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If Anyone Needs Professional Battlebacks, Please Lets us Know

and if you need the Battleback script, You'll need this script

to have different battlebacks.

So if your in a kitchen fighting then the Battleback

will show the kitchen....

If your in a cave then the Battleback

will be the cave....

Multiple battle backgrounds

1 map can have 80 battlebacks

if you have 80 battle processors


Look at the pictures and you will see

What I'm talking about.


A little Note: That is "Helius" on the right

from my new Game "Battle for the Spheres"


I hate when your walking in the woods (default games)

and then you hit a Battle area and the background picture

is Blurry or a different area like a castle or house view.

The background should be the Woods!!!


How do I add this Script/Resource to this Page


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post-17239-070238700 1294511839_thumb.jpg

Edited by GameFreak001

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You can submit a script here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_zoo&view=submission&layout=submission&Itemid=228


Surprised you didn't see that as its right beside the place you got that VX Script Archives link. I'll need to approve it myself though before you see it. If you submit a script then I'll PM you the link.


Just to confirm, you are talking about a script right? Your post is slightly confusing. If it is, then you should post these topics in the Scripts forum.

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I don't understand how the script works. Do we need to add pictures for battlebacks? Does the script automaticly make the battleback? Do the maps need certain names?

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Good Questions....Thankyou for responding.


You do need to make your Own "Battlebacks"

I just Offered to make them for anyone....


The best way in doing this...

First Make a Map/level and then add a battle processing somewhere on that map. Done.

Next you need 2 things the battleback script and "Picpick" http://picpick.wiziple.net/ they have a Demo Now

so you have to pay for it. I have a free full version to give. If anyone needs it.

Now on Picpick after you install it, it'll be down by Clock.

It'll look like a yellow circle with paint. right mouse button select screen capture

then fixed region set it to 544 x 416 then hit Ok... and then take a picture of your map without events on it.

So Please do the Battle processing first on the map...so you don't have to delete other events , cause you only can copy events once.


A little Note or Warning: if your map/level is 1220 x 900 Still set to 544 x 416 meaning only take a picture where you will battle.

WHY ==== thats the size of the screen in window mode "minus windows graphic at top"

it'll automatic stretch in full Screen.


Now put/save that picture as a "Img1.PNG" in C:\Documents and Settings\name\My Documents\RPGVX\your game\Graphics\Battlebacks

Make a folder named Battlebacks. Done.


Now you need the battleback Script......

See in the picture below, you have to name the pictures Img1, Img2, Img3, and so on.

So the script can find them in the battleback folder.

C:\Documents and Settings\name\My Documents\RPGVX\your game\Graphics\Battlebacks


For Now I'll post A free Picpick and the Battleback script on my Site.



Yes this topic was about a script and to show off my Battlebacks.

Yes I could of posted it in the Scripting area...Sorry about that.

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Edited by GameFreak001

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You shouldn't be giving away paid material for free. That's illegal.


Your Kidding me right!!! Is this a Church site...The Whole damn Internet is illegal.

And second of all when I got it, is was freeware


Here is the freeware version..http://download.cnet.com/PicPick/3000-2192_4-11654674.html

I wasn't giving people mine off my computer. I was giving them this link (Above)

and then they would know It was freeware


And yes I forgot to put this link http://download.cnet.com/PicPick/3000-2192_4-11654674.html in my Post Yesterday, at 01:37 PM Sorry.....

I posted this sentence wrong "I have a free full version to give. If anyone needs it"


Do new members get treated like this...I'm trying to help people.......

Edited by GameFreak001

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they have a Demo Now

so you have to pay for it. I have a free full version to give. If anyone needs it.

Your Kidding me right!!! Is this a Church site...The Whole damn Internet is illegal.
Do new members get treated like this...I'm trying to help people.......

Treated like what exactly? Just because "The Whole damn Internet is illegal", which its not, doesn't make it right, does it? Just to clear things up, we do not promote any illegal material on this site and you do not have permission to post anything illegal, or anything that leads to illegal downloads. We're not a church site, and since there may be members who find that comment offensive in relation to churches, that's inappropriate to say.


I know you're trying to help so its a shame to have to interrupt the topic like this, so lets get back on-topic now :)

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Good idea on getting back to the topic

I understand/obey the Rules on this site.

Lets squash this......

And make some Games.


Sorry for the "church" thing!!!




:clap: :clap: :alright:

Edited by GameFreak001

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