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Dark Dragon

Built in Quest Menu

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Hey thar shmokes-s, lung time nu c B) Ahh, anyway, behold t'see the DD's first shampoo, TEH QUEST BUILT IN CMS


I made this a while ago, nothing fancy really, well you wouldn't expect much froma noob like myself ....god I'm so cool B) I was willing to use this in the RMXP Ultimate contest, but since I was stupid enough to show it t'Leon, it's no use anymore


as you will see this is an UNB (Ultimate Noobs Work), so I need some real critiszm, not teh kind of (ooooh look at poor DD, dunt worry DD you did a rly nice job) I wanna somethin like (YO $#% $@%@$ @%@# WHAT DA @#$% IS DIS CRAP?!!!)


oh and I was too lazy t'make a gud Demo, so you'll have t'figure somethings yerself >_>...

bah, I'll make a tut later on this day


SO.....enjoy :huh:








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N00b speak is NOT cool!


As far as your work, I guess it's interesting.

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When will anyone apperciate my work ? ;-;

and I see that yer a GS "Grammer Supporter" or wut I call "sweet talks", WHO HIRED YOU ?

it must be SCMike B)

anyway, you have a dictionary right down there, so I'm excused, and guys, I need some opinions here..

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