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Should Enterbrain make an official RPG Maker forums?

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The entire RPG Maker community is in trouble. All sites are losing activity. This is not a very good sign. This has hurt the overall product of games. I have noticed that GameMaker has an official forum, and it is very successful. I think Enterbrain should consider making a forum.


What do you think?

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As a forum admin, absolutely not. As I've said many times, it's anti-competitive and doesn't give other sites a chance. You cannot just bring out new stuff associated with the engine and generate activity - something enterbrain has not learnt. The official english enterbrain site and the samurai materials are an attempt to spark activity. RPG Maker XP was extremely popular in its day, and the only real fix is a new engine.

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the only real fix is a new engine.

Ya a new engine with the combine efforts of both XP & VX plus a hell of a lot more.

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plus Game Maker is an entirely different more advanced engine with a lot more freedom, but if Enterbrain where to make an official forum, I dont think it would do too well as in my opinion, it's too late that's why current rpg maker forums are losing activity


the only real fix is a new engine.

Edited by madanchi

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No, because my experience with official forums for software is just terribly. Fan made forums are always so much better. The staff is nicer, the people work together (most of the time that is, if you are on a great forum ;) ) and the support actually works. >.>

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No, because my experience with official forums for software is just terribly. Fan made forums are always so much better. The staff is nicer, the people work together (most of the time that is, if you are on a great forum ;) ) and the support actually works. >.>


I have to disagree with you. I think many unofficial forums have the rude mods. I've seen some official forums for game software and the two I've seen do pretty well.

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I've seen some official forums for game software and the two I've seen do pretty well.

The issue with one master forum (so assuming this quashes any activity on other forums) is that if they do something wrong, eg their staff are crap, then there's no alternative. At the moment if you don't like the staff of one RPG Maker site then you can just go to another. Though these days your choice is pretty limited.


An example is the joomla forum. I've been making support topics for years and not one ever got answered. Their support system is severely flawed but you're unlikely to get help from anywhere else.

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I don't think an offical Enterbrain RPG Maker forums would work the same way other game software offical forums do. You have to remember, Enterbrain is a japanese company, if they made official forums it would have to be Japanese. They could try to make english forums, but I dunno how well that would work. Most of the other game development software is english, and in a lot of cases open source; which would necessitate an official forum.


I dunno, even if Enterbrain did make an official forum, I couldn't see myself joining. I can hardly keep up with my current social networking accounts, RMXP Unlimited, youtube, etc. as it is. Although I would probably check it out to see what kind of support they provide...I've always wondered if the users have mastered the software more than the makers.

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If Official Forums do away with thick-headed sponsors who stops trolling when you say "If you just keep want to keep making circular arguments instead of solving stuff, get off my thread.", then I'll jump on that right away. As well as mods who instantly think "questioning a critique = bad." Silly HBGames...


That aside, I don't think an official site would help - not even if it came with a new engine. Not unless this engine was both brand new, customizable 3D, and easy to run/learn. (Like, no harder than RPG Maker XP) Otherwise, it'll turn into the desert once again in no time. On the bright side, this makes projects like The Perjurer series seem like a real rare treat It's finished, and all.... =>

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I would expect support on an Enterbrain Official forum to be of the same quality as they're technical and overall support :shifty:

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I think If they make a new engine (agian) It should be super customizable allowing us to take features from any RPg maker in the series and add it.


Then they need ann official Forum cause lets face it Most RM sites suck with douchbags.

Out the hundreds I only like a handfull. and the idea of making game creating easier would go hand in hand with some sort of collection forum where we can tell them what features we want in the maker.(and then instead of revamping the entire program they can sell the feature as some sort of add on.


More security/ better games/ Better community...


Then maybe some kinda effort to make these games more relevant(and worth) making.


Also despite how long it takes to do so , everyone wants to make their game.

Despite whether there game is just meh or worse.


We need to encourage team efforts.


My first game I had one guy edit it and even though the game was just a nice practice and not a spectacular thing(never getting out of demo length)

It was fun as hell.


People need to be more willing to stick to online teams and make games

That are actualy quite good and fun.



A flash program game maker {stencyl} Tell you when your friends are on the irc.

Makes it really easy to create teams or just get help at a moments notice.

Actually Enterbrian Could learn alot from the stencyl program...heheh.


A must for me is unlimited layers.

I want more in respects to sound Design tools.


I always wanted Sounds to change based on certian regions. (like footsteps changing when your running on wood to sand.. or echos when your in a cave.

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Interesting opinions. I think the site could be very successful it they allowed the consumers to be the staff. Remember RRR and RVX are own by the same company. GameMaker's official community does this.


Plus I think the RPG Maker community as a whole needs this because all sites have suffered a major decrease in activity. This is the summer break and normally more people are active. However, this has not been the case this summer. It is a sign of bad times for the RPG Maker.

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I always wanted Sounds to change based on certian regions. (like footsteps changing when your running on wood to sand.. or echos when your in a cave.


This caught my attention, mainly because this feature was actually included in RPG Maker 2003 (maybe 2000 as well, but I think it was only for 2003) and omitted from the xp/vx editions.


Also, what you said about stencyl sounds like a REALLY cool feature.


The main problem with an official forums (I think) is that there are already too many unofficial forums. Why would anyone want to leave the forums they are currently involved with to join an official enterbrain forums? Sure they could be part of both, and maybe it would start out seemingly successful, but I think it would crash and burn pretty fast. There are a huge amount of rpg maker users who have assumed some kind of elitist attitude towards others, and I can see an official forums (which if people joined, would basically become a merger of all the popular rpg maker forums) crashing and burning with large amounts of bickering and flaming. Just my opinion though.


And to be honest, I don't think that even a new engine could save rpg maker. Sure, it would definitely boost popularity; but for how long? If the new maker doesn't EXTENSIVELY improve on the old makers, then it will do no good. Why would someone want to restart their entire project to be made in the new maker, if it isn't worth it? First it will cost money to get the new maker. Then one would have to remake ALL their maps, database info, scripts, etc. It would really only be worth it if enterbrain were to make a new maker that completely rehauls the system.


Then again, this is all from an english speaking perspective. We didn't get (officially) any RPG Maker until XP (which is what, the 4th PC edition?) Does anyone accurately know how popular RPG Maker is in Japan? if the numbers are different, then we most likely will see a new maker.


The problem is, in what sense is RPG Maker dying? I am not sure of the popularity in other parts of the world, but I bet it is mainly only dying in the English-speaking community. (or non-japanese communities?) I dunno though. I think RPG Maker is going to die soon, a lot of companies are beginning to make simple, point + click game creation software; and they will easily over-power the RPG Maker series, as the english users will get much better support, can directly give ideas to the company, etc. (PLUS many are open-source + free, BETTER, etc..)




I would expect support on an Enterbrain Official forum to be of the same quality as they're technical and overall support :shifty:


LOL, so virtually non-existant?

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Yup, she's dying in japan too.


I think RPG Maker is going to die soon, a lot of companies are beginning to make simple, point + click game creation software; and they will easily over-power the RPG Maker series

Anyone who wants an engine easier than RMXP is downright lazy. Easier extendability is another story, but general game making in it really isn't hard.

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Yup, she's dying in japan too.



Anyone who wants an engine easier than RMXP is downright lazy. Easier extendability is another story, but general game making in it really isn't hard.


The RPG Maker isn't a hard program. It takes time to learn it and create games. Lately making games have been very easy, fun, and time consuming.

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interesting stats. Dying everywhere?


And that's kinda what I meant; by "simple point and click" i meant similar to rpg maker, and I meant they have more flexibility and control, etc. It definitely didn't come across that way xD my bad

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Oh actually I got that Kellessdee, I guess I was just saying coz it was somewhat related though not really because i think your main point was being able to overpower RMXP.


interesting stats. Dying everywhere?

According to these traffic ranking stats, its everywhere. In fact to me it looks worse in japan (based purely on that sites traffic stats, tkool.jp which is the official one). RRR and that other one (or whatever) has also decreased. I keep track of them sometimes and it was around 100,000 (the lower the better, eg google or facebook are #1), and now its at around 200,000.

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maybe the deccrease in forum visits just means Everyone is actually focusing on their projects and doing something amazing pfft yeah thats not whats happening...

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Oh actually I got that Kellessdee, I guess I was just saying coz it was somewhat related though not really because i think your main point was being able to overpower RMXP.


D'oh. I think I understand what you were saying now. It was more of an addition to my statement, right? (Sorry I haven't been using my english reading/writing portions of my brain too much lately xD)


And I am actually not THAT surprised activity is lower in japan. Although I assumed it would be higher (because RPG Maker is Japanese software), I can see how it isn't used as much here. [avoids explicit stereotyping]


EDIT: Noob Saibot's comment speaks very true to the situation, and even beyond Stencyl/EGM. Maybe I am just throwing my own opinion into this, but I think the thing with RPG Maker users, is that eventually a couple things could happen (obviously there are exceptions, which is why there are even RM communities left):


1. The user makes some games, gets bored, moves on to other things (outside of game making)

2. The user finally gets a taste of making games, is hooked. First they will probably learn to take advantage of rpg maker's scripting ability, but eventually; it will not be enough. So they move on to learn new languages & game libraries/engine.


I never really thought about it this way before, but RPG Maker is almost like an introduction software to the world of game development. Which is actually a great thing, as those who aren't sure if they are upto making games can try it out, maybe just do it as a past-time, etc. And those who try it and realize that Game Development is exactly what they want to pursue; then they can use it as a learning tool/stepping stone into more powerful engines/faster languages/etc.


So you are mainly left with hobbyists using RPG Maker; and now with the rise of more powerful game dev software geared towards hobbyists (which *probably* have better support/documentation), RPG Maker has lost it's flair.


And that's another issue I think with RPG Maker, it's documentation. Sure, the help manual has TONS of useful and helpful docs, but because HOW it operates it mostly speculation (no official creators saying this is what happens..etc..) (although I am sure many people have been disassembling/whatever rpg maker to figure it out) any current support can only be so helpful, and it is hard to get clear, 100% accurate information (and I mean beyond HOW to use it, and WHAT is available, with things such as WHY we do this, and HOW it WORKS).

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1. The user makes some games, gets bored, moves on to other things (outside of game making)


That's how RMXP Underground died. The owner got tired and bored with RMXP and shut his site down and was never seen on an RMXP/VX community again. Plus SephirothSpawn one of the most respected Script makers is no longer active on any RMXP/VX community. In fact he may have moved to EGM as on one community he says he loves EGM.


The only thing that lives on for these two is the scripts they made.

Edited by Noob Saibot

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EGM = Express Game Maker. I don't know much about it however.



And i dunno about SephirothSpawn being *respected* (unless by that you mean well-known) but from what I have seen and gathered (I DO NOT KNOW HIM PERSONALLY/NOR HAVE HAD PERSONAL ONE-ON-ONE CONTACT WITH HIM) he is quite arrogant. I do not have respect for arrogant people. But, I guess that doesn't mean other people don't respect him.

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