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Adopt a Black Kid

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In real life I have always mention this to people to have a black kid. They have the highest chance to go into Basketball and Football. Sure it's NOT a huge chance of happening. It's worth the gamble!

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That's not a racist joke. The majority of NFL and NBA players are black. Secondly many young black men see sports and entertainment as quick ways to make money.

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... You're right, its not racist, albeit extremely stereotypical...


do yourself a favor -.- if you dont know many black people, done assume you know what most thinks.


-this highly disturbs me.

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to adopt a certain race just to get into basketball/ football? is kinda odd XD (I assume that's rugby to me and not football/ soccer)


I agree with Franklin that most basketball/ rugby players tend to be black it's not racist or stereotypical

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lol madanchi. Football refers to 1. Ameican Football/Gridiron 2. Various codes of rugby (union, league, and less professional ones) and 3. Soccer.


I just felt obligated to distinguish american football from rugby.


This may illustrate the point (but not until 2:10)


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... You're right, its not racist, albeit extremely stereotypical...


do yourself a favor -.- if you dont know many black people, done assume you know what most thinks.


-this highly disturbs me.


I thought you lived in America? :unsure:


The majority of the NBA and NFL players are black. That's not a stereotype. That's a fact. Many blacks are in the entertainment industry in some forum.

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I'm black and I must say that I do play sports pretty well. I don't think it's much of a stereotype at all. It's just a fact.


Funny video by the way. The ending had me cracking up. "Gimme some", *fist bump*. :lol:

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Lol if you weren't good at sports? :P Yes that is fact, certain races have denser bones than others making them stronger, and more athletic. Then again I think that's not what's being stereotyped here: 'the average black kid has an 87% chance of becoming either a professional athlete or an entertainer'.

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I'm slowly creeping into the entertainment industry myself. =D Though compos'n-ing. =p


(Spoilers: I am Black. =>)

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Lol if you weren't good at sports? :P Yes that is fact, certain races have denser bones than others making them stronger, and more athletic. Then again I think that's not what's being stereotyped here: 'the average black kid has an 87% chance of becoming either a professional athlete or an entertainer'.


You are wrong. Race has nothing to do with why they are strong and athletic. That's a myth.


For example: Most professional athletes in the NBA and NFL come from low income families. There are many basketball courts in the projects. This where some NBA players played at as a child thus they were exercising and learning the sport better than a white kid in a middle class area. There are more whites in golf because it is an expensive sport and not many blacks can afford it. Football in high school and college are funded by schools thus it is a free sport that low income blacks can play.


Certain races APPEAR stronger because their culture influences how they use their bodies.


I knew about this for years. I read about it in my sports in society course last semester.

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Haha you are confusing with skill with athleticism. Let me give you an example. The accuracy with which you can shoot a hoop is a skill, you practice it and get better at it. However the speed at which you can run largely cannot be improved, its what you're born with.


I was told that thing about the denser bones by year10 P.E. teacher. Not that I think it's wrong.


I don't think I've started an argument with 'You are wrong'. Are you that sure you're right? :P

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Traits PEOPLE Are born with aAre important,

but if you start training to join the Nfl at age 2 by age 5 you will already be Bigger than your age mates so you would be selected for even more training as opposed to be denyed from training b/c u arent good enough


i know for a fact b/c my bones aren't very strong cause I dislike teh milk, yet I are really good at track, why becasue I ran alot as a kid and rode my bike a lot as a kid , houston is to large to walk anywhere even in the neighboorhoods


reasons I ran alot as a kid was casue it was fun and I always beat my friends who were also nigerian and stuff so...


on a Side note If you have eveer been in track and practiced on someone elses track. If they have a junior league you will see the most ripped 7 year old evar


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You hatin' on America Marked?


Don't make me punt you.

haha i suspected YOU will take that from that youtube video. I only wanted to show a certain part of it, at 2:10 where he exaggerates the padding. In retrospect, it was not a good video to post but its barely 'hating', more like a playful jib :) But I hope if I do offend you guys, more members that just you will speak up.




Traits PEOPLE Are born with aAre important,


i know for a fact b/c my bones aren't very strong cause I dislike teh milk, yet I are really good at track, why becasue I ran alot as a kid and rode my bike a lot as a kid , houston is to large to walk anywhere even in the neighboorhoods


reasons I ran alot as a kid was casue it was fun and I always beat my friends who were also nigerian and stuff so...

I took biology and fortunately for my argument I used to be quite athletic myself :)


Long-distance running does not show athleticism. I actually competed at both semi-nationals in cross country and athletics.


To run far, you must practice. No one can be born a long distance runner. On the other hand, sprinting does show athleticism because you have to born a fast runner. You can't dispute that. Train all you want, you won't get much faster. And by fast, I'm talking about top speed, the fastest you can run.


Also whether you're a good sprinter or good long-distance runner depends on whether your muscles are fast twitch or slow twitch muscles.


But this argument is pointless, these things are the same across all races. You took the dense bones thing a little too narrowly lol the dense bones affects the muscles. The stronger your muscles...well, thats obvious. And it is different for different races.


And what exactly is your argument with traits?

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I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but who the hell cares what nationality or ethnicity you are? This world needs to learn that when it all boils down, humans are all a bunch of savages. I've tried keeping my mouth shut on most of the videos and threads you post, Franklin, but this one is just plain ignorant. All this talk about different races and one "race" being better at something than another is stupid.


It obviously doesn't just happen here, either. Whoever came up with the idea of racism was a bleeding moron. Unless you were born on another planet and have super powers, you're human. That's the only race on this planet as far as I know...Unless of course there's elves or orcs hiding out somewhere that I haven't heard about...I'll shut my mouth now, but that's where I stand.

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I never said any race was better than another. I said races appear to better because their cultures influence how they live their lives.It has been proven many times that there is NO superior race at anything.


The video itself is a joke. It means no harm. There's nothing racist about it. Most NBA and NFL players are BLACK. That's not saying blacks naturally gifted in sports. There are many social factors that have led to the majority of players in these leagues being black.

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to me its just plain black and white, statistically theres more black people in NBA and NFL and that's it, the video was comedic and I feel comedy should never be taken seriouse, it's not racist so I personally don't see any harm in it. If a video exactly the same as that were to come out but say to adopt a white kid because of X reason I wouldnt in anyway think that's racial. That's my view anyway

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I think its not just this video that led to STG's response. I think it could be a compounding effect. But I can't speak for him. At any rate, most people do not find the video technically 'racist', but at the end of the day whether you have a right or not to post something, you should not be posting things that are going to stir trouble. But do you get what I'm saying? The video doesn't have to 'bad' in order for it to be something you shouldn't post here, it just has to be something the members will not take well to. I dont think the topic needs to remain open.

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