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Python: Krestek

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Hey guys! This is just a little project I've been working on called Krestek. It's a Text Based Adventure Game made with Python. I probably won't be releasing the game to the public but might be finishing it. It is basically for my own scripting needs to "enhance" them. But, I was wondering if someone could look at the code and give me your opinion on it, like, if there's a simpler way to do something. So here it is, it kind of cuts off story wise, I did this like in an hour and a half last night:



print ('You enter a dark room. A torch illuminates two doors. Which door will you enter? 1 or 2?')
door = raw_input('>> ')

if door == "1":
   print ('You enter the first door. A pistol sits upon the cold tile of the room. What shall you do? Press 1 to leave or 2 to pick pistol up.')

   pistol = raw_input('>> ')

   if pistol == "2":
       print ('You take the gun. It is cold to the touch. You leave the room to find a mysterious soldier pointing his gun at you. What shall you do? Press 1 to shoot or press 2 to stare him down')
   soldier = raw_input('>> ')

   if soldier == "1":
       print ('You shoot and hit the head, splattering blood on the nearby wall. One hallway is in front of you, you have no choice but to take it. You leave and come upon two guards with their backs to you. Press 1 to shoot both. Press 2 to stealthy take them down.')

       guards = raw_input('>> ')

       if guards == "1":
           print ('The first guard goes down no problem with a bullet to the head but the second goes down with a fight. He kicks your gun to the floor and slams you against the wall. Press 1 to fight back or 2 to do nothing.')

           fight = raw_input('>> ')

           if fight == "1":
               print ('You knee the guard and he slams back into the wall behind him. You pick your gun up and shoot him. Your done here.')

           if fight =="2":
               print ('You stupidly let the guard choke you to death. What did you think was going to happen. Youre dead. GAME OVER.')

   if guards == "2":
         print ('You stealthly take the guards down: the left guards head into the wall and a kick to the back of the leg for the other guard. You push him into the wall and hes knocked out. You dont waste time to kill him. There is a large door in front of you. Some yelling can be heard from the room inside. You decide to gon in because theres nothing else to do. A sign reading KRESTEK hangs on the wall in front of you and two men stand, watching you.')

   if soldier == "2":
       print ('You waited to long and the soldier shot you. Youre dead. GAME OVER.')

   elif pistol == "1":
       print ('You leave the room only to be shot by a mysterious soldier and bleed out. Youre dead. GAME OVER.')

if door == "2":
   print ('You enter the second door only to find a whole mob of soldiers gun you down. Youre dead. GAME OVER.')



Thanks everyone!

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