ForeverZer0 44 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 Advanced Title Screen Authors: ForeverZer0 Version: 2.0 Type: Title Add-On Introduction This system will allow you alter the title screen and add some different effects that are not normally available. Features Animated Title Different loop types Easy display of picture on screen and/or over animation Random Title Screen each load Transition Effect on loading saved games Weather/Fog Effects BGS and SFX Easy scene linking Add text to window Screenshots Attempt at catching full animation in three screenshots. You'll get the idea, though. Demo I used low quality graphics for the demo to keep the filesize down, but you can still see what it is capable of. Demo Link Script #:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: # Zer0 Advanced Title # Author: ForeverZer0 # Version: 2.0 # Date: 10.03.2010 #:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: # Version History #:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: # Version 1.0 (3.14.2010) # - Original write # # Version 1.1 (3.18.2010) # - Fixed a bug that would crash the game if you tried to return to the Title # Screen from the load screen when using the Load Transition. # # Version 1.2 (3.21.2010) # - Added a part to pre-cache all the bitmaps before the animation begins, # which should drastically reduce the possibility of lagging. # # Version 2.0 (10.03.2010) # - Totally re-written from scratch. # - Eliminated the unprofessional 'flicker' that would occur if the database # had an image defined for the title graphic. # - Improved performance, compatibility, overview, and configurability. # - Added Features: # - More options to how animations operate, with easier configuration. # - Added scene linker to easily add new commands to the title window. # - Added config to work with custom save systems. # - Add option to display text on the background. # - Window appearance can now be easily changed. # #:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: # # Compatibility: # - Should be compatible with just about anything other than scripts that # add animation, etc. to the Title screen # - Compatible with SDK # # Explanation: # This system will allow you alter the title screen and add some different # effects that are not normally available. # # Features: # - Animated Title # - Easy display of picture on screen and/or over animation # - Random Title Screen each load # - Transition Effect on loading saved games # - Weather/Fog Effects # - BGS and SFX # - Window configuration. # # Instructions: # - All the below configurable values can be set to nil to disable the feature # with the exception of SAVE_DATA. It is already configured to the default # system so leave it alone if you are not using a custom save system. # - If using the animated title, all pictures need to be named exactly the # the same, but have a different number at the end. The numbers should be # consecutive and in the order that the animation should follow. The first # image should be 0. (Ex. pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3, etc.) # - Configuration is below. Individual explanation for the settings is in # their respective sections. All Graphics, Fogs, SFX, BGS, etc. that you use # need to be in their normal folders. # #:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: $zer0_adv_title = 2.0 #=============================================================================== # ** Scene_Title #=============================================================================== class Scene_Title #=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= # BEGIN CONFIGURATION #=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ANIMATED = ['Globe ', 40, 4] # ['FILENAME', NUMBER_IMAGES, SPEED] ANIMATION_TYPE = 0 # 0 = Do not loop. Run through images and stop on last one. # 1 = Changes back to first image after running course, then repeats. # 2 = Cycles backwards to the first image after running course, then repeats. # 3 = Continually shift through all the files in "Titles" folder randomly. CHANGE_SE = nil # ['FILENAME', VOLUME, PITCH] # Sound effect played when the image changes. RANDOM_BACKGROUNDS = true # Uses a random image for the title each load if ANIMATED is nil. There is no # need to configure the graphics. Any/all images from the "Titles" folder will # be used. WEATHER = nil # [1, 20] # [TYPE, POWER] # Weather effect to be used on title screen. FOG = nil # ['001-Fog01', 0, 2, -2, 3, 60] # ['FILENAME', HUE, X-SPEED, Y-SPEED, ZOOM, OPACITY] # Fog to be displayed on the title screen. BGS = nil # ['032-Switch01', 100, 100] # ['FILENAME', VOLUME, PITCH] # Background sound to be played during title. PIC = ['Title Pic', 0, 0, 3001, 0, true, 2] # ['NAME', X, Y, Z, OPACITY, FADE-IN?, FADE-IN SPEED] # Picture to be displayed on title screen. SAVE_DATA = ['Save', '.rxdata', 4, ''] # ['SAVENAMES', 'SAVE_EXTENSION', SAVE_NUMBER, SAVE_DIRECTORY] # If you are using a custom save system that alters the name of the save files, # extension, or number of possible save files, configure this to match. # DO NOT SET THIS VALUE TO NIL! LOAD_OUT = ['010-Random02', 60, 40] LOAD_IN = ['012-Random04', 60, 40] # ['TRANSITION NAME', DURATION, VAGUE] # Transitions used from the load screen, and when game starts. Can use both or # only one. TEXT = ["Zer0 Advanced Title v.#$zer0_adv_title", 8, 460, 'Arial Black', 18] # ['STRING', X, Y, FONTNAME, FONTSIZE] # Have text be displayed on the images such as the version number, etc. TEXT_COLOR =, 113, 12, 255) # [RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA] # Color used for the text if being used. White is default. WINDOW_DATA = [512, 352, 255, 128, false] # [X, Y, OPACITY, WIDTH, SHOW_WINDOWSKIN?] # Coordinates used for the main window. Default settings will be used if nil. COMMANDS = ['New Game', 'Continue', 'Options'] # Strings used for the commands on the title screen. Omitting the third item # in the array will also effectively get rid of the "Shutdown" option that # many do not like for its uselessness. def _SCENE_LINK(command_index) # Configure here any scenes you would like to link to the Title screen. You # must first configure the name of the command in COMMANDS. After that, just # fill in the name of the scene for the proper index. Any command index left # undefined will be assumed to be a 'Shutdown' option. # ex. when 2 then Scene_MyOptions # Will make the third command (index starts at 0) start the defined scene. # Do not configue anything for index 0 or 1. It will not work. They are # reserved for 'New Game' and 'Continue'. return case command_index when 2 then Scene_End end end #=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= # END CONFIGURATION #=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= def main # If battle test if $BTEST battle_test return end # Load database $data_actors = load_data('Data/Actors.rxdata') $data_classes = load_data('Data/Classes.rxdata') $data_skills = load_data('Data/Skills.rxdata') $data_items = load_data('Data/Items.rxdata') $data_weapons = load_data('Data/Weapons.rxdata') $data_armors = load_data('Data/Armors.rxdata') $data_enemies = load_data('Data/Enemies.rxdata') $data_troops = load_data('Data/Troops.rxdata') $data_states = load_data('Data/States.rxdata') $data_animations = load_data('Data/Animations.rxdata') $data_tilesets = load_data('Data/Tilesets.rxdata') $data_common_events = load_data('Data/CommonEvents.rxdata') $data_system = load_data('Data/System.rxdata') # Create an instance of Game_System and a few other instance variables $game_system, @sprites, @bitmaps =, [], [] # Create list of filenames of images found in Titles directory. @files = Dir.entries('Graphics/Titles').find_all {|file| ['.png', '.jpg'].include?(File.extname(file)) } # Play BGS if defined. # Stop playing ME and BGS (for when returning to title from game) Audio.me_stop if BGS != nil $game_system.bgs_play([0], BGS[1], BGS[2])) end # Play title BGM $game_system.bgm_play($data_system.title_bgm) # Prepare bitmap(s) for the backgound graphic. if ANIMATED != nil if ANIMATION_TYPE != 3 (0...ANIMATED[1]).each {|i| # Pre-cache the graphics now to prevent lag during animation. @bitmaps[i] = RPG::Cache.title("#{ANIMATED[0]}#{i}") } else @files.each {|file| @bitmaps.push(RPG::Cache.title(file)) } end @count, @index, @reverse = 0, 0, false # Create the audio file for later use if needed. if CHANGE_SE != nil @se =[0], CHANGE_SE[1], CHANGE_SE[2]) end elsif RANDOM_BACKGROUNDS # Cache a random image from the array. @bitmaps.push(RPG::Cache.title(@files[rand(@files.size)])) else # Else use the bitmap defined in the database. @bitmaps.push(RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)) end # Create weather sprite if needed. if WEATHER != nil @weather = @weather.type, @weather.max = WEATHER[0], WEATHER[1] @sprites.push(@weather) end # Create Fog sprite if needed. if FOG != nil @fog = @fog.bitmap = RPG::Cache.fog(FOG[0], FOG[1]) @fog.z, @fog.opacity = 3000, FOG[5] @fog.zoom_x = @fog.zoom_y = FOG[4] end # Create picture graphic if needed. if PIC != nil @picture = @picture.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(PIC[0]) @picture.x, @picture.y, @picture.z = PIC[1], PIC[2], PIC[3] @picture.opacity = PIC[4] @sprites.push(@picture) end # Draw text on background image(s) if configured. if TEXT != nil @bitmaps.each {|bitmap|, bitmap.font.size = TEXT[3], TEXT[4] if TEXT_COLOR.is_a?(Color) bitmap.font.color = TEXT_COLOR end bitmap.draw_text(TEXT[1], TEXT[2], 640, TEXT[4]+8, TEXT[0]) } end # Set graphic to background. @background = @background.bitmap = @bitmaps[0] # Create command window. commands = COMMANDS == nil ? ['New Game', 'Continue', 'Shutdown'] : COMMANDS if WINDOW_DATA != nil @command_window =[3], commands) @command_window.back_opacity = WINDOW_DATA[2] @command_window.x, @command_window.y = WINDOW_DATA[0], WINDOW_DATA[1] unless WINDOW_DATA[4] @command_window.opacity = 0 end else @command_window =, commands) @command_window.y, @command_window.back_opacity = 288, 160 @command_window.x = 320 - @command_window.width / 2 end # Determine if any save files exist. filenames = [] (1..SAVE_DATA[2]).each {|i| filenames.push("#{SAVE_DATA[3]}#{SAVE_DATA[0]}#{i}#{SAVE_DATA[1]}") } @continue_enabled = filenames.any? {|filename| File.exist?(filename) } # Disable 'Continue' if no save files are found. if @continue_enabled @command_window.index = 1 else @command_window.disable_item(1) end @sprites.push(@command_window, @background) # Transition the graphics. Graphics.transition # Main loop loop { Graphics.update; Input.update; update; break if $scene != self } # Prepare for transition. Graphics.freeze Audio.bgs_stop # Dispose the bitmaps, sprites, etc. (@sprites + @bitmaps).each {|object| object.dispose } @fog.dispose if @fog != nil # Clear Cache to free the graphics from the memory. RPG::Cache.clear end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update # Update the sprites. @sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.update } # Scroll fog if needed. if @fog != nil @fog.ox += FOG[2] @fog.oy += FOG[3] end # Update picture if needed. if @picture != nil && @picture.opacity != 255 && PIC[5] @picture.opacity += PIC[6] end # Update animation if needed. if ANIMATED != nil @count += 1 if @count == ANIMATED[2] case ANIMATION_TYPE when 0 # No looping @index += 1 when 1 # Re-Start @index = (@index + 1) % ANIMATED[1] when 2 # Reverse Cycle @index += @reverse ? -1 : 1 # Change reverse flag when needed. if @index == 0 @reverse = false elsif @index == ANIMATED[1] @reverse = true end when 3 # Random Image old = @index @index = rand(@bitmaps.size) # Ensure images don't repeat consecutively. @index += 1 if old == @index end # Make sure bitmap index stays within permissible range. @index = [[@index, 0].max, ANIMATED[1]-1].min # Alter the image to the new bitmap. @background.bitmap = @bitmaps[@index] # Play the change SE if needed. if @se != nil $game_system.se_play(@se) end # Reset count. @count = 0 end end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Branch by command window cursor position case @command_window.index when 0 then command_new_game when 1 then command_continue else scene = _SCENE_LINK(@command_window.index) scene == nil ? command_shutdown : $scene = end end end end #=============================================================================== # ** Scene_Load #=============================================================================== class Scene_Load < Scene_File alias zer0_adv_title_main main def main zer0_adv_title_main # Only if next scene is Scene_Map. if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) # Set data in local variables. tran_out, tran_in = Scene_Title::LOAD_OUT, Scene_Title::LOAD_IN folder = 'Graphics/Transitions/' # Play "out" transition if so configured. if tran_out != nil Graphics.transition(tran_out[1], folder + tran_out[0], tran_out[2]) Graphics.freeze end # Play "in" transition if so configured. if tran_in != nil # Create an instance of the map sprite. map = Graphics.transition(tran_in[1], folder + tran_in[0], tran_in[2]) Graphics.freeze # Dispose sprite. map.dispose end end end end Instructions In the script. Compatibility Compatible with SDK. Credits and Thanks ForeverZer0, for writing the script SephirothSpawn, for the idea Author's Notes Hope you enjoy. Be sure to credit if you use it in your game. 1 Jon Bon reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aldrinbulajr 0 Report post Posted April 10, 2013 i didn't get it somebody please help xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polraudio 122 Report post Posted April 10, 2013 Need to explain a little more on what you didn't get. Theres a demo link that you can download. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heretic86 25 Report post Posted April 13, 2013 Fixed. (if one doesn't work for you, try another...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dolarmak 23 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 I like both, good job on the script! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites