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Gatherer Tasks

Recommended Posts

H a n d l e r
  • Title Screen (Broken Messiah)
  • Window Skin (free)
  • Opening Menu Music [free]
  • Mono Boy Sprite (free)
  • Mono Girl Sprite (Broken Messiah)
  • Mono Boy and Girl Faces (free)
  • Signa Sprite(free)
  • Shiro Sprite (pending)
  • Kuro Sprite (pending)
  • Riaga Sprite (pending)
  • Aelaana Sprite (pending)
  • Character Illustrations (Bonus)

Production Process

For Dialogue:
Dialogue will be made collaboratively in chat, Dialogue artists will be responsible for grammar and spell checking. Once Dialogue is ready it must be saved in a text file with a name that describes the scene. The first lines in the dialogue script should be setting.
For All:

  1. When working on a project save/upload it in the art studio folder with this name "Your Username"_quick description of file
  2. When finished move/save/upload the file to the resource folder

Post any suggestions for new characters or questions or discussions concerning spriting, music, dialouge, resource gathering, or graphic making here

Reference Pictures

From Right To Left: Mono(boy), Mono(girl), Signa, Shiro, Kuro, Aelaana, Raiga

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I would love to do the title, but I need concept art of what a reispera and stuff, can I just use devient art and throw around some ideas?

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As long as its fair use you can use them

for reference I would say that

Espira more contained light glows and emits, and has circular motion


Reispira is chaotic less contained resembles a black hole without circular motion absorbs moves chaotically


Reispira Reference




Espira Reference




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Its pretty good, can you post what template your using for the body? also btw you should darken and shorten her hair and give her more of a tan

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I would like to start work on character design from the references you gave but would be a lot better if I knew the backstories of them. and I'm guessing this will be discussed/ decided when we have discussions at a later date OR the designer will make their stories?

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I would like to start work on character design from the references you gave but would be a lot better if I knew the backstories of them. and I'm guessing this will be discussed/ decided when we have discussions at a later date OR the designer will make their stories?


You'll have to check the individual character development topic/posts for info such as back stories each character so far has been developed to different extents. However If you want feel free to add details such as a back story to a character if they don't already have one


If any one wants to change something that's been added then simply posts it or w.e


P.S cleaning up this Thread so I might put all character devs together

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You'll have to check the individual character development topic/posts for info such as back stories each character so far has been developed to different extents. However If you want feel free to add details such as a back story to a character if they don't already have one


If any one wants to change something that's been added then simply posts it or w.e


P.S cleaning up this Thread so I might put all character devs together

aha ok then thanks, cleared it up for me :)

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Wow. You sure are putting this together nicely Enigma! [Nice use of the Table BBC by the way]

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