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keeping track of quests

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hello people, i would like your opinion on how to let the player keep track of quests.


i've seen scripts for questbooks and quest logs, but i'd rather not add more work that isnt mine, or just add anymore scripts for that matter.


I have the game based on a tower of command for the player, and i was thinking of ways to have your helpers keep track... but i plan on having a LOT of quests, so maybe a minion for every detailed quest, and basic quest items for short tasked quests?


what do you all think =3

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I don't really understand what you're asking..



Do you want to know how you should go about telling the player what quests he's completed etc.?

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lol simpler terms: "How should I let the player keep track of his quest" ?


If the player starts a 60 step quest and stops at 32, and stops playing and comes back in a week and forgot what he was doing, how do i let him stay updated, or reminded.


as well as quests he's already completed.


sorry if i wasnt clear

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theres a script i use for a quest menu, it will only add quests to it once started, via script call, then it outiline the status of the quest in a color if completed or not, and also stores an info page on the details of the quest the link is here: http://forum.chaos-p...hp?topic=3689.0 , to call the menu scene call this script: $scene = Scene_Quest.new

edit- i also think you can remove quests once completed, it should be in the script instructions

Edited by diagostimo

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i'll think about using it, but like i said, i'd rather not use scripts.


non the less, thank you for the find =D

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i'll think about using it, but like i said, i'd rather not use scripts.


non the less, thank you for the find =D


this ones very basic and uses the default skin, but its very affective, if you were not to use a script and completely event your quests, there would be a hell of a lot of conditional branches, and the chances are that once you sorted it all there could be minor loop holes

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meh, i've become quite the event xD utilizing labels is key to avoid the loops =3 unless you use them improperly, then you'll only cause more loops xD



but meh, once im done with this project i plan on diving into straight script learning.

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cool, if your gonna take the event proccess i would suggest having a house with a house servant or something that stores info, so say youve accepted a quest of whoever, then it activates quest name switch, then on the servant the conditional branch with that switch condition should activate telling you what quest it is ect

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What I would do, is have like, an item -- or perhaps a menu option (shouldn't be that hard to script yerself.. Really, tomo2000 just did one for someone else) that warps to a map.


And on that map, make your own menu system, using tiles and events. :3

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While i was at the barbershop getting my dreadlocks retwisted, i had actually used a flow chart on mah phone to come up with a brilliant idea... kinda like you two's and my original mixed O.o


basically in your tower home (which is kinda taken from fable3's start menu) has a quest room, you have 3 "house servants" (they're basic white little wolf kitten like creatures) One is for Major Quests, Minor Quests, and Simple Tasks


each one transport the player to a "menu map" that basically does logs. (the tileset is basically that skill tree one with many additions to it). This works well with my overload system so the servants will respond differently to how much you talk and use them =D


its amazing on what 45mins under a hot hear dryer will do to your thought process xD


overall thanks guys =3 - you all rock

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Quest based on an event system...I have to say is some things are meant to be scripted. Such as a system based solely off Events is a waste of events in itself, any Game Developer hobbyist, serious, or commercial could tell you this.

Edited by Noob Saibot

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we're catered to our own personal opinion - that being said, others can "tell me" anything they like, while in return i can tell them something as well ^_^


thank you for your input



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we're catered to our own personal opinion - that being said, others can "tell me" anything they like, while in return i can tell them something as well ^_^


thank you for your input





It's not a general opinion it is a fact that any game developer (hobby or not) follows. Sugar coat it as you like, but it is a fact and not my opinion!

Edited by Noob Saibot

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yea well you follow that dictionary of yours =] - my way works fine for me, and until "I" decide to change "my" game lol.


-thank you once again though.

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yea well you follow that dictionary of yours =] - my way works fine for me, and until "I" decide to change "my" game lol.


-thank you once again though.



As I have said it is not my opinion so please stop patronizing me and my advice I have given to you. If you do not wish to even take it for what it is worth then you have that right, but your way is not ethical by even means of game hobbyist. Enjoy your Event System.


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Edited by Noob Saibot

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sounds cool, i agree with noob saibot, scripts are much better, for the fact that i dont have to create loads of events on one map to make it work, but saying that everyone to there own opinion eh :)

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What I would do, is have like, an item -- or perhaps a menu option (shouldn't be that hard to script yerself.. Really, tomo2000 just did one for someone else) that warps to a map.


And on that map, make your own menu system, using tiles and events. :3


What I have is that I'm using game_guy's Quest Log Script, which uses the default windowskin but you can change that, but I digress. It's very simple and easy to use...the only thing that I find time consuming is that the "Quests" are items, and if it's a quest that takes multiple steps to complete you'll need to make a separate item for every step :/

Anyway, I made an item called the Quest Journal, and linked that item to a common event that calls the script.

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