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Started my first RPG Maker XP Project

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Hello everyone.


I have started my first RPGXP project, and so far it's going well. Without revealing too much, I will say I have drawn some inspiration based on childhood games I played. Right now, the working title for it is The Rebel, and I've completed the prologue of the story, which is actually a pre-mission in the game, before the story. I haven't gotten much past that for the story, I know what I want the player to accomplish, but I don't know how to go about putting that part of the story in.


If I can, I'll post more when I've gotten more work done.

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Aye, A fellow railfan! If you need any character sprites, I'll see what I can do.


Can you give us a very basic skeleton of the plot?

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if you need sprites of characters from other games, I know where some good sites are.

for tilesets of just about any type, go here

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Aye, A fellow railfan! If you need any character sprites, I'll see what I can do.


Can you give us a very basic skeleton of the plot?

Yes a railfan I am, and in case you're interested, trainsim.com has a very large group of railfans there if you are intersted in checking that out.


As for the story, the plot outline I have here basically is one soldier is given a mission by his superior to locate and destroy 4 gems that an evil ruler wants to get ahold of for enternal power. Early in the game, this soldier is tasked with locating a legendary soldier who is supposed to know the secrets of the gems and knows how to destroy the gems. However, the soldiers are misinformed and instead they find a nobody soldier, mistake him for the legendary soldier, and expect him to know how to destroy the gems, when really this nobody hasn't a clue.


I haven't sorted out the entire story yet, but what will basically happen is, this nobody soldier has to prove himself a worthy soldier of the army he's in, as he was previously a unwanted soldier.


There is a question however that I have for you guys. I am building this using RPG XP, and this nobody soldier is the soldier who will eventually be player controlled. I want to be able to allow the player to name this soldier, and have that information saved throughout the game so whenever a text box will show up calling for the player's name, it will show up. I haven't figured out how to accomplish this yet, and I was wondering if any of you knew how to do this.

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There is a question however that I have for you guys. I am building this using RPG XP, and this nobody soldier is the soldier who will eventually be player controlled. I want to be able to allow the player to name this soldier, and have that information saved throughout the game so whenever a text box will show up calling for the player's name, it will show up. I haven't figured out how to accomplish this yet, and I was wondering if any of you knew how to do this.


I know that there's an event for the name. Look at the third event page, and hunt down "Name Input Processing" or something like that. Make that happen first by starting the player in a specialized map. That's all I know. They're probably tutorials out there about it, and they'll know better than I do.


Story-wise, too many legendary things. Perhaps make this "Legendary Soldier" instead a person who's been researching the legendary gems and has a lead on their whereabouts. Maybe the ancient gems could be necessary components in a super-weapon to explain their significance.

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Well, this is a very early version of the story. I haven't gotten much of it done since, however, I do have the entire prologue finished. I also know I do need some help with character sprites. I am looking for some alternate soldier sprites to what comes with RPG Maker XP. Granted, I will be using what the defualt soldiers are, however, there are only two that are labeled soldier. the rest are not what I want as enemies. Civilians and religous people(unlikely to include religous aspects) maybe, but not as enemies. Would someone be willing to help me create some soldier sprites?

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Sure thing, mate! Just download Character Maker XP, and you'll be able to create them for yourself. If you can only get close to what you want using that, then send it to me and I'll do the tweaking you want.

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well, I've done some thinking with the plot, and I'm going to make several changes to it.


I originally wanted something like 10 missions in the main story and around double that for side missions. However, there are two problems with that:


1. I don't have enough of a story idea for that many missions.

2. With college starting in a couple weeks, and with my grades the way they are, it is unrealistic for me to try and make a game that big on my first try.


So, I've made a few changes to the story. First off, there will still be a legendary aspect, but will involve the final boss of the game.(working the kinks out on this one.) The soldier whom I said was also a legendary figure, is being replaced by a mere common soldier who has to learn about the gems, and learn how to destroy them. I was thinking about this today, and I believe this is a better solution than what I had before.

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Ok, the story I had for this first project wasn't working. I wasn't getting anywhere with it. Figuring I could try and rework it, I did a bit of experimenting, with very unwanted results. Then I remembered I had written some other stories in the past, and as I was reading through, I came across this gem. I think this is what I was aiming for, but had forgotten I wrote it. Word 2007 is required to read it though.

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Sorry, wouldn't let me attach file.


Article I. Main Character is leader of Dragon Tamers, designated the Golden Knight.

Article II. Dragons are Guardians of Energy Crystals, powerful matter entities keeping the world balanced. (5 in total)

Article III. Main antagonist wants the crystals for himself, it is said anyone who possesses the crystals and who is part of the Dragon Tamers possesses unlimited power.

Article IV. Antagonist is initially part of the Dragon Tamers, turns against them when realizes the potential of the Energy Crystals.

Article V. Main Character and Antagonist fight for the Energy Crystals.

Section 5.01 Main Character fighting to protect crystals

Section 5.02 Antagonist fighting to harness the power him(her)self

Article VI. Initially antagonist has advantage, making it look like protagonist won’t succeed.

Article VII. After awhile though, protagonist takes upper hand. Antagonist obtains 1 Energy Crystal, Main character obtains 2, the forth is a struggle and the Dragon guarding the crystal puts itself between main character and antagonist, signaling whoever defeats him obtains the crystal.

Article VIII. Other three crystals were obtained after antagonist defeated dragons guarding it.

Section 8.01 Crystal 1, antagonist defeated dragon and obtained crystal before main character even got to location. Main character can communicate with dragons by talking to it through the mind.

Section 8.02 Realizes through the dragon communication the antagonist fought the dragon for the Energy Crystal. Defeated the dragon and left with the energy crystal. Main character heals the dragon enough for it to heal itself completely. Dragon thanks them, grants them safe passage out the cave and wishes them luck on the rest of the crystals.

Section 8.03 Crystal 2 and 3, antagonist defeated the dragon guarding it, but main character got to crystal before antagonist.

Article IX. Both main character and antagonist got to crystal 4 at the same time. Fight ends with antagonist retrieving the crystal.

Article X. Main character and team devise new plan to fight antagonist and retrieve last crystal. It is rumored the last crystal is guarded by one of the most powerful dragons known. The capture of the crystal will be very dangerous.

Article XI. This time main character reaches dragon and crystal before antagonist does. Just when it looks like the dragon is defeated, antagonist arrives and quickly starts defeating members of Dragon Tamers.

Article XII. When it’s just Golden Knight and antagonist alone, the last crystal begins to glow. The other four crystals, held by the antagonist and two other dragon tamers begin to glow and join with the last crystal.

Article XIII. Unknown to the antagonist but well known and feared by the Golden Knight, as explained to a Dragon Tamer when asking what’s happening,

Section 13.01 ‘When the 5 Energy Crystals are close to one another, they will join to form the Dark Crystal. I have heard and read this could happen, but never thought it would. It is also said the formation of the Dark Crystal summons the Dark Dragon, the most powerful dragon known.’

Article XIV. The presence of the Dark Crystal does indeed summon the Dark Dragon. The antagonist prepares to order the Dark Dragon, but instead goes on a rampage out the caves and towards the big city.

Article XV. Antagonist refuses to help defeat the Dark Dragon, stating he(she) rather die than help defeat what he sees as his dream, even though he doesn’t possess the power.

Article XVI. After a long, grueling battle with the Dark Dragon, the Dragon Tamers are worn out, and just when the Golden Knight is ready to surrender, the antagonist shows up.

Article XVII. Barely able to stand, the Golden Knight states he may have made a lot of wrong choices, but it’s not too late to make the right one.

Article XVIII. The antagonist decides to defeat the Dark Dragon, by flying into the heart of the Dragon.

Article XIX. The result is an explosion and the Dragon falls onto the streets of the city.

Article XX. All 6 Dragon Tamers and the Golden Knight gather at the dead Dragon and brief monologues are exchanged.

Article XXI. The ending scene is the Dragon Tamers restoring the Energy Crystals back to their places of origin. The Golden Knight is shown in a center shot where to his left his next in command Dragon Tamer stands (to later be determined) He is shown standing in the mouth of a cave looking out towards the city. His team slowly comes into focus as the final shot of the team is shown.


Article XXII. The Golden Knight and the Dragon Tamers

Article XXIII. The Golden Knight

Article XXIV. Dragon Tamer (Rock) Golem (Next in command)

Article XXV. Dragon Tamer (Water) Agua

Article XXVI. Dragon Tamer (Electric)

Article XXVII. Dragon Tamer (Fire) Blaze

Article XXVIII. Dragon Tamer (Steel) (Antagonist who will betray the Tamers)

Article XXIX. Dragon Tamer (Grass and plants) -Rookie Tamer- Violet

Article XXX. Origin Story

Section 30.01 The Dragon Tamers were once a race of peace living on a not so distant planet. When their planet was threatened with destruction by a nearby star going supernova, they were forced to abandon their home, and search for a new planet to settle on. They have heard of Earth, and determined it was suitable for them to settle, however, they needed to arrive in hiding, because at the time of their arrival, Earth is in a medieval time where anyone who appeared to be not normal was to be burned at the stake (better check history, may need to choose a different time frame of arrival)

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