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need help with battlers


When i try to upload a picture of a monster to use as a battler, theres a big white square in the background. Im assuming this is probably a common problem, so im just curious as to how I get rid of it. On that note, how can I increase the size of the battler (for boss fights were I only need to see the upper half of the boss). Can someone help me? I'd appreciate it

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5 answers to this question

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When you add monsters make sure that image file you are using is a . Png file. Next when you import the file into rmxp/vx you will get a prompt for selecting transparency. Click the background of the monster and that will make it transparent. Remember that this will make all the areas on the graphic that are the same as the background colour transparent so make the background something crazy like neon green.


As for resizing monsters you could do it your self with a graphics program or go to websites that resize images but I wouldn't recommend it. It will most likely distort the image or make it really pixelated

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Select Battlers in your Materials Database:






Navigate to the Desired Battler Graphic:






Left click on the obvious background color (In my case, red; it may also be white. always click it even it looks like its already set). Right click on the obvious shadow color if applicable. (In my case there is now shadow color.)






Then use your battler. :3

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Select Battlers in your Materials Database:






Navigate to the Desired Battler Graphic:






Left click on the obvious background color (In my case, red; it may also be white. always click it even it looks like its already set). Right click on the obvious shadow color if applicable. (In my case there is now shadow color.)






Then use your battler. :3


ok when i try to do that, that screen of the battler doesnt pop up.


also, is there anyway to scale a picture down? some of my pics are too big to fit on screen :/

Edited by bluereaper75

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Well you are doing something wrong 'cause in my three years of RMXPing, its always worked. : /


As for scaling: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/tutorial/mspaint


SCroll down a bit. Or read the whole thing, there's some cool stuff. ^~^

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