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evil sgt death

In Game Speech

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After starting my game, what seems like about a million years ago, I discovered the UMS script (not sure who by but will look into that!) and one of the aspects of the script is to allow character text to be displayed in speech bubbles as opposed to the regular text window.


I quite like the idea of incorporating this feature into my game but am not prepared to go through all the existing speech to change it all! So I had an idea...


As I had yet to make the cut scenes for my game I though it would make sense to incorporate the speech bubble text during them but keep the usual text window for when you actively go to talk to someone.


Here are some examples of what I mean:


Regular Windowed text when using "Action Button" to talk




Speech Bubble text for use in cut scenes and event scripted speech




Do you guys think this changing of speech would be annoying or make the game a bit poo?.


I am probably just over thinking the whole thing and that lots of other people do this with the speech within their games (I don't have much time to play the hundreds of RMXP demos/games that are about).

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To me, it doesn't seem quite right to have two different speech types. That's just me, anyway.

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In my oppinion, the text box should be used for main characters and the speech bubbles for non-main characters or randoms. Well, that's my thoughts, anyway.

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Yeah I'm not too good with the actual script. I've got a friend working on making it better (both gramaticly and funnier).

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