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How to increase variable after a random step encounter?
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I have a long hallway. This hallway contains 1 creature, who will show up 1/999 steps. I want it that after the creature appears (finally), and is defeated, a switch is turned on or a variable is increased to 1.
It's a crazy 99,999 hp monster that is like a 'bonus' or 'easter egg'. The step value of the hall will be set to 999. After defeat, I want it to not show up again, and a door to open at the end of the hall that leads to another area. I've checked youtube and every tutorial is a #@$#@!@$ fetch quest...
as a test i did Everything in this tutorial here
It just simply does not INCREASE the variable at the end of battle. I have it the Span set to turn. I have it's hps set to 0% or below. I have the control variable set to add 1 upon it's death. I have a guy who tells me to kill 1 and that i have killed \v[0001] of the monsters. I kill a monster, and go back, and he still says i'm set to 0 and not 1 and will not give the award for killing 1. even if the text is wrong it's set to a conditional branch saying if 1 or greater than i've completed the quest. It simply just does Not add 1 to the variable at the end of battle like i tell it to. Can somebody please tell me how to add an Add 1 to Variable when I kill a monster? tearing my hair out....
i added a crystal that increases the variable +1. That works! so the guy tells me congratz i did it and gives award. so it's just not going up after i actually kill a monster like it's supposed to.
i tried it for 2 monsters instead of 1, and that worked fine. wtf? i changed it back to 1 monster and it didn't work again. wtf?
i just made a brand new game, with a battle process for 1 ghost. did the same thing, set it up so the variable would go up 1 upon the ghost's death. set up a guy to tell me, 'you did it!' if the variable equaled 1 or more. it never equaled 1 or more =( killed the ghost 5 times and nothing =(
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