker XP15
A site for RPG Maker VX2
A site for both RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX32
A site for any game development software13
2. How well does the domain name( reflect the content of the site?
Very good15
3. Should the domain name be changed?
4. The navigational system is easy to use (for example, quickly finding the link to the section of the site you want to visit)
Strongly Disagree0
Strongly Agree18
5. The site loads quickly
Strongly disagree3
Strongly agree12
Different parts load at different speeds19
6. The topic prefix system for engines is easy to use and understand
I dont know what this is - I'm new15
I dont know what this is - I'm not new3
Strongly disagree1
Stronly agree16
7. What do you think of the forum structure? (multi-choice)
Too many3
Not enough1
Decent amount of forums36
A little confusing17
I understand where all my topics should go34
8. Why is the MAIN reason you joined? (multi-choice)
The community looked friendly and welcoming42
I'm a leech - I latched on and sucked all your bandwidth dry (for resources)6
The design of the site looked cool12
The site was the first one I saw when I googled14
I was referred by another member14
9. Taking all factors into account, how would you rate the site overall?
1 - The worse site on the web, I hate this place0
7 - The best site on the web, I love this place15
10. Features (multi-choice) check all that you agree with
Less BBCode, there's way too much3
There arn't enough 'entertainment' sections on the site, such as a casino, lottery system, etc.5
There are too many smilies6
There are too few smilies15
The aren't enough social features on the website, member to member interaction is limited22
I dont like out chat system - change it to IRC or some other system14
The "Engines" item in the main menu is confusing and unorganised, what's with that?6
The RGSS Scripts archives are an effecient method of distributing scripts24
The RGSS Scripts archives are an ineffecient method of distributing scripts2
The tools & utilies item in the main menu is deserves to be there, its useful when I need to find software to aid the game making process40
The tools & utilies item in the main menu does not deserves to be there, I rarely goto that section7
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