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Battle systems

Battle systems  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. which one do you think is more enjoyable to play?

    • Action/Real-time-based
    • Turn/Tactical-based

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What Type of battle system do you like in an RPG:

Action/Real-time-based(Fable series, Dragon Age, KH series, Infinite Undiscovery, FF12, etc)


Turn/Tactical-based(Final Fantasy, Last Remenet, etc)


If I had to pick, I would choose Action because i love fight in real-time then sitting their waiting for your turn to happen. Though they have active time battle system, FF12 seems to be the only one that had done it correctly to the point that it felt like a action game, while FF13 just ruined for me. One battle i hate the most though is the standard RMXP/VX battle system, because its just a picture of the enemy and then you see damage happen. BORING. Thankful people like Enu & Charlie Fleed created the Side-View battle system for the RMXP/VX or I would of stop making my game. Playing in real-time also feels like i'm actually playing the game and not just sitting their watching the fight. What do you guys to perfer?

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I liked the battle system in FF12. It was a mixture of both the battle systems, and it turned out great! It was fun too and never really got boring either. :biggrin_002:

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I have no bias over any categorized systems. I can play them all and love them. I do take likings to innovations within the battle systems, however.

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I have no bias over any categorized systems. I can play them all and love them. I do take likings to innovations within the battle systems, however.


True, as long as the game develpers are creative with it i don't mind. Like Last Remenent, that's turn-based but its very unique on how you can control multiple units in a tactical system using different moves and situations to win your battles. I like how Square-Enix's tryed something new and worked out great in my opinion.

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