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Mack Tilesets

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I've been looking for all the Mack Tilesets to use in another game I've been planning; and I've found them before, a while back, but lost the game and it's files when I had to reboot the whole computer, and just never started it again.

Recently, though, i've wanted to make another game, using Mack's tilesets and Sprites. I can find the sprites, all in VX obviously, but easy to convert... Sadly, however, I cannot find the tilesets. The only ones I find are for VX, and I'm not skilled in converting tilesets. If there's anybody out there who could either find some tilesets for me, or if not, could actually convert them; that would be swell. :)

Thanks in Advance~



P.S: The link to the ones I found for VX are here: --> http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/modules/refmap/index.php?mode=vx-map

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No, I definatley found some for XP. *shrug*


But it'sokay, I managed to find my old, buried RPGVX; and I'm continuing the thing on there.

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