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RMXPU Survey 2010

Survey 2010  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following most accurately describes the site?

    • A site for RPG Maker XP
    • A site for RPG Maker VX
    • A site for both RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX
    • A site for any game development software
  2. 2. How well does the domain name(rmxpunlimited.net) reflect the content of the site?

    • Badly
    • Alright
    • Good
    • Very good
  3. 3. Should the domain name be changed?

    • Yes
    • No
  4. 4. The navigational system is easy to use (for example, quickly finding the link to the section of the site you want to visit)

    • Strongly Disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Strongly Agree
  5. 5. The site loads quickly

    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Strongly agree
    • Different parts load at different speeds
  6. 6. The topic prefix system for engines is easy to use and understand

    • I dont know what this is - I'm new
    • I dont know what this is - I'm not new
    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Agree
    • Stronly agree
  7. 7. What do you think of the forum structure? (multi-choice)

    • Too many
    • Not enough
    • Decent amount of forums
    • Confusing
    • A little confusing
    • I understand where all my topics should go
  8. 8. Why is the MAIN reason you joined? (multi-choice)

    • The community looked friendly and welcoming
    • I'm a leech - I latched on and sucked all your bandwidth dry (for resources)
    • The design of the site looked cool
    • The site was the first one I saw when I googled
    • I was referred by another member
  9. 9. Taking all factors into account, how would you rate the site overall?

    • 1 - The worse site on the web, I hate this place
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7 - The best site on the web, I love this place
  10. 10. Features (multi-choice) check all that you agree with

    • Less BBCode, there's way too much
    • There arn't enough 'entertainment' sections on the site, such as a casino, lottery system, etc.
    • There are too many smilies
    • There are too few smilies
    • The aren't enough social features on the website, member to member interaction is limited
    • I dont like out chat system - change it to IRC or some other system
    • The "Engines" item in the main menu is confusing and unorganised, what's with that?
    • The RGSS Scripts archives are an effecient method of distributing scripts
    • The RGSS Scripts archives are an ineffecient method of distributing scripts
    • The tools & utilies item in the main menu is deserves to be there, its useful when I need to find software to aid the game making process
    • The tools & utilies item in the main menu does not deserves to be there, I rarely goto that section

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well, i guess we have a grammatical missunderstanding here. when i saw stuff i mean thing, not staff, meaning personel:P i mean just to dd new things! :P:) anyway, its all up o you guys:)

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply your post is pointless. I probably won't do anything major for a few months on the site, and I'm the only person who makes any changes, so... :( The survey for use in the future, and also to get a view of how things are currently. It's quite a positive poll. I actually ran out of questions, it needed to be far more detailed than that.

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One way to get people interested is to feature upcoming games. Many of our members are making games. Do you remember my idea of Project of the month? How about the winner will get his or her project featured on the homepage? Our awesome projects will impress people because we can show them anyone can make a great game.


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If you do step down as admin, or close it down, or whatever, I may have some php Work for you if youre interested. my Indie Burn website is still without a web programmer, and it will remain unfinished until I have one competent enough to make it amazing.

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I appreciate that you would consider me competent. However I am not a PHP programmer. I know PHP and I know how to find out what I want to create in PHP, but I'm very much so an amateur. I'm not closing this site down or stepping down. I meant that I will be working on the 'new' rmxpunlimited and wont work much here (on this current live site) until it is released. Therefore another admin would be appropriate while I'm working behind the scenes..


However initially I'm thinking of May 7th for the release date. That is the 5 year anniversary since I first began. It needs to be big, doesn't it? :) I'd like you to PM me regarding your site anyway. I'm interested because I would like to improve my PHP knowledge, and we'll see if I am capable of helping you out.

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I totally missed this topic while I was away!!! lol While I use VX I know that most others don't (and I bet they like Coke over Pepsi lol) RMXP is what we focus on. As for Unlimited, well what is unlimited? We have a very small amount of scripts, a very small amount of active members(though I see thats changed since I have been back :)) In fact our largest category is graphics and the most diverse from other sites is our tools section thanks to Evil Cabbage. As for the Resouce Team, that idea has been lingering around like luggage and I would love to help( I already contribute a lot to the Graphic Resource Area) but we should really focus on scripters- because thats where the publicity is at. Unless your the next Half-Kaizer Guy, you'll never make a name in Graphics.

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I totally missed this topic while I was away!!! lol While I use VX I know that most others don't (and I bet they like Coke over Pepsi lol) RMXP is what we focus on. As for Unlimited, well what is unlimited? We have a very small amount of scripts, a very small amount of active members(though I see thats changed since I have been back :)) In fact our largest category is graphics and the most diverse from other sites is our tools section thanks to Evil Cabbage. As for the Resouce Team, that idea has been lingering around like luggage and I would love to help( I already contribute a lot to the Graphic Resource Area) but we should really focus on scripters- because thats where the publicity is at. Unless your the next Half-Kaizer Guy, you'll never make a name in Graphics.


We do need scripters.


Marked, I think you should try to make a team/staff that will focus on new scripts, resource, and community games.

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This forum is slowly getting less and less scripts and sprites added. I'm fairly new so I don't know what it was like a while ago but it isn't as active as it was when I first started in terms of scripts and sprites. I can help with the sprites but only slightly because I mainly do re-colours and not sprites from scratch. but that's just my opinion.

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Glad you'll help. But I don't think this is the right topic and it's kind of a necropost.

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Even so, I am glad to see the results of this survey were positive. Overall, it is considered to be a good quality site, and this survey was done by 53 people. I'm sure Marked is pleased to see this.

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I am very pleased with the turn out. It is a little too positive though. Its hard to know what to improve on. I think I came close to the limit of the amount of questions can use on a poll, there should be a lot more questions.

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We need a survey for this year! (if there hasn't been one xD) with lots a questions and stuff... To the point my brain hurts.



Edited by JoKo

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whilst this thread has been necro'd,


another question could be something about if people make and play games made by forum members

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