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A Scripting Query Regarding Equipped Weapons
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Alright. First ever help request post here. Let me see that I can lay this all out for you folks.
Using RMXP.
I have a common event that, long story short, makes it so that whichever weapon your hero (there is only 1 in this game) equips changes what his one, and only one at a time, unique skill is. So basically he can equip Weapon 1 and get Skill 1, but if he equips Weapon 2, he loses Skill 1 and gets Skill 2. Said event is running as Parallel, activated by a trigger that is on from the beginning of the game, so basically it's always checking, and when you swap weapons in the menu, it just sort of works.
ANYWAY I told you that story to tell you this story.
I'm using Eladia's Battle Equipment Menu v. 1.2 to let my player switch equipment in battle, HOWEVER, HOWEVER, it doesn't check their equipment until after the battle, so no matter what they equip, the skill stays as the first one throughout the entire battle.
So if I can just call the common event -somewhere- in that equipping process, I think it ought to work. Maybe. Or if someone else has a better idea, pitch it. But I don't know -where- in the scripts to do it.
I can post scripts or screenies or whatever if you guys need it. Thanks in advance, as I'm sure I look like a moron and this is probably solved very, very easily.
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