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Enhanced Item Description

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Enhanced Item Description

Authors: ForeverZer0

Version: 1.0

Type: Menu Add-on



This is a small script I wrote when I got started scripting, but never released. I found it going through some old projects, but I'm sure someone else can make use of it. What it does is allows you to use the same shortcuts commands you can in a "Show Text..." command, but within the descriptions for Items, Weapons, and Armors. For example, if you wanted the description to include the value of a variable, in the database where you right the descriptions, just use "\v[VAR_ID]", and the command will be replaced with the actual value of the variable during the game.



  • Easy to use.
  • Makes descriptions a little more dynamic.
  • Commands included: Actor Names, Variables, Gold, Switches, and Steps.
  • Can easily add custom ones



Name character whatever you want




Use command in the description




Description remains correct









Here lies the script.


# Enhanced Item Description
# Author: ForeverZer0
# Version: 1.0 
# Date: 5.14.2011
# Introduction:
#   This is a small, very basic script I wrote a while back, but never released.
#   It allows for you to use the same type of commands you can use in event
#   "Show Message" commands, but within the descriptions of Weapons, Armors, and
#   Items. Review the commands below, they will be substituted in the actual
#   text to display the respective value.
# Commands:
#   \v[iD]  = Replaces with value of game variable with ID
#   \n[iD]  = Replaces with name of actor that has ID
#   \sw[iD] = Replaces with value of switch withg ID  (ON/OFF)
#   \g      = Replaces with amount of gold party has
#   \st     = Replaces with step count
# Author's Notes:
#   I can add more at request. Only values that are global to the RTP scripts
#   and cannot be easily accessed will be added to the script, though I can
#   still give someone a one line of code they can add themselves for custom
#   commands.

module RPG

 def self.substitute_text(message)
   text = message.clone
   text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
   text.gsub!(/\\[Nn]\[([0-9]+)\]/) {
       $game_actors[$1.to_i] != nil ? $game_actors[$1.to_i].name : '' }
   text.gsub!(/\\[Gg]/) { $game_party.gold }
   text.gsub!(/\\[ss][Tt]/) { $game_party.steps }
   text.gsub!(/\\[ss][Ww]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { 
     $game_switches[$1.to_i] ? 'ON' : 'OFF' }
   return text

 class Weapon
   def description
     return RPG.substitute_text(@description)

 class Armor
   def description
     return RPG.substitute_text(@description)

 class Item
   def description
     return RPG.substitute_text(@description)




Place script anywhere above "Main".

Use the following commands in the database when making descriptions:

  • \v[iD] : Replaces with value of game variable with ID
  • \n[iD] : Replaces with name of actor that has ID
  • \sw[iD] : Replaces with value of switch with ID (ON/OFF)
  • \g : Replaces with amount of gold party has
  • \st : Replaces with step count



Compatible with practically everything.

Credits and Thanks


  • ForeverZer0

Author's Notes


If you would like a custom command, feel free to ask.

Please report any bugs/issues you encounter so that they may be resolved.

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Now this is amazing work, Great job, Works perfectly fine when I added it the RTB Battle System.

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