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Damaging and Healing Floors

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Ok, so this script basically makes it so some floors can heal or damage the player's actors as you please. This actually makes use of Terrain Tags, too. Anyway, the instructions are in the script:


#  Damaging and Healing Floors
#  Features:
#  -Heals/Damages the actors if they step on certain tiles.
#  -Customizable amount of heal/damage.
#  -Can be based on either percentage or a fixed rate.
#  Instructions:
#  -Place this script above Main, but below all other default scripts.
#  -Change the damage and heal tags to different numbers. By default
#	 the are 1 for damage, 2 for heal.
#  -On your tilesets, go into the 'terrain' tag, and set all damage floor's
#	 terrain number equal to the one set in the script for damage, and
#	 do the same for any healing floors.

#  Module
module Terrain_Tag_Setup
 #  Percentage = 
 #  When true, takes away a percentage rather than a fixed amount.
 Percentage = true
 #  Damage_Amount = 
 #  How much is taken away from each step.  If Percentange = true
 #  It will remove that percent.
 Damage_Amount = 10
 #  Heal_Amount = 
 #  How much is taken away from each step.  If Percentange = true
 #  It will remove that percent.
 Heal_Amount = 10
 #  Kill = 
 #  if true, damage floors can kill players.
 Kill = false
 #  Damage_Tag = 
 #  The tag number that damages the player.
 Damage_Tag = 1
 #  Heal_Tag = 
 #  The tag number that heals the player.
 Heal_Tag = 2

#  * Scene_Map
class Scene_Map

 alias leon_gamecharacter_moving_tt update

 def update
tts = Terrain_Tag_Setup
if $game_map.terrain_tag($game_player.x, $game_player.y) == tts::Damage_Tag
  if $moved == true
	@counter = 0
	$game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(200, 0, 0, 190), 15)
	Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/117-Fire01", 80, 130)
	for actor in $game_party.actors
	  if (actor.hp - tts::Damage_Amount) < 1
		actor.hp = 1
		$moved = false
		amt = tts::Damage_Amount
		if tts::Percentage == true
		  amt = amt * 0.01 * actor.maxhp
		  amt = amt.round
		actor.hp -= amt
		if tts::Kill == false and actor.hp == 0
		  actor.hp = 1
		  if actor.hp == 0
			@counter += 1
		if @counter == $game_party.actors.size
		  $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
	$moved = false
if $game_map.terrain_tag($game_player.x, $game_player.y) == tts::Heal_Tag
  if $moved == true
	$game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(0, 200, 200, 190), 15)
	Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/105-Heal01", 80, 130)
	for actor in $game_party.actors
	  amt = tts::Heal_Amount
	  if tts::Percentage == true
		amt = amt * 0.01 * actor.maxhp
		amt = amt.round
	  actor.hp += amt
	$moved = false

#  * Game_Player
class Game_Player < Game_Character

 alias leon_gameactor_update_tt update

 def update
unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
	   @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing
   case Input.dir4
  when 2
	$moved = true
  when 4
	$moved = true
  when 6
	$moved = true
  when 8
	$moved = true

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The contest made me realize there is more to mapping than just graphics. When you go outside, there is more than just sight. There is sounds, things moving, noises, and even things that hurt when touched. :D

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Very nice script, Leon. I'll be sure to add all three of your new additions to the list when I update next.

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