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Kahrma system RMXP

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A simple tutorial on how to create a kharma system like in infamous or epic mickey.


Making a good/evil choice

Satrt by making a simple two choice event (EX: help someone find a lost item for a reward or just take from them) for each choice use a single variable to determine the kharma of your character, use positives for good and negatives for evil.


Changing the way people respond to the character

Make an event, let's say just a random person. Create a conditional branch and set it to say specific thing when the variable you used for the good/evil system. Depending on the current kharma, make the person say different things (EX: If he's evil make someone say, "What's wrong with you?".


Making a kharma meter

First make a few pictures(they don't need to be real fancy. Mine's just a circle with 4 blue wedges for good and 4 red wedges for evil) put the pictures in the matterial base and create a common event once again using the good/evil variable. Set the trigger to a switch.This part will need multiple conditional branches. Each branch should say "If variable is eqaul to XX then show picture X (X being the variable or picture.)


Changing character appearence

For this you need to edit the sprite of the charcter you're using and make one for good and one for evil. Put these in the characters folder in the matterial base. Next you need to make a common event similar to the one used for the meter only you need to set the result of the branch to change actor sprite to the ones you made.

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