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Battle system & limitation


I would like to know if there is a battle system more along the lines of Kingdom Hearts style. I mean, enter the battle, but instead of some turnbased system, a more fighting game style with the capability to swap party members & maybe change to alternate forms. & to a greater extent, how would one go about limiting battles to only occur in certain tiles such as in Pokemon.

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I would like to know if there is a battle system more along the lines of Kingdom Hearts style. I mean, enter the battle, but instead of some turnbased system, a more fighting game style with the capability to swap party members & maybe change to alternate forms. & to a greater extent, how would one go about limiting battles to only occur in certain tiles such as in Pokemon.

I would suppose as far as the fighting thing goes, the best you can come up with script wise with no lag would be like a ATB. The party member thing is where it will be hard, cuz as far as I know there is no script that is atb and you can have party members that also attack, however if you could find that you could swap between party members by eventing, I have the event system posted on this site for that here http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7495-party-switching-on-same-map/. The limiting battles could also be done, if you look at the database in the tilset on the right side you will see terrain tags, use that with conditional branches and variables to set up random battle processing under certain maps or set them as a common event. Srry I could not be more help.

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Well I think XAS is the closes thing to a KH battle system than you can get, since it's action based and all. For all those other features, you might have to configure that way. Otherwise someone will have to rescript it the way you want.


Here's the script: http://www.atelier-rgss.com/RGSS/Battle/XAS_00a.html


For other systems just use the one Dragon posted.

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I thank you both for your responses, I do have XAS, but I was thinking more along the lines of entering the battle & it be like KH chain of memories with the action & fighting, but with a system like KH2. I know there is a way to make the party swapping like in Pokemon, but I am inexperienced on how to go about it, I will further look into Dragon's methods, I am not too worried about that right now. But what of the possible form changes as in say Dragon Quest with Super High Tension or KH2 Valor form & etc? I know I am probably asking too much...

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Well actually using the XAS (I think this works), you could make it like Chain of memories. Just put enemies on the map, and when the player bumps into one of the enemies, the player is taken to a temporary map where the XAS battle system becomes into use. Then when the battle is over the player is sent back to the original map.

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Can the sprites for the battle process be like in KHCoM? I don't want the battle to be like Zelda, I would like it to be fighting game styled if that is possible. If is possible, but for say VX only, please let me know.

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