kellessdee 48 Report post Posted June 2, 2011 Script Request Guidlines * Please note that these are not necessarily rules to posting. As you will notice not all guidelines will apply to every script. These guidelines have been created to help you streamline the request process. The more info you can give about a request you may have, the faster you will possibly receive the script and it will be more likely to be exactly what you need. * Also, please note that I have made a few exaggerations in my guidelines, this is strictly to demonstrate the purpose of these guidelines and why it can be important * Here is a link to our script database, you may want to see if the script you need already exists: RMXP Script Database Will add RMVX Script Database once list is completed Type As the name implies this is the type of script you are looking for. Most importantly, it would be good to mention whether it is a full script request or a modification. A full script request would be fit when requesting a completely new script/system for your game. A modification would be fit when requesting a modification to any existing script; whether it be a default script or user submitted script. If you are unsure which category, choose full (chances are this is what you need if you don't know whether the scripter would need to modify an existing script or write one from scratch) It would also be very considerate of you to tag your topic title as [mod] or [full]. This is so the scripter will clearly know what they may be up against if they choose to try/accept. * If you need a modification of a non-default script, please either post the script that you need modified or link to where it can be found. Not everyone knows every script that has been written, and speaking from experience; most scripters prefer to try to write their own and probably are not familiar with "Xzzzit's Super Script" or necessarily have even heard of it. Specifications/Requirements Generally when writing scripts, there is a lot more to it than just "Cool menu system." When you look at that it doesn't tell you much. To build a menu, the scripter needs to know the layout, how many party members you intend to have, what options you want within the menu, are you using face graphics, etc. My point is, there generally is a lot more than one may see at the surface to writing any script. If the script has some kind of menu or other visual aspect, try to create a little mock up in ms paint, if possible. It doesn't have to be nice or fancy, it can simply be boxes and text explaining what you want where and why or how. The more detailed the better. * If you are requesting a script based on a system from "Final Fantasy XYZ 335" please, as detailed as possible, describe the script. If you don't feel like you can explain the system/mechanics accurately enough, at least try to find a website on the internet that does, and if you want it slightly different than what is used in said game, please explain what you need changed. My point is, despite being a super popular game that everyone has played does not mean everyone has actually played it or knows how the system works Obviously the specifications and requirements will vary the most from script to script. But basically, the more details you can provide, the faster the script can be made and the closer to your image of what you think the final product should be, will be. Pre-Existing Scripts As many of us have learned, certain scripts can be extremely incompatible with each other. This is due to the nature of dynamic programming and overwriting/aliasing scripts. If possible, you should mention any other scripts you may be using already. Of course it would be impractical to post every single script you may be using (if there is a lot anyways) but try to mention at least the larger/more important scripts. If the scripter is already aware of scripts you may be using, it will be much easier for said scripter to make your request compatible with what you have. If you do not mention anything, it most likely will be assumed you are using a fresh project with only default scripts; and this can prove to cause errors down the road. * Like I said before, please post the script itself or at least a link to the script General Bumping I will have to go with the standard rules about bumping on this one: (6.0) BUMPING (6.1) WHAT IS BUMPING Bumping can be seen as Necro-Posting, as a matter of fact, it’s almost the same. On RMXP Unlimited, a bump is the action of posting a reply in a relatively active topic (not “dead”), with the sole purpose of bringing that topic to the top of the list to get attention. "Bump a topic" means either by post, or the 'bump topic' button in a topic. On RMXP Unlimited, you have the right to bump a topic once per 24 hours, and if after 1 month, your topic is still not getting attention, leave it die. Or your bumping will become Necro-Posting. If you add valuable information to your own topic, like adding a reply to a script topic to specify a new version is out, it’s fine and isn’t against the rule, it is what is seen as a valid bump. You can find more about bumping here: (6.2) CONSEQUENCES OF BUMPING Bumping isn’t a serious infraction. A level 1 is usually issued, but if you bump too much, it can escalate easily, as it can be seen as spamming or Necro-Posting. If no one posts, please do not get upset. Remember, people are helping for free and may have busy schedules or perhaps the script is out of their scope of abilities. And likewise, if in the end it turns out they cannot make the script (perhaps they thought it would be easier) please do not take it the wrong way or get upset. If you wish to post some kind of incentive, feel free to do so (points/trade of services) but it is not necessary, and if you do offer incentive it is good practice to keep to your word (of course unless the scripter says otherwise.) I obviously cannot force you to follow through, but if you don't, you probably will have difficulty finding people to fulfill future requests. This is obviously based on an honor system; so if you don't think you can provide the incentive it would be better if you do not offer it. Conclusion Sorry for the long post, but the reason I created this was because the more info you can provide, the better/faster the request can be fulfilled. Most scripters will probably make sure they know exactly what they need to do by asking questions before they start, so the less questions they need to ask, the more streamlined the process will become. In fact, if you provide all the information beforehand, the scripter may even be able to write the script before even accepting it. * If the request is too simple to fill these guidelines, consider posting the request in the Game Making Support forums as a question. Ex. "How do I change which button opens the menu?" in Game Making Support as opposed to "[mod]Changing which Button opens the menu" in script requests. Yes, it is one line that needs to be edited in the default scripts, however this can also be evented quite easily.Likewise, if you are asking a question about scripting (as opposed to requesting a script to be written) that topic would be better suited to be posted in the game making support forums. 3 Kiriashi, Looby and Marked reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiriashi 117 Report post Posted June 2, 2011 You sir, have acquired an epicwinpoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites