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character transformation


ok so i got an item called squirell talisman that is obtained through chest, and the item is to turn you into a squirell, so i got the item to call common event called squirell control which is layed out as so---


squirell control

@>conditional branch: switch [0064: squirell talis on] == ON

- @>call common event : squirell off

- @>

: branch end

@>conditional branch switch [0064] == OFF

- @>control switches : [0064: squirell talis on] = ON

- @>call common event: squirell talisman on

- @>

: branch end



then the two transforming common events are as follows--


squirell talisman on

@>change actor graphics:[Aluxes], 168-small10 0,,0

@>Text: wow the talisman turned you into a squirell



squirell talisman off

@>contol switches: [0064: squirell talis on] = OFF

@>change actor graphic: [Aluxes], alien3, 0,,0








the problem is that when i use the item it is constantly doing common event: [squirell talisman off], and not changing the character back

Edited by diagostimo

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Squirell talisman on.

@>change actor graphics:[Aluxes], 168-small10 0,,0

@>Text: wow the talisman turned you into a squirell

Activate self switch A


(Make this one be activated with self switch A)

Squirell talisman off.

@>contol switches: [0064: squirell talis on] = OFF

@>change actor graphic: [Aluxes], alien3, 0,,0

deactivate self switch A

Edited by Kevin.ds

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same problem, if you look under squirell control you can see that they are all set on differnt common events, and it calls each one for the differnt transformation, should i put it all in one common event?

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hehe you are over complicating it :D

@>Conditional Branch: Switch [0064: Squirrel Talis] == OFF
 @>Control Switches: [0064: Squirrel Talis] = ON
 @>Change Actor Graphic: [Aluxes], 168-small10 0,,0
 @>Text: Talisman turned you into a squirrel!
: Else
 @>Control Switches: [0064: Squirrel Talis] == OFF
 @>Change Actor Graphic: [Aluxes], alien3, 0,,0
: Branch End


just set that as your common event, call it from the squirrel talisman item :)


EDIT: To explain it, basically the common event acts like a switch, when called (if the switch is off) it will flip the switch on and change the graphic. If the switch is off, it will turn it on and change the graphic. Saves you a couple of common events


EDIT2: just realized you asked if it should be all in one common event...well to answer that yes, yes it should. Less is better.

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While i won't deny that you are correct kevin, as what you have will work...mine will require 1 item (no item switching) as long as it is unlimited use (so you can switch back)

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whilst im on the subject is there any way i can store my actor graphic like i store the maps x and y when teleporting, as my game is going to based on 4 differnt races, so when you launch the game you select your character out of the 4, then it saves this input, and every time i teleport it restores your character to the selected race, @ kevin, looks like im gonna have to put switches on all the teleport links as teleporting to the map as the squirell then teleporting back out will result that your character no longer been a squirell :)

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hmmm? when teleporting it changes the graphic D: lemme look into it and I'll let you know


EDIT: I am confused as to the whole teleport/change graphic...what exactly do you need done? (i understand the save graphic)

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you should make each race get a specific item that cant be removed , and then have a conditional branch check for it. Meaning if it has the correct item it will change to that race :P

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i dont mean teleporting from one room to another changes it, i meant teleporting to the world map as when you press q it goes to world map changing the graphic to cursor, then teleporting to a location or backing out changes the graphic back to the alien, which is why i need to store the character graphic on load up so teleporting places via world map does not screw it up


edit[the item method sounds rather cool, i could base it on a lucky charm that is sentimental to the character

Edited by diagostimo

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oooooo hehe okay it all makes sense now :D

EDIT: XD whoops I meant to include that i will look into fixing that....

how does your race script work? do you configure the file names into the script?


and if you do that as a squirrel, do you change back to a squirrel or no?


EDIT2: that is a great idea kevin.ds never wouldve thought of that! you have to make sure they can't sell it though :)

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oooooo hehe okay it all makes sense now :D

EDIT: XD whoops I meant to include that i will look into fixing that....

how does your race script work? do you configure the file names into the script?


and if you do that as a squirrel, do you change back to a squirrel or no?


EDIT2: that is a great idea kevin.ds never wouldve thought of that! you have to make sure they can't sell it though :)


you are not in the chat... explain yourself mister ! *snaps ....*snaps ....sad face

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i currently dont have a race script, its all just concepts at the minute, i was just gonna set them up as 4 differnt classes that you cannot change to once yours is chosen, and say each class race has 4 preset charsets you can choose on load up, so to make the stories, i would have all events conditional to having that class in your party{obviously removing all other party members once you have selected your race}


edit[ the squirel talisman will be obtained later in the game, so this will have no effect on the race selection, which is why i was thinking of switching the map teleporter to deactivate when the squirell switch is on, and having the squirell swich also to enable dialogue with critters and been able to go through small spaces like tree trunks and vent systems

Edited by diagostimo

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