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I will need 3 testers.

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Ok, in about 3-5 weeks, I will need at minimum 3 testers. (Sorry, DD and Marked, you cannot test it. This is same for anyone else involved in the project comp at RmXP Ultimate.) These testers need to travel among a great journey. Their task: Explore a vast world without interuptions. This means, all events, scripts, etc. have been blocked out minus the actual maps and teleport events. I just need some opinions about it.


Anyway, If you are interested, let me know. I can assure you, it will be worth the walk. Heh heh heh...

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So pretty much were just walking the maps? If so i would love to test!! When exactly is the test date starting?

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not for a while, I still have 48(47) to make, but i have already done 62% of the maps, so it should take 3-5 weeks, but when done, i'll pm you a copy.

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It isnt too late. I still have about a week (or possibly less) before it will be done.

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Nothing as of yet, mainly because of secrecy and the lack of the option for a demo. This game is pretty much an 'all or nothing' type game. No way to really compile a demo. As for characters, well... I am still working on them. Much more ground to cover, including the finding of sprites.

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thanks. I am about 17% done with this project overall, and hope it will be complete.

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The more the merrier. With 125 maps to explore, you guys are sure to have fun.

Just remember, the menu and most events are disabled, to keep the suspense built up. I do think, however, I'll leave in the weather variable, to see how you guys react.

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Ok, an update on the progress:


I have only 13 maps to go, then i have to rig up the teleport events, which are cake. if I stay on task and work tomorrow all day, it should be done by friday. if not, then some time next week. But, this is getting closer, and even I will be testing. Trust me, it will be a real challenge.

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Good job I can't wait to test it thought I might not get to 'cuz of me movin'. :(

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All right, boys! Line up! Send me a PM, and I'll send you what needs to be tested. Two Notes:

  • Use 'Z' or 'Shift' to run.
  • if you play excessively in one session, you will notice the weather change, and even time change.

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*bump* I need this tested by many people, becuase no one person can find everything.

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I think everyone should test this out. The mapping is incredible. Leon really pulled this one off and I'm wowed. So ask Leon for a copy of the demo.

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For all of those who tested this, how was it? I am eager to know how it turned out.

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It was good! I say very little mess ups in the mapping but there are so many maps i cant tell u exactly which ones have errors. Its just great!!!

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Well, now i have to write a couple new scripts, including an idea for a battle system, other than the default and doesnt take too much artwork.

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Well, i have an edit of the default battle system, and it is pretty cool, from what I hear.

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