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crawl feature

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hi, so im using mr mos abs as my battle script, but i want to make a crawling script thats script is joint in to the mr mos abs or coincides with it, as i want to make it so it loads a seperate sprite for crawling, and also to call a sprite in the middle of this action that is transitioning in standing up and laying down, i also want it so that it makes a tileset image passable and on top of the player, say on terrain tag 2 as abs uses tag 1 so you can shoot through unpassable objesct, and this would be so that you can crawl under obsticles, also a tag 3 would be good to make it passible when crawling and also so abs can shoot through say its a pipe, so its passible and shoot overable, but also marking it so it ignores the character when on this tile as a target when crawling under it, oh yeah these tags should only be passible when crawl is toggled on, im not very good at writing scripts but if anyone had the time that would be great and you would obviously be credited, or even if you could help by telling me what sections of the abs script i would have to edit to make this work, your regards diagostimo :)

Edited by diagostimo

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well by what I could understand about your request , I would use events instead of sccripts for this one. Meaning , I would map the spaces u need to crawl under using events instead of tiles [you can select the tilesets with event] in case you didnt know :P , and with set it to "Always above" and trough , when stepped on or something like that :P

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ye but i need to be able to switch between a crawl sprite, duh i can do this by calling change sprite on button imput and making that enable a crawl space passable, but i fall into the case that if its a pipe i want it to be able to shoot over but not hit the char under it as he is crawling and the bullet is going over the pipe, which i would probably have to edit the script for that :/

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