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Custom Message Box Request

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I realize that with all the lovely features I have been updating, I need to start thinking of the rest of the game and getting it up to the same point of quality. Most games these days have very wonderful pictures that are used to glorify the message boxes.


So what I am currently in need of is an artist who can design a lovely fantasy/beginning of a steam-punk era message box for my game. Especially since I noticed a lot of window skins really do not look that great in game. No matter their quality, when you are using custom pictures, faces or animated faces... they do not look as good as they could.


And as a reference of basically what I mean: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rUu3Rkhcslg/TTRsGVuezhI/AAAAAAAAAKw/YKYkUbAl23E/s1600/neoscreen1.jpg that is, as far as what I mean by custom message box (in picture form, not design wise).


Current message box (using window skin): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/571/screenshot006field01.png/


So, as you can see, I am using animated faces along with the name of the character currently talking up top. So this needs to be incorporated into the design. Keep in mind, I can change the side in which the name appears. So you do not need to build it around what you see completely. But keep in mind these features. As far as building it for animated faces, you can do something like this: http://resource.mmgn.com/Games/PSP/large/Ys-Seven-5.jpg or something like this, in which it is built for in case there isn't a face: http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/Ys_Oath_in_Felghana_PSP/ss-005.jpg.


Hmm... I think that about sums it up. But if there are any questions or anything I cloud be more clear on, than ask away!


And just in case you want more information my Project: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6118-dies-irae-phantatiom-elements-demo-up-2711/


Thanks for any and all help!


Edited by zankokunoyami

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