Ok, so I have a specific problem and a general question.
I'm going to take a look at the different tutorials here in the tutorials subforum, but I wanted to ask if there is a tutorial that involves you making a game as you move through the tutorial? The reason I have trouble with most tutorials is that they teach me how to do some things but I have difficulty applying it. Anyway, if there's a tutorial like that, please direct me to it. If there isn't one, then maybe I threw out an idea someone can use.
Now for the specific problem:
We're working on a version of pokemon essentials. The problem is that when you defeat an enemy pokemon, while every pokemon that fights against the enemy will gain exp and increase in levels, only the pokemon that you have out when you defeat the enemy will learn new moves. The pokemon in your party can still level up, but will not learn new moves. The problem appears to be that the code looks for the pokemon that is currently out, and ignores pokemon in the player's party.
Here's the code:
def pbLearnMove(pkmnIndex,move) pokemon=@party1[pkmnIndex] return if !pokemon pkmnname=pokemon.name battler=pbFindPlayerBattler(pkmnIndex) movename=PBMoves.getName(move) for i in 0..3 if pokemon.moves[i].id==move return end if pokemon.moves[i].id==0 pokemon.moves[i]=PBMove.new(move) battler.moves[i]=PokeBattle_Move.pbFromPBMove(self,pokemon.moves[i]) if battler pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} learned {2}!",pkmnname,movename)) return end end loop do pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} is trying to learn {2}.",pkmnname,movename)) #Replaces current/total PP pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("But {1} can't learn more than four moves.",pkmnname)) if pbDisplayConfirm(_INTL("Delete a move to make room for {1}?",movename)) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("Which move should be forgotten?")) forgetmove=@scene.pbForgetMove(pokemon,move) if forgetmove >=0 oldmovename=PBMoves.getName(pokemon.moves[forgetmove].id) pokemon.moves[forgetmove]=PBMove.new(move)#Replaces current/total PP battler.moves[forgetmove]=PokeBattle_Move.pbFromPBMove(self,pokemon.moves[forgetmove]) if battler pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("1, 2, and... ... ...")) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("Poof!")) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} forgot {2}.",pkmnname,oldmovename)) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("And...")) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} learned {2}!",pkmnname,movename)) return elsif pbDisplayConfirm(_INTL("Should {1} stop learning {2}?",pkmnname,movename)) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} did not learn {2}.",pkmnname,movename)) return end elsif pbDisplayConfirm(_INTL("Should {1} stop learning {2}?",pkmnname,movename)) pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} did not learn {2}.",pkmnname,movename)) return end end end def pbGainEXP return if !@internalbattle successbegin=true for i in 0..3 # Not ordered by priority if !@doublebattle && pbIsDoubleBattler?(i) @battlers[i].participants=[] next end if pbIsOpposing?(i) && @battlers[i].participants.length>0 && @battlers[i].hp<=0 dexdata=pbOpenDexData battlerSpecies=@battlers[i].species # Current species, not original species; also using R/S base EXP pbDexDataOffset(dexdata,battlerSpecies,17) baseexp=dexdata.fgetb level=@battlers[i].level dexdata.close # First count the number of participants partic=0 expshare=0 for j in @battlers[i].participants @participants[j]=true # Add participant to global list end for j in @battlers[i].participants next if !@party1[j] || !pbIsOwner?(0,j) partic+=1 if @party1[j].hp>0 && !@party1[j].egg? end for j in 0..@party1.length-1 next if !@party1[j] || !pbIsOwner?(0,j) expshare+=1 if @party1[j].hp>0 && !@party1[j].egg? && isConst?(@party1[j].item,PBItems,:EXPSHARE) end # Now calculate EXP for the participants if partic>0 if !@opponent && successbegin && pbAllFainted?(@party2) @scene.pbWildBattleSuccess successbegin=false end for j in 0..@party1.length-1 thispoke=@party1[j] next if !@party1[j] || !pbIsOwner?(0,j) ispartic=0 level=@battlers[i].level haveexpshare=(isConst?(thispoke.item,PBItems,:EXPSHARE)) ? 1 : 0 for k in @battlers[i].participants ispartic=1 if k==j end if thispoke.hp>0 && !thispoke.egg? exp=0 if expshare>0 exp=((level*baseexp/7).floor/2).floor exp=(exp/partic).floor*ispartic+(exp/expshare).floor*haveexpshare elsif ispartic==1 exp=((level*baseexp/7).floor/partic).floor end isOutsider=(thispoke.trainerID!=self.pbPlayer.id || (thispoke.language!=0 && thispoke.language!=self.pbPlayer.language)) exp=(exp*3/2).floor if @opponent exp=(exp*3/2).floor if isOutsider exp=(exp*3/2).floor if isConst?(thispoke.item,PBItems,:LUCKYEGG) growthrate=thispoke.growthrate newexp=PBExperience.pbAddExperience(thispoke.exp,exp,growthrate) exp=newexp-thispoke.exp; if exp > 0 if isOutsider pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} gained a boosted\r\n{2} Exp. Points!",thispoke.name,exp)) else pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} gained\r\n{2} Exp. Points!",thispoke.name,exp)) end #Gain effort value points, using RS effort values totalev=0 for k in 0..5 totalev+=thispoke.ev[k] end dexdata=pbOpenDexData pbDexDataOffset(dexdata,battlerSpecies,23) for k in 0..5 evgain=dexdata.fgetb if isConst?(thispoke.item,PBItems,:MACHOBRACE) evgain*=2 end if evgain>0 # Can't exceed overall limit if totalev+evgain>510 # Bug Fix: must use "-=" instead of "=" evgain-=totalev+evgain-510 end # Can't exceed stat limit if thispoke.ev[k]+evgain>255 # Bug Fix: must use "-=" instead of "=" evgain-=thispoke.ev[k]+evgain-255 end # Add EV gain thispoke.ev[k]+=evgain if thispoke.ev[k]>255 print "Single-stat EV limit 255 exceeded.\r\nStat: #{k} EV gain: #{evgain} EVs: #{thispoke.ev.inspect}" thispoke.ev[k]=255 end totalev+=evgain if totalev>510 print "EV limit 510 exceeded.\r\nTotal EVs: #{totalev} EV gain: #{evgain} EVs: #{thispoke.ev.inspect}" end end end newlevel=PBExperience.pbGetLevelFromExperience(newexp,growthrate) tempexp=0 curlevel=thispoke.level thisPokeSpecies=thispoke.species if newlevel<curlevel debuginfo="#{thispoke.name}: #{thispoke.level}/#{newlevel} | #{thispoke.exp}/#{newexp} | gain: #{exp}" raise RuntimeError.new( _INTL("The new level ({1}) is less than the Pokémon's\r\ncurrent level ({2}), which shouldn't happen.\r\n[Debug: {3}]", newlevel,curlevel,debuginfo)) return end if thispoke.respond_to?("isShadow?") && thispoke.isShadow? thispoke.exp+=exp else tempexp1=thispoke.exp tempexp2=0 # Find battler battler=pbFindPlayerBattler(j) loop do #EXP Bar animation startexp=PBExperience.pbGetStartExperience(curlevel,growthrate) endexp=PBExperience.pbGetStartExperience(curlevel+1,growthrate) tempexp2=(endexp<newexp) ? endexp : newexp thispoke.exp=tempexp2 @scene.pbEXPBar(thispoke,battler,startexp,endexp,tempexp1,tempexp2) tempexp1=tempexp2 curlevel+=1 break if curlevel>newlevel oldtotalhp=thispoke.totalhp oldattack=thispoke.attack olddefense=thispoke.defense oldspeed=thispoke.speed oldspatk=thispoke.spatk oldspdef=thispoke.spdef thispoke.calcStats battler.pbUpdate if battler @scene.pbRefresh if battler.pokemon && @internalbattle battler.pokemon.happiness+=2 battler.pokemon.happiness=255 if battler.pokemon.happiness>255 end pbDisplayPaused(_INTL("{1} grew to Level {2}!",thispoke.name,curlevel)) @scene.pbLevelUp(thispoke,battler,oldtotalhp,oldattack, olddefense,oldspeed,oldspatk,oldspdef) # Finding all moves learned at this level atkdata=pbRgssOpen("Data/attacksRS.dat","rb") offset=atkdata.getOffset(thisPokeSpecies-1) length=atkdata.getLength(thisPokeSpecies-1)>>1 atkdata.pos=offset for k in 0..length-1 atklevel=atkdata.fgetw move=atkdata.fgetw if atklevel==thispoke.level # Learned a new move pbLearnMove(j,move) end end atkdata.close end end end end end end # Now clear the participants array @battlers[i].participants=[] end end en
Ok, so I have a specific problem and a general question.
I'm going to take a look at the different tutorials here in the tutorials subforum, but I wanted to ask if there is a tutorial that involves you making a game as you move through the tutorial? The reason I have trouble with most tutorials is that they teach me how to do some things but I have difficulty applying it. Anyway, if there's a tutorial like that, please direct me to it. If there isn't one, then maybe I threw out an idea someone can use.
Now for the specific problem:
We're working on a version of pokemon essentials. The problem is that when you defeat an enemy pokemon, while every pokemon that fights against the enemy will gain exp and increase in levels, only the pokemon that you have out when you defeat the enemy will learn new moves. The pokemon in your party can still level up, but will not learn new moves. The problem appears to be that the code looks for the pokemon that is currently out, and ignores pokemon in the player's party.
Here's the code:
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