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Gold Window and Battle Menu Edit

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First off is a little question: Can I make the gold window pop up in the bottom left corner every time gold is added for a set amount of time?

Secondly, I have renamed "Skills" to "Techniques" but Magic isn't classed as a Technique so I need a way to have the Techniques menu named "Magic" for the main character.




EDIT: And how do I stop Zeriab's Questbook from turning the last line of text yellow and centring it?

Edited by Tenoukii

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Since these are a couple really easy requests:




# Change Gold Modification
# by kellessdee

class Interpreter
 # * Change Gold
 def command_125
   # Get value to operate
   value = operate_value(@parameters[0], @parameters[1], @parameters[2])
   # Create Gold Window
   gold_held = Window_Gold.new
   gold_held.y = 416
   # Wait 30 frames
   30.times { Graphics.update }
   # Get values
   v = value < 0 ? -1 : 1
   # Loop through amount in change
   until value == 0
     value -= v
     if Input.trigger?(Input::C) || Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   # Wait 30 frames
   30.times { Graphics.update }
   # Dispose gold window
   # Update Input to not cause any accidental triggers
   # Continue
   return true


Just paste that somewhere AFTER the interpreters...so above main would be fine :D


As for the technique/magic thingy are you referring to within combat or the menu? If within combat, I can work on that with the script I am working on for ya atm.


AND for zeriab's questbook, it will require a little bit of editing but I will walk you through it.


Step 1:

Head over to the script titled "Window_Questbook_Info" and find line 55


Step 2:

Line 55-64 are the only lines you need to look at, they should look like this:

     # Sets the text color to yellow
     self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
     # Only prints the last info if there actually are something to print
     if info[-1].is_a?(String)
       text = info[-1].dup
       text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
       # The last line of the info (if any is present) is consider as the
       # goal and positioned a bit different, centered and drawn in yellow.
       self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1)
     end # if


To change the colour to normal colour, either delete or comment out (with # sign) line 56.

Line 56:

self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)

so either delete this line or put a # in front of it.


To change the line's alignment, head to line 63:

self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1)


the last parameter (the '1') represents the center alignment, so if you want it left aligned, change that line to:

self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text)

the 1 is omitted as draw_text is defaulted to left aligned and it is not necessary to put anything in there.


Hope this helps :D

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Awesome =)

And that would be in both combat and the menu... But it's nothing major, it can wait a while since there's quite a few little things in the menu that I'd like to switch up a bit (mainly the orders of things, and a couple of things taken out, a couple of things added) =P

For some reason, I thought I figured out how to put stuff in the Important section (I thought it was Consumable = No) but when I do that, it still puts them in the consumable menu :S


Another minor problem with the quest book... When the quest has been completed, it moves it to another screen instead of the main one. Is there a way to make them stay on that main screen?

Edited by Tenoukii

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XD I totally forgot about that, and it's a total derp on my part, I thought I had mentioned in the instructions but I think I forgot.


To make items important, it has to be consumable = NO AND occasion = NEVER.

So basically items that CANNOT be used at all.

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Ahh okay... Is there a way to make it so it's only Consumable = No?

I want put items that link to common events which call the Book Script, Skill Tree (When that gets fixed properly xD) and a Weapon Attachments thing (if I can find a decent one) temporarily until I can get stuff like that built into the menu so the scenes all look the same (like the Equip screen :D )

Thanks :D



And any ideas as to why I'm getting this error on MicKo's Skill Tree?

Line 860: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method 'size' for nil:NilClass

Line 860:

    @item_max         = SkillTree::SKILLS_ROWS[@actor_id].size

Edited by Tenoukii

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