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Mini-games pack?

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I finally got around to finishing this!

Updated with more descriptive instructions.




First and foremost, You need to copy and paste the script above main.

To use this script, you must actually create a map, used for where the driving game will take place. To do this, simply create a map with the default width(there is no handling for scrolling wider maps) and whatever height you wish (the longer the map, the longer the mini-game will last)

Once you create this map, you will need to add %d to the map name, so that the script will know the player has been transferred to a driving map.

To better portray this here is a screenshot:




Once you have created this map, simply use any tileset to create what the course will look like. However, once that is finished you will need to manually place obstacles and health boosts on this map. To do so, I have set it up so you simply need to create an event, and use either &o or &h as its name. &o is for obstacles, and &h is for health boosts:



Obstacle event



Health boost event


And blam0, your driving map is set up. Now, to use this map correctly, you will need to create an event to send the player to this driving map, however there are a few things you need to do.

1) Store the map ID you wish to return to, the x co-ordinate, and the y co-ordinate all into separate variables (which variables to use, will depend on what you set them in the script, which I explain further down)

(You can store the current Map ID, player x and y coordinates into separate variables, however if you wish for the player to move to a new map when the game is over, you will have to manually set the values.)



If you open up map properties, this is the ID (so if 001, set the variable to 1, etc)



This is where you find the x and y coordinates of the current map, just select a tile (in event mode) and it will tell you x, y. Set x to the first value, y to the second value.


2) You will probably want to change the player to invisible so when they go to the driving map, the player is not seen there. I have added an opacity method to the player, so before transferring to the driving map call a script and write in


this will make the player invisible. Then when you transfer the player, make sure you place them at the very bottom of the driving map.



This is the event I set up for the demo.


And there you have it! All done.



At the beginning of the script there is a module called "Driving" this is all the configuration settings for the mini-game. I will explain each setting here better.


SPEED - This determines how fast the vehicle moves, to be more specific it is the number of pixels per frame when a directional key is being pressed. If you find the vehicle moving too slow, increase this value.


SCROLL_SPEED - This determines how fast the screen will scroll. Just like the vehicle, it is the number of pixels scrolled per frame.


GRAPHIC_NAME - This is the name of the file that holds the "vehicles" graphic...It actually uses character sets, so place the graphic in that folder, and put its filename (without the extension) here. Also, in case you we wondering it DOES handle character animation. Try putting this as an actual player sprite, and you will see the run the whole way!


GRAPHIC_HUE - This is the hue adjustment value for the graphic used. You probably won't need to change this at all, but if you'd like you can alter the colours in the graphic. 0 = original colour.


OBSTACLE_DAMAGE - This is how much damage is received when the player runs into an obstacle. The "max" hp for the vehicle is 100, so try not to set this too high (unless you wish to make it hard :D)


HEALTH_BOOST - This is how much health is recovered when the player picks up a health boost.


MAP_VAR_ID - This is the ID number of the variable that will be used to store the Map ID of the map the player will transfer to once the game is over. You will reuse the variables each time you have an instance of this game, but do not worry, you can set this value in the event editor each time if you want the player to return to a different map (Variable id is the number of the variable in the event editor, Variable 0001:'s ID is 1.)


X_VAR_ID - The ID number of the variable that will store the x-coordinate of the map you wish the player to be transferred to.


Y_VAR_ID - The ID number of the variable that will store the y-coordinate of the map you wish the player to be transferred to.


VICTORY_SWITCH_ID - The ID number of the switch that will hold whether the player won or lost the race. when ON, it means they won, when OFF they lost. You can use this to handle winning and losing events


COUNTDOWN_SE - Path/Name of sound effect each time the start timer counts down. If set to nil, no sound will play (as with any SE/ME, the sound will not play if set to nil)


START_SE - Path/Name of sound effect played the when GO is displayed


VICTORY_ME - Path/Name of music effect (ME) played when the player wins


LOSE_ME - Path/Name of music effect (ME) played when the player loses


OBSTACLE_SE - Path/Name of sound effect played the when player runs into an obstacle


HEALTH_SE - Path/Name of sound effect played the when player picks up a health boost


*NOTE: Whatever the map has as its BGM will be played during the race.





 * by kellessdee
 * This is a simple driving mini-game, you create a "Driving" map in the map
 * editor, and when the player is teleported to said map, the game begins.
 * To signify a driving mini-game, just change the name of the map
 * to include %d at the beginning.
 * There are 2 kinds of events that are used at this time in the game, 
 * Obstacles and Health recovery. To create these in the game, just add events
 * to the map and include &o (for obstacle) or &h (for health) in the event
 * name.
 * If you have any questions or need clarification on this script you can
 * contact me:
 * @ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/
 * or by e-mail: kellessdee@gmail.com
 * You will probably have better luck getting in contact with me @rmxpunlimited,
 * plus they are a very friendly and helpful rmxp community, so if you want
 * join up! 
 * You are free to do whatever you wish with this script as long as you give 
 * credit where due!
 * Thanks to LNER_fan for the car image!
 * The following module are the configuration settings for the mini-game,
 * each one is explained within the module.
module Driving
 # Speed of the vehicle, how many pixels are travelled when moving
 SPEED = 5 
 # How fast the screen scrolls per frame
 # Name of the file in character sets for vehicle
 GRAPHIC_NAME = 'shmuptestchar' 
 # Color adjustment of aformentioned file
 # How much damage is inflicted by the obstacles
 # How much health is recovered by health items
 # The ID of the variable that contains the map ID to go to after game is 
 # finished
 MAP_VAR_ID = 1 
 # ID of the variable for X coordinate to transfer player to on said map ID
 X_VAR_ID = 2
 # ID of the variable for X coordinate to transfer player to on said map ID
 Y_VAR_ID = 3
 # ID of the switch that holds whether the player won or lost the match
 # File name of sound during countdown. If set to nil, there will be no sound
 COUNTDOWN_SE = 'Audio/SE/002-System02'
 # File name of sound played when GO! is displayed
 START_SE = 'Audio/SE/014-Move02'
 # File name of ME when you win game
 VICTORY_ME = 'Audio/ME/004-Victory04'
 # File name of ME when you lose game
 LOSE_ME = 'Audio/ME/005-Defeat01'
 # File name of sound when you collide with obstacle
 OBSTACLE_SE = 'Audio/SE/104-Attack16'
 # File name of sound when you pick up health boost
 HEALTH_SE = 'Audio/SE/146-Support04'

# ** Game_Vehicle
#   Handles the vehicle in driving mini-game
class Game_Vehicle < RPG::Sprite
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader     :damage   # Remaining damage left on vehicle
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(viewport)
   self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(Driving::GRAPHIC_NAME, Driving::GRAPHIC_HUE)
   @h = self.bitmap.height / 4
   @w = self.bitmap.width / 4
   # Initialize graphic to facing UP
   self.src_rect = Rect.new(0, @h * 3, @w, @h)
   # Set up hit box
   self.ox = @w / 2
   self.oy = @h / 2
   # Set up Screen location
   self.x = 320
   self.y = 480 - @h
   # Initialize Animation frames
   @anim = 0
   @crashing = false
   @damage = 100
   @timer = 0
 # * Update Frame
 def update
   if @timer > 0
     @timer -= 1
   if @timer == 0 && @crashing
     @crashing = false
   # Increase animation frame
   @anim += 1
   if @anim == 16
     @anim = 0
   end # if
   # Check if user is moving vehicle
   case Input.dir8
   when 1  # Down Left
   when 2  # Down
   when 3  # Down Right
   when 4  # Left
   when 6  # Right
   when 7  # Up Left
   when 8  # Up
   when 9  # Up Right
   end # case
   # Update Animation frame
   # Check for obstacles/pick-ups
 end # update
 # * Update Animation Frame Graphic
 def update_animation
   # Check which Animation frame
   self.src_rect = Rect.new((@anim / 4) * @w, @h * 3, @w, @h)
 # * Check Vehicle Location
 def check_location
   # Check driving map's event at vehicle location
   x, y = get_map_x, get_map_y
   event = $game_map.get_event_name(x, y - 1)
   # if Obstacle
   if event.include?('&o') && !@crashing
     Audio.se_play(Driving::OBSTACLE_SE) unless Driving::OBSTACLE_SE == nil
     # damage vehicle
     @damage -= Driving::OBSTACLE_DAMAGE
     @crashing = true
     @timer = 10
   # if Health Boost
   elsif event.include?('&h')
     Audio.se_play(Driving::HEALTH_SE) unless Driving::HEALTH_SE == nil
     # heal vehicle
     @damage += Driving::HEALTH_BOOST
     if @damage > 100
       @damage = 100
     end # if
     $game_map.erase_event(x, y - 1)
   end # if
   event = $game_map.get_event_name(x, y + 1)
   # if Obstacle
   if event.include?('&o') && !@crashing
     Audio.se_play(Driving::OBSTACLE_SE) unless Driving::OBSTACLE_SE == nil
     # damage vehicle
     @damage -= Driving::OBSTACLE_DAMAGE
     @crashing = true
     @timer = 10
   # if Health Boost
   elsif event.include?('&h')
     Audio.se_play(Driving::HEALTH_SE) unless Driving::HEALTH_SE == nil
     # heal vehicle
     @damage += Driving::HEALTH_BOOST
     if @damage > 100
       @damage = 100
     end # if
     $game_map.erase_event(x, y + 1)
   end # if
   event = $game_map.get_event_name(x - 1, y)
   # if Obstacle
   if event.include?('&o') && !@crashing
     Audio.se_play(Driving::OBSTACLE_SE) unless Driving::OBSTACLE_SE == nil
     # damage vehicle
     @damage -= Driving::OBSTACLE_DAMAGE
     @crashing = true
     @timer = 10
   # if Health Boost
   elsif event.include?('&h')
     Audio.se_play(Driving::HEALTH_SE) unless Driving::HEALTH_SE == nil
     # heal vehicle
     @damage += Driving::HEALTH_BOOST
     if @damage > 100
       @damage = 100
     end # if
     $game_map.erase_event(x - 1, y)
   end # if
   event = $game_map.get_event_name(x + 1, y)
   # if Obstacle
   if event.include?('&o') && !@crashing
     Audio.se_play(Driving::OBSTACLE_SE) unless Driving::OBSTACLE_SE == nil
     # damage vehicle
     @damage -= Driving::OBSTACLE_DAMAGE
     @crashing = true
     @timer = 10
   # if Health Boost
   elsif event.include?('&h')
     Audio.se_play(Driving::HEALTH_SE) unless Driving::HEALTH_SE == nil
     # heal vehicle
     @damage += Driving::HEALTH_BOOST
     if @damage > 100
       @damage = 100
     end # if
     $game_map.erase_event(x + 1, y)
   end # if
 end # check_location
 # * Move Vehicle Up
 def move_up
   # If graphic is below very top of the screen
   if self.y - Driving::SPEED >= 0
     self.y -= Driving::SPEED
 # * Move Vehicle Down
 def move_down
   # If graphic is above bottom of the screen
   if self.y + Driving::SPEED <= 480
     self.y += Driving::SPEED
 end # move_down
 # * Move Vehicle Left
 def move_left
   # If graphic is right of left of the screen
   if self.x - Driving::SPEED >= 0
     self.x -= Driving::SPEED
 end # move_left
 # * Move Vehicle Right
 def move_right
   # If graphic is left of right of screen
   if self.x + Driving::SPEED <= 640
     self.x += Driving::SPEED
 end # move_right
 # * Get Map X
 def get_map_x
   # Convert Screen X into Map X 
   return (self.x + ($game_map.display_x / 4)) / 32
 end # get_map_x
 # * Get Map Y
 def get_map_y
   # Convert Screen Y into Map Y
   return (self.y + ($game_map.display_y / 4)) / 32
 end # get_map_y
end # Game_Vehicle
# ** Scene_Driving
#   This scene handles the driving mini-game
class Scene_Driving
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
   @victory = false
   @gameover = false
   @PREV_MAP_ID = $game_variables[Driving::MAP_VAR_ID]
   @PREV_MAP_X = $game_variables[Driving::X_VAR_ID]
   @PREV_MAP_Y = $game_variables[Driving::Y_VAR_ID]
 end # initialize
 # * Main Processsing
 def main
   # Draw Driving Course
   @course = Spriteset_Map.new
   # Create vehicle
   @vehicle = Game_Vehicle.new(@course.viewport1)
   # Create Screen display
   @fg = Sprite.new
   @fg.bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480)
   @fg.bitmap.font.size = 72
   @fg.bitmap.font.bold = true
   @fg.bitmap.font.italic = true
   # Create Driving Timer
   @timer = 160
   # Execute Transition
   # Starting loop
   loop do
     # Update Graphics
     # Update frame
     # if timer is finished, start Driving
     if @timer == 0
     end # if
   end # loop
   @fg.bitmap.font.size = 18
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)
   # Setup Health Bar / Progress Bar
   # Main loop
   loop do
     # Update Graphics
     # Update Input
     # Update frame
     # If game is over, finish drive
     if @gameover
     end # if
   end # loop
   @fg.bitmap.font.size = 72
   # Set timer
   @timer = 160
   # Finishing loop
   loop do
     # Update Graphics
     # Update finish
     if @victory
     # timer is finished leave scene
     if @timer == 0
   # Adjust WIN/LOSE switches
   $game_switches[Driving::VICTORY_SWITCH_ID] = @victory
   # Prepare transition
   # Change Map
   $game_player.moveto(@PREV_MAP_X, @PREV_MAP_Y)
   $scene = Scene_Map.new
   # Dispose graphics
 end # main
 # * Update drive
 def update_drive
   # Temporarily store vehicle hp
   hp = @vehicle.damage
   # Scroll Screen
   # Update Map
   # Update Vehicle
   # Check if hp has changed
   if hp != @vehicle.damage
   if $game_map.display_y == 0
     @gameover = true
     @victory = true
   end # if
 end # update_drive
 # * Update Start
 def update_start
   # Update Timer
   @timer -= 1
   case @timer
   when 159
   when 120..158
     @fg.opacity += 20
     unless Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE == nil
       Audio.se_play(Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE) if @timer == 155
   when 119
   when 80..118
     @fg.opacity += 20
     unless Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE == nil
       Audio.se_play(Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE) if @timer == 115
   when 79
   when 40..78
     @fg.opacity += 20
     unless Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE == nil
       Audio.se_play(Driving::COUNTDOWN_SE) if @timer == 75
   when 39
   when 0..38
     @fg.opacity += 20
     unless Driving::START_SE == nil
       Audio.se_play(Driving::START_SE) if @timer == 5
   end # case
 end # update_start
 # * Update Finish
 def update_finish
   # Update Timer
   @timer -= 1
   case @timer
   when 158..159
     Audio.me_play(Driving::VICTORY_ME) unless Driving::VICTORY_ME == nil
   when 0..157
     @fg.opacity += 10
   end # case
 end # update_finish
 # * Update Lose
 def update_lose
   # Update Timer
   @timer -= 1
   case @timer
   when 158..159
     Audio.me_play(Driving::LOSE_ME) unless Driving::LOSE_ME == nil
   when 0..157
     @fg.opacity += 5
   end # case
 # * Draw Info
 def draw_info(text)
   # Clear Bitmap
   # Make transparent
   @fg.opacity = 0
   # Get Center Screen location
   w = @fg.bitmap.text_size(text).width
   h = @fg.bitmap.text_size(text).height
   x = 320 - w / 2
   y = 240 - h / 2
   # Draw Black Outline
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x - 3, y - 3, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x + 3, y - 3, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x - 3, y + 3, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x + 3, y + 3, w, h, text, 1)
   # Draw White inner Outline
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x - 2, y - 2, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x + 2, y - 2, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x - 2, y + 2, w, h, text, 1)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x + 2, y + 2, w, h, text, 1)
   # Draw Orange Center
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(255, 100, 0, 255)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(x, y, w, h, text, 1)
 end # draw_info
 # * Update Health Display
 def update_health_display(health)
   # Draw bar
   @fg.bitmap.draw_gradient_bar(16, 16, 304, 12, health, 100, 
     Color.new(255, 0, 0, 255), Color.new(255, 75, 75, 255))
   # Draw Label
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(19, 1, 300, 16, 'Health')
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(21, 1, 300, 16, 'Health')
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(19, -1, 300, 16, 'Health')
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(21, -1, 300, 16, 'Health')
   @fg.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)
   @fg.bitmap.draw_text(20, 0, 300, 16, 'Health')
   # Check if health is 0
   if health <= 0
     @gameover = true
 end # update_health_display
end # Scene_Driving

# ** MODIFIED CLASSES ********************************************************

# ** Spriteset_Map
class Spriteset_Map
 # * Public Instance Variable
 attr_reader     :viewport1
end # Spriteset_Map
# ** Game_Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
 # * New Public Instance Variable
 attr_reader   :event
 attr_reader   :erased
end # Game_Event
# ** Scene_Map aliased to check if player is in driving mini-game map        #
class Scene_Map
 # * Alias Update
 alias driving_update update
 def update
   # If player is in a driving map, start driving
   if $game_map.is_driving?
     $scene = Scene_Driving.new
   end # if
 end # update
end # Scene_Map
# ** Game_Map additional methods                                             #
class Game_Map
 @@map_info = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata')
 # * Check if current map has '%d' characters in name, which notates a  
 # * driving map.
 def is_driving?(id=@map_id)
   name = @@map_info[id].name
   return name.include?('%d')
 end # is_driving?
 # * Get Event Name
 def get_event_name(x, y)
   for event in $game_map.events.values
     if event.x == x and event.y == y
       unless event.erased
         return event.event.name
 end # get_event_name
 # * Erase Event
 def erase_event(x, y)
   for event in $game_map.events.values
     if event.x == x and event.y == y
end # Game_Map
# ** Game_Player additional method                                           #
class Game_Player
 # * Set Opacity
 def set_opacity(opacity)
   @opacity = opacity
end # Game_Player
# * Bitmap class, added gradient bars
class Bitmap
 # * Draw Gradient Bar
 def draw_gradient_bar(x, y, width, height, min, max, start_color, end_color)
   # Colors
   black = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
   # Draw Bar back
   self.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, black)
   self.fill_rect(x - 1, y + 1, 1, height - 2, black)
   self.fill_rect(x + width, y + 1, 1, height - 2, black)
   # Get fill amount
   x += 3
   y += 3
   height -= 6
   width -= 6
   fill = (min.to_f / max) * width
   width = (width.to_f / fill) * 100
   dr = (end_color.red - start_color.red) / width.to_f
   dg = (end_color.green - start_color.green) / width.to_f
   db = (end_color.blue - start_color.blue) / width.to_f
   da = (end_color.alpha - start_color.alpha) / width.to_f
   (0...fill).each {|i|
     start_color.red += dr unless start_color.red + dr < 0
     start_color.green += dg unless start_color.green + dg < 0
     start_color.blue += db unless start_color.blue + db < 0
     start_color.alpha += da unless start_color.alpha + da < 0
     self.fill_rect(x + i, y, 1, height, start_color)



As usual, if you have any issues or questions or whatever, let me know :)








DISCLAIMER: Use however you wish! Use it in your game, learn from it, modify it, make it better, post it elsewhere! I don't really care what you do with it, as long as you give credit where necessary :) Also, if you do improve the script at all, if you don't mind sending me what you did or letting me check it out I would be very interested to see what someone may have done with it; or if you wish post your improved version in this topic! Most importantly, have fun with the script!

Edited by kellessdee

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I'd find it useful. Maybe a script for one of those old driving arcade games?



The player character is continuously moving forward, but can still maneuver (Like in Touhou and other shoot-em'-ups)


The player must dodge other objects on the road (other vehicles, pot-holes, etc.)


Thanks in advance!

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I believe there is a Mario Party game for the RPG Maker. I remember seeing videos of it on youtube. I think it is very possible. You may be able to do it without scripts, and use a lot of events.

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LNER fan's idea soudns really good. It can be used in different situations. I'm only not sure if this would be better if evented instead of scripted.


Thanks! I mentioned it because I need it for my project. It's going to be a major part of the game.

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@LNER fan: That sounds like a good challenge! but I think it can be done, do you think it would be nicer with a mode 7 style view or a top-down style?


@RATED-RKOFRANKLIN: Mario party rmxp? That sounds really cool, I wonder if it's still kicking around somewhere.


And about eventing vs. scripting although eventing these mini-games would probably hella easier and could do just as nice of a job, in my opinion scripts can be more efficient as well as it would be MUCH easier for others to plug and play into their games; it would be a matter of copying + pasting the scripts, then use an event to call the script.


But since this will be found useful I will start working on this, I was going to start with black jack or something, but since LNER fan wants the driving game specifically I will work on that first


Another question for anyone: would you guys rather I release each mini-game as I finish it, then compile them into a pack once they are finished? or should I just get them all finished then post the final pack?


EDIT: I have updated my original post to make a list of mini-games to be included, and will update if people post ideas, which I hope to get a lot (enough to release a nice-sized package...lol sounds dirty)

Edited by kellessdee

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Oh cool, for some reason I am not surprised. I will have to check it out (If i can at least make a more improved version; it will still be worth doing)

But thanks man :)

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Galaga actually sounds like a good idea :P


@joman I thought about the racing game, and decided that it would probably a lot easier and a lot more efficient (well for me anyways, I dunno if I am fluent enough with ruby to get an actual racing game moving smoothly...unless it was like a straight away/drag race, that would be easy enough. if you want me to put together an event based one though let me know!)

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Now that I think of it, the script you wrote for me could make a nice base for those two suggestions.

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It could work as a base, but the main issue with the racing game itself is that it depends on how in-depth the racing game is, with racing, you need to take in account acceleration, different terrain affecting speed, AI for other racers, turning corners, etc... I don't mean to say it couldn't be done; however a racing game that is actually worth making would be involving coding that is a little advanced for me and could get very resource heavy...A drag racing game may be more plausible; then one simply needs to worry about acceleration and a simple AI--but then the question is, how fast would one get bored of playing a simple drag race? Although, perhaps a chrono trigger style race would make more sense (but even then, how fun was the racing game in chrono trigger?)

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i still think it could be great, for example a medieval horse race with obstacles and competetors etc. would be great to see in action. If you want to take up this challenge, i'll cheer for you :alright:

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So I started to get working on the Galaga mini-game and I must say it has been fun to make so far! I have gotten movement, shooting, etc. done. I just need to code the enemies and their patterns and then that will be done :)


And I have decided on trying to put together a more simple racing game, Similar to the driving game except instead of being damaged you get stopped, and there are opponents to race, and screen is not constantly moving.




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So I started to get working on the Galaga mini-game and I must say it has been fun to make so far! I have gotten movement, shooting, etc. done. I just need to code the enemies and their patterns and then that will be done :)


And I have decided on trying to put together a more simple racing game, Similar to the driving game except instead of being damaged you get stopped, and there are opponents to race, and screen is not constantly moving.




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Your work looks great, man! Too bad i don't see many people posting in this thread at the moment, but I for sure am following your work and i'll be more than happy when these get released :)

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You definitely rekindled my interest, I will put my current menu script project aside for at least long enough to finish galaga! I am sorry if anyone else was looking forward to these, but shame on you for not pestering me to finish them! (seriously, guys, bug me, I know i make it sound like it annoys me, but seriously it helps me stick to my projects!)

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Excellent do what ever you can! Well, if my buddy doesn't get a hold of me soon, I will be assuming I am staying in for the night. And Despite having no sleep the bit of wine i had seemed to rejuvenate me so if nothing pans out i will be working on galaga


EDIT: I think I have decided that once I complete and release galaga, I am gonna stop this project. I sincerely apologize if anyone was looking forward to the full project release. LNERFan, of course if you still need any help or support with the driving script I will help ya out (and I do plan on finishing that up and releasing it at some point) but I just realized that I am too much of an RPG whore to to this mini-game stuff (although galaga is gonna be pretty fun)


I just have so many project ideas I want to move onto and I hate to break this, but I just can't find the motivation.

Edited by kellessdee

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I think these script will be really useful for me and the others. I really want the Driving Mini Game and Galaga one, but if you don't mind may I give an idea?



I really want a guitar hero or stepmania minigame script.



EDIT : Eh, what? Are you going to stop the project? *sob*

Oh okay, guess I'll cancel my request above

Edited by someoneyouknow

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Thanks joman, I had a feeling it was gonna happen I was starting to get bored with it, and it just didn't seem as helpful as I originally thought.


@someoneyouknow: The driving mini-game and galaga will be released. I am not going to be finishing this pack, well not at this point maybe i will continue it in the future. However you can request a script if you want, but I can't make any promises on when it will get done.

But you can still suggest one if you'd like

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I really want the Driving Mini Game


I have it. If he's okay with it I could send it to you.


I really want a guitar hero or stepmania minigame script.


YESSSSSS to the guitar hero one, but what buttons would you use? How would you make charts?

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@LNER fan yeah man of course you can send it off :) and oh yeah do you still need it set up to read the switch to see if you get game over or not?


That kind of game would actually be relatively easy to make, but like you said LNER fan the difficulty would lay in setting up the charts. It would probably be best to set it up with the arrow-keys and make it like DDR. But the charts would either have to be compiled in image files that just scroll - but then the timing would probably be off. The best way would be to generate an arrow at a time and pre-program the charts. Which would be difficult unless you were good at making those kind of charts AND was able to script (I would be no good at making charts that fit the song) HOWEVER, once upon a time I played an RPG maker 2000/3 game that was basically dance dance revolution, and worked pretty good. So, eventing may actually be easier for this.

Edited by kellessdee

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I hate to double post, but I'd like to show you guys my current progress




I need to fix the points (it seems like you get points if you shoot a dead enemy fast enough, i will fix this) and I realize now, the invincibility time for the player is too long


Also, there is sound + music, but it never got picked up :( I guess now camstudio is acting up for me too lol


But i have decided to make the game like this: each "round" there is a set of enemies of 1 type. The next round it's a new type and the enemies are stronger, once you beat 10 rounds it resets and enemies get faster. So it will be purely arcade! Is everyone cool with that?




here's a little demo. I went and made the mistake of scripting when I should be sleeping...but I am beginning to worry that this mini-game is gonna lag like hell. I have a decent cpu and ram..so if you guys don't mind trying this out and letting me know what the lag levels are like.

NOTE: you cannot "die" yet...you will run out of lives but thats it, you still get to play

Just if you guys could let me know if you experience any lag, and if you don't mind letting me know what your current specs are...also of course if you find any bugs let me know as well

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thanks man! I am hoping it doesn't lag...however I may be able to reduce lag by reducing either the amount of on screen enemies and on screen lasers..and I could theoretically make the background not scroll to reduce lag as well

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