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Noob Saibot

The need of a URL---Gamefreak001

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RMXP Unlimited,


I apologize for bring up old stuff, but I had something to say about the topic the QUOTE below is from. So please keep it on topic and clean...



This just seems very unproffesional to me. I wouldn't enjoy being on a forum with an admin who gets mad swiftly and can't handle critism. I'm not saying you don't, only that you don't seem to. I'm not trying to offend you, I'm telling you what you should work on if you want to make a good site (In my opinion). It also seems to me that you lack dedication :P You should really buy a real domain name.


You mean 'unprofessional' and 'criticism.'


I read the topic in full and I have but one thing to say to all who posted in it, "Its not what you say it's how you say it and how the reader reads it." Where you may think you are not being offensive, the reader (through your grammar and viewing your others posts) can take what you call criticism and find your emotion in side the words you have written.


Further more Valdred a .com (.org or .net) is not needed to make a site successful. It is the PERSON who creates the site that will ultimately decide the fate of his or her own site. Lets look at RMXP Underground, which started on a Free Forum service known as Invision Plus. Now this free forum used IPB 1.3 and sub-domain: yourname.invisionplus.com. Now RMXPU (for short as it was commonly called) went from a simple forum on a free forum service to an Iconic Site that for some time rivaled even rmxp.net (later rmxp.org). The creator HeavenToStone (old user name; not me) showed dedication even on his free forum and managed to get a lot of people looking. It was not for a year or two until he got a .com (and later changed it to a .net) URL, but even before that his community was successful and had an abundant amount of visitors and members. The site was up for about 4-5.5 years before the owner became board with RMXP and closed the site and left the communities. Point being it's not the URL that makes a site or community it is the founder/owner.


OFF TOPIC GameFreak-001


I ask that no one reply to my comment here (below). If you need to, please just PM me.






I know you said you would not return, but even to this day I visit sites I said I would not return to.


You remind me of myself a few years ago. Quick to judge and execute. And I tell you leaving is not the answer as it doesn't solve any problems. I have learned it is best to ignore people (this has helped me a lot from getting banned from sites). Instead of arguing your point with them (because in their eyes you are never right any way) ignore them and only reply back to the POSTS that you feel are helpful. You will seem far more dedicated and mature if you ignore those responses that boil your blood. Sometimes I don't even reply right away. I may go away for an hour and than come back and reread it in a calm way and most of the time I find my original thoughts where mistaken in the intent of the poster/replyer.


You have the right to leave if you wish, but sometimes it's best to be the bigger person and solve the problem instead of runing from it.



Kage Kazumi






Kage Kazumi

Edited by Kage Kazumi

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Lol, if you corrected all of my typos Kage Kazumi, you would have a task cut out for you.


I agree with you about the domain, but I think there are many variables to success. Fortunately, I was also apart of RMXP Underground and knew the admin. By the way, who is HeavenToStone? I believe the creator was Constance.


Constance was a popular admin, and they had some well known scripters as staff. Notably SephirothSpawn and Shadow Wolf (who I actually went to same the uni with :P ). Yeah, he knew how to run a site. Those were certainly the good days.


In general however, a domain vs no domain, the domain is going to prevail because some people care about that. It is in indication of the quality of the site, that's just basic economics. If the admin is paying money to run their site, doesn't that show a higher level of organization/professionalism? Your site can be successful without a domain name, just perhaps more so with one.


Also perhaps you message to GameFreak-001 was better suited for a PM. That topic... it's just disappointing to see.

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