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Eventing + Limit Breaks


Hiya everyone! :33


I'm eventing a small little limit system for my game. I'm using the Side View battle script, so hopefully I don't have to worry about anything.


Anyway, I have a few questions. I don't know how to set the event for within battle. It works like this:


Low Hp (I'm trying to make it determine the low amount of HP no matter the level you are) > Special attack > deactivates > activates again when HP is low once more in battle


I can't seem to figure it out though. First, I tried to create a state (condition) when HP is low, but I don't know what to edit in the database to make it so it actives with low HP.








And then I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work in battle and how to assign it to one character without it appearing in their skills tab. :sweatdrop:


Can anyone help me out? :unsure:

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Will I have to set it up for each monster/battle? :sweatdrop:


Alright, I'll try it now! Thank you for getting back to my thread, Joman! For multi members on the team, would I do the same thing in the same event command window? :unsure:

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Ah, okay! What would I set the condition of the HP? Just to 50%, right? I would like it to activate only -- let's say his hp is "5443" -- and then it gets to the point of near death? I don't really want it to activate when he still has 2000 HP or 300 out of 567 hp....



Hm, it never seemed to activate during battle...

Edited by CrimsonInferno

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Hm, I got it to work, but you have to go down to skills and select it and its still there afterward. I was hoping it would go away after...hm, I'll try a conditional branch and see what I can do to make it happen by itself, I suppose.


If anyone can help though, I'd really appreciate it! :sweatdrop:

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I do believe there's a method you can use with simple common events, that triggered by a global switch.


just turn a switch called combat initiate at the beginning of the game.


after that start the actual common event programming.


you'll need to have variables for "Full hp" for each character, as well as a variable named "Current HP"... AND one for each "critical" level of hp you want.


[setting conditions]

ok my memory is fuzzy but its similar to this (i'll research a bit more after work today)...


go to control variables, set up for "Full HP", now go down to operations and set up for "Actor"'s MaxHP.

- basically you just set "Full HP" to be the #of maximum hp for said character.


do the same thing for "Current HP" except in operations, select "Actors"'s HP.

- this Basically set up to be your current hp.


here's where i get foggy on how i did this before lol... (sorry)

basically you do a "Div" by 2 on the variable for "maxHP" and set crit1 to == that constant.

(what you did was basically take full hp, lets say 1000 and halved it, 1000/2 = 500, creating your half health fraction.)


once you have that done, you set, when "CurrentHP" == the variable "Crit1" turn your status/switch for your moves on.



sorry about that last bit of information, I cant seem to locate it in my brain at the moment. I did something similar with an evented HUD system im working on with my game, but... I too can not find that part of code atm xD.

--also note that the little hints were not to mock you x.X just some handy information incase you didnt understand it. =]


good luck dude!



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Franklin Zane is somewhat right, you can do it with a common event instead of each individual monster party.


Figure out all the character's current Hp % using a percentile formula.

Then use fork conditioning:


If variable [XXXX: XXXXXXX] <= 30 then

[XXXX:Hero] status to [Low Hp]




[XXXX:Hero] status to [Normal]




wait 1 frame


It will look simuliar to that.

That answers your question.

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Thank you for sharing! :33


But if I may....

here's where i get foggy on how i did this before lol... (sorry)

basically you do a "Div" by 2 on the variable for "maxHP" and set crit1 to == that constant.

(what you did was basically take full hp, lets say 1000 and halved it, 1000/2 = 500, creating your half health fraction.)


once you have that done, you set, when "CurrentHP" == the variable "Crit1" turn your status/switch for your moves on.

That part confused me xD


I set it like so:




Am I terribly wrong?



Not to be a pest....but that doesn't explain how to do it. m003.gif


I know I'm too set up a variable to record the player HP, but...err, I don't know how to explain what's in my head xD

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Ark did you just call me franklin lol O.o


--also note, using percentage is also a great way, and may be easier to manage, and quicker to work with.


anyways, you're a bit off, take the screenshot you posted, and change the crit hp, into maxhp

so that maxhp is divided by two.


(did some looking on the side, and i think this is next)


from here do another control variable, and have crit hp, operation: set , operand variable for maxhp

explanation: you just did maxhp/2 so its half, now you've just set your crit hp to that same variable has maxhp/2


from here you can do a conditional branch, for when variable CurrentHP, is equal to "crithp", -- do your status.



now this is very flexible, as you can set em to call through multiple common events, or you can set it up with a few more variables to all be running as a parallel common event. (in theory) =]

hope this helps.

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Alright, this is what I have for the one I was off on:





And here is what I have for the part that you just remembered:





Is this correct?



Thank you, that would be very lovely! :P

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Yep, thats right lol.


now its how you call them, or put them in being called thats the way the system will work.


there maybe some resetting of variables, and making sure that they're called and refreshed ya know.

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I certainly hope I got it. Unless what I've been doing is totally wrong xD


I'm not sure if I need more variables right now. I think I read 3, but re-reading, I become unsure. xD

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you can get it to work with 3+ variables






lol =3

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So I need to make one for Current HP. xD


I'm not sure I'm reading this:

do the same thing for "Current HP" except in operations, select "Actors"'s HP.

- this Basically set up to be your current hp.


right :P


Like so?





If I got all of these correct, how do I use them in a conditional Branch? I use CBs all the time, but, I've never used it to check HP/MP before xD

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O.o i have it in my head as of right now... but im not sure if im missing a few call and resets...


blast it >.< lol...


let me do some runs and tests later and i'll give you my results =]


may be a day or two, i have practice and work tomorrow... and i WILL be grumpy so im staying off online communities... lol.

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Bump :P


If anyone knows how to do this, I would be very happy to hear. Anything you have, suggestions, some tiny help on what I was attempting above...



Edited by CrimsonInferno

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Hmm... So let me get this straight:


You want a character to use a specific move once his health drops below a certain percentage, without the move showing up in his skill list. Then afterwards he should not use that move again as long as his health remain low?


Because in that case I could probably work something out.

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so sorry dude, my laptop died on me x.X -- cant say i didnt expect it though, i've been using two old dell inspions 4000 and a 1200 or something that i fixed up... until the with my rmxp data just went out.


so here i am on my "Art-Top" - that i just fitted with new memory so i can go online with ease now.


ANYWAYS, im sure if you tinker around with the methods we suggested you can get it to work. As of now i cant use any rmxp things =/ - but i highly advise just simply playing around with the coding. It helps learn tons of new things, you get your own techniques, and you may even find something better to your overall idea =].


best of luck mate.

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@Coylise Myro:

Yes, sorta. Everything you just said, but instead of not being able to use it again, I want the player to be able to use it as long as his HP is low. Have you've ever played FF8? Its like that. You get the limits as long as your HP is low, but I'd like for it to be like FF6 where it activates near death and then when you heal your HP, the limit goes away. If that makes sense?



I can try, but I probably won't be able to do it. :sweatdrop:

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I have to admit, I never played any final fantasy besides the remake of FF III on the DS...

If I understand you well, a limit break is a move itself, and should be usable as long as an actor is at low hp.


I'm a bit confused now. You say it shouldn't appear in the skill tab, but you should able to use it at any time a char is at low hp. How do you intend to have a player activate it if not for the skill tab?


On the brighter side, I managed to make it work the way I first assumed you needed it. A few changes probably won't be that much of a problem.

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If I understand you well, a limit break is a move itself, and should be usable as long as an actor is at low hp.


Yes, you got it right! That's how I'd like it to be. Sorry I'm confusing you, I have problems wording what I mean...


Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind much if it was in the skill tab, but I figure if it did that, a Player wouldn't know his limit was there. I was thinking like a new tab comes up so you have:






And when your limit is active, something like this:





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Right, now I get it! ^_^


That added limit menu is a bit beyond my abilities as you'll need to change the scripts themselves. I can understand the code well enough to make small changes to it, but I haven't spent much time in scripting new stuff myself just yet :sweatdrop:


Until you got that covered, you could ofcourse use a (technically) meaningless status effect called limit (or something similar) to show an actor has the moves enabled.


Beyond that, I got it working pretty well with only one problem left. The game generally checks for events AFTER you selected your moves, so you essentially get access to your limit breaks one turn slow. Same goes for disabling them :pinch:

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Well, it would be better that way, but I can live without it I suppose. But um, do you happen to know which part of the script would I have to be looking at? :sweatdrop: If I can do that and add another battle menu, would that help?


But if not, then whatever you've managed will be good. The status effect sounds like a good idea as well! Though I wouldn't know how to make it activate or anything. Would I have to do as Arkbennett said and use Percentile Formulas?

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The status effect can come and go the same way the limit breaks do, that shouldn't be a problem.


By the way, if you're currently online, it might be a good idea to take this conversation to the chatroom. It might speed up the process a bit :biggrin_002:

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How do I access and use the chatroom? I've never used one before. :sweatdrop:



Posting a final product here might help others who have this problem as well. So maybe we can keep the thread alive until its done and then post it for others? :unsure:

Edited by CrimsonInferno

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