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Equipment Bonding System


I was looking for suggestions on how to do a weapon bonding system and how to get the equipment screen to read said system. I've been trying to do some things with arrays but it hasn't been going very smoothly. I wouldn't mind doing this through events either. Though I would prefer scripts as I have more experience with them.


- In The Light


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The way the classes do It isn't restrictive/creative enough for what I want. Though if no one can suggest anything I'll stick with that.

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Well, I think the difficulty is with the way rpg maker xp handles the inventory/equipment. It uses static references by id to all item/armor/weapon/etc. objects. This system would require dynamic inventory items.


The way I see it, there would be 2 ways to go about this:


1. Rewrite the inventory system to use dynamic objects


2. Create dynamic objects referred to by static ids


Personally, I think 2 would be cleanest and easiest to implement.

So the idea would be, add a reserved section to the $data_armors/$data_weapons arrays for dynamic equipment objects, save/load this dynamic set on save/load, and when a item becomes bonded, add it to this set and refer to that id.


Anyways, what I would do is:


First, I would set the reserve section.

So, after the $data_armors and $data_weapons are loaded i would add:

# The max size for armor/weapon is 999
# Setting the reserved section to 1000+ is the safest approach
$data_armors[1000] = nil
$data_weapons[1000] = nil


Next, I would add an element in the database called "bonding" or something. This element can be used as a flag to represent equipment that bonds once equipped.


Next, I would add a new attribute to the RPG::Armor and RPG::Weapon classes:

module RPG
 class Weapon
   attr_accessor :bonded_actor_id
 class Armor
   attr_accessor :bonded_actor_id


Next, I would probably modify the equip method in the Equip Scene to do something like this:

# If C button was pressed
if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
 # Play equip SE
 # Get currently selected data on the item window
 item = @item_window.item

 # Check if equipment bonds
 if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) && item.element_set.include?(bonding_element_id)
 elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) && item.guard_element_set.include?(bonding_element_id)

 @actor.equip(@right_window.index, item == nil ? 0 : item.id)  

 # ETC... rest of the code

def bond_armor(item)
 # Duplicate Object
 item = item.dup
 # Set the id to the last armor index + 1 
 item.id = $data_armors.size
 # Bond the item
 item.bonded_actor_id = @actor.id
 # Change the name if you want
 item.name = @actor.name + "'s " + item.name
 $data_armors[item.id] = item

def bond_weapon(item)    
 # Duplicate Object
 item = item.dup
 # Set the id to the last weapon index + 1 
 item.id = $data_weapons.size
 # Bond the item
 item.bonded_actor_id = @actor.id
 # Change the name if you want
 item.name = @actor.name + "'s " + item.name
 $data_weapons[item.id] = item


You will also need to modify your Window_EquipItem class (or equivalent) so it does not add other actor's bonded equipment to the list


if $game_party.weapon_number(i) > 0 && weapon_set.include?(i) &&   
 ($data_weapons[i].bonded_actor_id == nil || $data_weapons[i].bonded_actor_id == @actor.id)




if $game_party.armor_number(i) > 0 && armor_set.include?(i) && 
 ($data_armors[i].bonded_actor_id == nil || $data_armors[i].bonded_actor_id == @actor.id)


then all you need to do is add some code to the save and load functions in rmxp


bonded_weapons = $data_weapons[1001...$data_weapons.size]
bonded_armors = $data_armors[1001...$data_weapons.size]
Marshal.dump(bonded_weapons, file)
Marshal.dumb(bonded_armors, file)


bonded_weapons = Marshal.load(file)
bonded_armors = Marshal.load(file)
$data_weapons[1000...1000+bonded_weapons.size] = bonded_weapons
$data_armors[1000...1000+bonded_armors.size] = bonded_armors


And that should be all that's necessary.

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kell, that is kinda how my weapon system works. alter the array, and save/load the array, and all variables added therein.

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kell, that is kinda how my weapon system works. alter the array, and save/load the array, and all variables added therein.


ZOMFG LIZZIE WHERE YOU BEEN :o (or have I just been missing?)





:) I was wondering what your approach to dynamic equipment was. I am sure there are still MANY more ways to doing this, but IMO this way seems to be the easiest/cleanest approach, as you can build this right over the existing scripts, so you don't have to go in and mess with anything.


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Yeah, the only difference is i set it so there is a counter in Game_Party, and it just controls the array, so i don't have to add to it manually in the script. Essentially, I set it so when equipment is added using add_weapon, it separates them all into separate weapons rather than grouping them. i just set a loop for however many is added, increase the variable by 1 in the loop each time it goes through, and assigns the piece of equipment a new ID equal to 999 + variable. Works great, actually.

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Thanks for the suggestions Kell, only one question though

First, I would set the reserve section.

So, after the $data_armors and $data_weapons are loaded i would add:

# The max size for armor/weapon is 999
# Setting the reserved section to 1000+ is the safest approach
$data_armors[1000] = nil
$data_weapons[1000] = nil



By loading $data_armors and $data_weapons, are you refering to where in Scene_Title it loads all the data for the game?

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yes, exactly. So, something like this:

$data_armors = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
$data_armors[1000] = nil
$data_weapons = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
$data_weapons[1000] = nil

setting the 1000th element to nil, is mostly just to set the array#size to 1001 so when you add new weapons/armors or load them when the player selects continue, they are added/loaded to the correct section.

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OK, I lied, One more question, what is the Module for?

Next, I would add a new attribute to the RPG::Armor and RPG::Weapon classes:

module RPG
 class Weapon
   attr_accessor :bonded_actor_id
 class Armor
   attr_accessor :bonded_actor_id


also, I get a syntax error pointed at line 45 of the Scene_Equip script: http://pastebin.com/YfVb8k2w

Edited by Foxkit

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Here's the fix.




You were missing a closing parenthesis, and had a double if statement ( "if if" ).


As for the attr_accessors in the RPG module, they allow instance variables to be accessed from outside the class. For example, say we had this code:


class Person

 def initialize(name)
   @name = name

person = Person.new('Jim Bob')

print person.name # This will throw an error, since @name is private


Now, if we add an attr_reader, like so...


class Person

 attr_reader :name

 def initialize(name)
   @name = name

person = Person.new('Jim Bob')

print person.name  # Works just fine

person.name = 'Billy-Bob' # Throws an error


The reason it throws an error is that we only used a "attr_reader", which allows reading, but not changing the value.

If we added "attr_accessor :name", we can safely read and write to the "@name" variable.


There is also attr_writer, but it is rarely used. It allows for changing values, but not reading them. You will most often see attr_reader and attr_accessor.

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Thanks, for both the explanation and the fix, I had already found the double if after I posted the pastebin, though it looks like I broke the closing parenthesis myself. Now its just a matter of figuring out the other bugs in the rest of the scripts.

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