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Help with something

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n.n; Since my partner on my other project is being dull about it atm, I was planning to make a game that I've been thinking of for awhile but I need help with a few things.


I want to know how to make plants grow, like ..if you put a seed in the ground...it takes a certain amount of time to grow it *If you can make it with Switches and stuff that'd be nice.


I was also thinking that now and again you can change channels on a TV and you get certain party members but when I do this I want them to keep their level/exp and so forth but don't know how to do that.


n_n if anyone can help me..i love you..

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With the plants growing, I can think of several ways to approach it. You could use the amount of game time to make the plants grow, or you could make it so that when the player enters or exits a map, one "time point" is increased, and the plants grow more with each time point gained.


As for the TV Channels, I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish. Be a bit more specific? TV in a game seems a bit odd.


And if you have trouble with managing party members, use this:






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or it could be timer based :-

every time you plant a seed a timer starts

when it ends, make a new event page with a plant sprite.

when you click it, add items +1 berry or whatever

and turn off the first switch to go back to the first page

hope that helped

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With the plants growing, I can think of several ways to approach it. You could use the amount of game time to make the plants grow, or you could make it so that when the player enters or exits a map, one "time point" is increased, and the plants grow more with each time point gained.


As for the TV Channels, I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish. Be a bit more specific? TV in a game seems a bit odd.


And if you have trouble with managing party members, use this:






there acutally IS a tv in pokemon xD it doesnt show pictures but it sure as heck is in there. ty btw


or it could be timer based :-

every time you plant a seed a timer starts

when it ends, make a new event page with a plant sprite.

when you click it, add items +1 berry or whatever

and turn off the first switch to go back to the first page

hope that helped

How would you do that with...xD with switches?

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