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Enrollment Part II - Test

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If I have sent a pm to you after you have applied and it was positive you will need to post here an example of what you eventing skills are so i can tailor you lessons to make learning easier for you.


If you get 50% or higher you will start the Grade 1 Lessons, if you get below 50% you will be placed in the Pre-Grade 1 Lessons so you can get better before jumping too far ahead.


This is a basic example of a good event (please post exactly like I do to make it easier to grade)


@>Text: It will cost (amount) gold to stay in my Inn
@>Text: \gDo you want to stay here?
@>Show Choices: Yes, No
: When [Yes]
 @>Conditional Branch: Gold (amount) or more
 @>Play SE: '006-System06', 80, 100
 @>Change Screen Color Tone: (-255, -255, -255, 0), @20
 @>Wait: 20 Frame(s)
 @>Play ME: '014-Inn01', (Volume), (Pitch)
 @>Wait: 30 Frame(s)
 @>Change Screen Color Tone: (0, 0, 0, 0), @20
 @>Wait: 20 Frame(s)
 @>Change Gold: -(Amount)
 @>Recover All: Entire Party
 @>Text: Hope you slept well
  :  Else
 @>Text: You do not have enough gold to stay here
  :  Branch End
:  When [No]
 @>Text: Come back soon
: Branch End


This basic event asks the character a question, if they accept it leads to the yes handler, in they chose no it will lead to the no handler. In the yes handler there is a conditional branch that makes sure that a certain precondition is met before m,oving on, if not it will go to the Else handler, shows gold when the \g is in place. Simple and working.


An example of a bad event:


@>Text: Are you ready?
@>Text: \gDo you want to stay here?
@>Show Choices: Yes, No
: When [Yes]
 @>Conditional Branch: Gold (amount) or more
 @>Play SE: '006-System06', 80, 100
 @>Change Screen Color Tone: (-255, -255, -255, 0), @20
  :  Else
  :  Branch End
:  When [No]
: Branch End


Basically, bear minimum in the box and the event does nothing major, doesn't do anything and it would be useless. END OF! If you post something like this you will most likely get less than 10% and refused into the class, you will be placed in the pre-class instead until you can event to the bear minimum standard.


Sorry if i sounded harsh



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<>Message: You look tired, you should rest a little.
<>Message: 15 Gold to stay here, spend the night?
<>Show Choices: Yes, No
:   [Yes] Handler
<>Message: Alrighty Lad! Now go get some rest.
<>Tint Screen: (-255,-255,-255,0), @30
<>Wait: 20 Frames
<>Change Money: - 15
<>Play SE: '146-Support04', 100, 75
<>Wait: 20 Frames
<>Tint Screen: (0,0,0,0), @20
<>Show Battle Animation [M]: Player, [Healing 2]
<>Message: Have a good sleep? Come back if you get tired. Bye!
:   [No] Handler
<>Message: Oh, right. Well...come back anytime now.
:   End


Sorry that it's not exactly how you wanted but i just typed out what was on the program, ok?

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that is a good inn event but that is not what i meant, i meant post an event that is at the best of your abilities and post it like mine in a code box okay, sorry for the mess. Can you post another please. On what you posted i can give you a mark of 90%. If you can post something else that work your grade will be classed as 100% and you be entered into the Level 1 Eventing Class okay.

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I'll post a system I've made:

Picture Scrolling System (Event Based)

I was helping someone who had problems with the Making an Introduction located at http://www.rmxp.org/ccoa/index.htm


This person had made some errors. When I fixed I thought: "Hey, I can make this into a smarter more user friendly system"

By smarter I meant it was easier for the editor to set up. Especially the ability to easily set a rather long wait.

In case you didn't know. You can max set a wait to 999 frames. You can max set a variable to 99 999 999.

By more user friendly I mean giving the user the ability to scroll the text faster and skip it at their command.

Anyway enough talk. Here's the event:

Page 1:


Page 2:



Remember to set the condition of page 2 to Local Switch A is ON.

Also the actions shown on page 2 are just there for an example.


If you ever want to come back to the map you used it in, remember to turn a switch ON and make a new page with the condition or something similar.

You can likewise do the actions in the end of page 1 let the switch turn on and leave Page 2 blank.

It's up to you.


If I have done my comments properly I shouldn't need to talk what you should do to set it up.

Also you may post this wherever you want. You have my permission.

You are also free to extend it, make it more simple, in fact to edit it in anyway.

It would be nice if you try to keep the comments or update them so it's easy to set it up.


Well, that's that.

- Zeriab

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okay, ill test that now and grade you so be patient.


EDIT: can you send me the picture files that are associated with this event please.

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I misunderstood, sorry about that.





Note: I have lost the original azurequest_intro.png. This one has been taken from ccoa's Demystifying the Game Process and is longer.

Please set [0003: IntroPositionYFinal] = -2100 instead. Sorry about this.

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i got to say that you don't need to add another event page and that what you put on the next event page can be just simply placed at the and of the event.



  • Idea: 25%
  • Workmanship: 25%
  • Workability: 25%
  • Practicality: 25%

OVERALL - 100% A*

CLASS: Level 1 Eventing


Personally I think that you are ready for Level 2 but you must go through Level 1 and pass the exam. Anyway, welcome to the academy!


NOTE: A* (A Star) is a grade that is used in the UK, not sure if it is used anywhere else but it is the highest grade possible.

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I added the second page for user friendliness

So eventing-illiterate doesn't have to go to the bottom of the page ^_^


I have no problems understanding A*, though the percent marker is nice as well %100. I'm so happy I got %100 on first test ^_^

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i had to make sure, not everyone in England knows what A* is, still ill think you will make a great student.


now that you are a student please place this in image in your sig and link it to this forum okay :)




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Here is my event. It is a simple but effective lockpick event, giving a chance to unlocking a chest. The items difficulty can be changed by editing its variable. There are two parts to this event:

1) The Item

2) The Event


Program Used: RPG Maker XP


The Item:

Name: Lockpick
Icon: [ANY]
Description: [ANY]
Scope: NONE
Occasion: Always
User Animation: (NONE)
Target Animation: (NONE)
Menu Use SE: (NONE)
Common Event: (NONE)
Price: 10
Consumable: No
Parameter: None
Rcvr HP%: 0
Rcvr HP: 0
Rcvr SP%: 0
Rcvr SP: 0
Hit Rate: 100
Veriance: 0


Remember, the item isn't much because it is something you will find/buy on your quest. The chest/door/other form of lock is the one that has the main event in.


The Event: Page 1

Read about the *'s below the events

~Switch: (NONE)
~Switch: (NONE)
~Variable: (NONE)
~Self Switch: (NONE)

Graphic: ANY

List of Event Commands:

@>Text: This draw* is \c[2]locked\c[0].
@>Conditional Branch:[Lockpick] in inventory
 @>Control Variables: [0001:**] = Random No. (1...5)***
 @>Conditional Branch: Variable [0001:**] == 1
@>Text: The draw has been \c[2]unlocked\c[0] and you
 :		 : took a ____****.
@>Change _____****
@>Control Switches: [001:*****]
  :  ELSE
@>Text: The lockpick \c[2]broke\c[0] broke in the lock...
@>Change Item: [Lockpick], -1
  :  Branch End
 @>Text: You have \c[2]no Lockpicks\c[0] to attempt to pick
  :		 : this lock.
:  Branch End


*= Change Draw to whatever you want locked.

**= You will need to change the variable to a new one per locked item to prevint glitching.

***= You may change this depending on how hard the lock is.

****= What you take from the locked object. Potions, Gold, etc.. Also you will need to add what items you receive.

*****= You will also need a new event so that you may make it so the chest has nothing left in page 2.


The Event: Page 2

Read about the *'s below the events

~Switch: (*)
~Switch: (NONE)
~Variable: (NONE)
~Self Switch: (NONE)

Graphic: ANY

List of Event Commands:

@>\c[2]Nothing \c[0]is left in the draws**.


*= The same switch you turn on in the first page of events after you gain your items and gold.

**= Whatever you unlocked: Draws, Chest, etc..


Enjoy and hope this is useful.

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No! Never use "Recover All Entire Party"(Unless for miracle heals!)

Use "Change HP: Entire Party+9999 and Change SP:Entire Party +9999"!

(This restores just their HP and SP.)

Just taking a nap at an inn shoudn't cure poison,or most other status effects for that matter!


Oh,Isacool,what have you been teaching these children...?

Using "Recover All Entire Party" at an inn is so....narrow minded.

They'll end up making an RPG like "Legend of Dragoon*!"


*Which by the way was a great game,but it was closed ending,there was ONLY ONE way to go

through it,the player had no real choices at all to change the main storyline.


Oops,thought this post was active because of Tomo's last post.

I guess Isaacool quit a while back,huh?

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Tomo, please do not necro-post, necroposting is when you post on a topic that is over a month old. You posted on a topic that is two years old. You can check when the last post was made by looking at the top of it.


Thankyou! ~Kiriashi~

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Tomo, please do not necro-post, necroposting is when you post on a topic that is over a month old. You posted on a topic that is two years old. You can check when the last post was made by looking at the top of it.


Thankyou! ~Kiriashi~

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Tomo, please do not necro-post, necroposting is when you post on a topic that is over a month old. You posted on a topic that is two years old. You can check when the last post was made by looking at the top of it.


Thankyou! ~Kiriashi~


Kiriashi,no double posting lol.

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Kiriashi,no double posting lol.






Yeah, don't double post like me.


(stupid slow internetz)

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Wow, sorry guys, i didnt know :D


Anyway, is there an area I could post stuff like this for people to view?

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My apologies people, I will be reviving these lessons soon, but at the moment, I have too much coursework and examinations are looming. In a few months I will return to teaching eventing. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused.



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