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The Final Boss

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Every game has a Final Boss. I think the Final Boss should be the most difficult boss in the game. There should be no instant one hit deaths. The Boss should require the player to form a strategy. However, even some professional games including Mario and MegaMan had jokes for Final Bosses.


How powerful and difficult should the Final Boss be?

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Interesting topic, I always like to discuss final bosses :biggrin_002:


I always feel the final boss should be the toughest combat challenge in the game, I hate it when another boss, let's say hal way through a game, is way way more challenging/ powerfull than the final boss


Also, I think a final boss doesn't always have to be the strongest, most challenging yes but it can be as strong but still die from 1 hit (or 3). If there's enemies surrounding the boss, environmental obstacles and other stuff then it could be extremely challenging to kill the final boss even if it's weak, it's the surroundings and other events that make it extremely strong/ challenging

Edited by madanchi

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