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evil cabbage

Big RMXP Pool Update

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A lot has changed with RMXP Pool since the last update, so I thought I'd update you guys with some new information.


Firstly, the RMXP Pool website has moved. You can now find the new website and forums at www.rmxp-pool.tk . The reason for the move was because my previous host does not allow FTP access. Now that I have a server with FTP access, it's now (theoretically) possible for people to upload files to the database in real time.


Secondly, I am unsure if this will be permanent, but it appears that I will now be developing RMXP Pool instead of Formless. As such, I have produced a "GUI test" for what I am calling "RMXP Pool 2.5", which you can see below (note that I have not actually started programming anything, so a release is a long way off):


What you can see in the image is what may turn out to be the default theme for RP 2.5. As promised in the competition, ShinyToyGuns' theme will also be included and adapted as a theme to fit the new UI, once it is finalized. I would appreciate some feedback on the UI and default theme.


Thirdly, I've been thinking and one of the things that people always said to me when I released Pool V1 was "Why should I use this program over a website which has RMXP resources?" So, I've come up with a list of possible ideas that could be integrated into the program to answer this question. Feedback and suggestions would be good here as well.


  • Idea 1: Include RMXP games as well as resources in Pool, attracting more people to the platform and providing a free file host for games.
  • Idea 2: Include RMVX resources as well as RMXP ones, encouraging more people to use the platform
  • Idea 3: Allow people to collaborate on projects through pool. This will allow people who are working on a project together to chat and swap resources through the program as they are both developing
  • Idea 4: Include the option for RMXP Pool to automatically download resources into a project folder

What do you think of the ideas and the GUI?

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I love the ideas!


Its cool to know its (might?) going to be updated! :D


* Idea 1: Include RMXP games as well as resources in Pool, attracting more people to the platform and providing a free file host for games.


I think this one might cause problems though, or at least take up a lot of space. But its still a great idea!

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This looks awesome! Thanks for all of the hard work you have put into your project. Have you thought about making a system for Unlimited's resources?


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I am personally looking forward to the inclusion of VX on the program; I only have VX, but I've given your program to my brother, who loves it.


^_^ Keep up the excellent work!



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