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Pet following system

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I am looking for a script, that isn't a Caterpillar, that will allow for a "pet" we will say a dog for now to follow the actor around without the dog being in the actor's party of part of combat. The "pet" wouldn't have any effect other than following the actor around on screen. The script would also need to have a feature that would turn on and off the ability for the pet to follow the actor. If off the pet would simply no be displayed. Can anyone help me out?



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This shouldn't be too hard, but how to go about doing this would depend on a couple of things:

- How do you know the player has a pet (Item, Equipment, switch, etc.)?

- How many pets can you have/will be able to follow the player at most at any given time?

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Character could only have one pet and would pick it up through story play early in the game. There would have to be a way to hide the pet so when they player is in an area, like a dungeon, the pet wouldn't come in with them.


Special effects - - (Of course not actually needed)


- Player talk to pet and pat them pet would make noise and jump. << Show jumping graphic

- Pet would sit outside the entrance to places it couldn't go til player returned to that map. << Show sitting graphic

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