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Tiberius emerges...

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Hiya, I'm Tiberius, I was admin of Eternal Storm, but we've had some problems, so I'm coming here for now...


For those who don't know me, I'm a decent scripter, I've made a bunch you can get here. I was also sorta Leon's mentor, I helped him get started. ^_^


For those who do know me (probably from Eternal Storm) Sorry for being gone so long. There was some trouble with keeping it up and running (mostly financial), and the hosting company kinda sucked... So it's probably gonna be a while before I get it back up. I know I have some loose ends to tie up, so if you need me, I'm here, but I can't promise I can start anything new. I've been busy, which is part of the reason I don't have ES back up... I know I've got a couple of scripts to do, so... yeah.

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Welcome, Tib. Hey, everyone, be nice to this guy. A great scriptor and a great friend. Enjoy yourself, Tiberius.

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I was also sorta Leon's mentor, I helped him get started. happy.gif

Leon once helped me get into scripting, so in a way, you taught me how to script.


Welcome the forums. Only one post and it seems like you're going to stay with us for a while. Glad to have you here.

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Well actually to what marked says. He's helping alot of people because Leon is teacing alot of people scripting.



Welcome, Tib. I know you know my xept over there on ES my name was Lyrical Wyzrd. Nice to see you here.

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You may remeber I love alchemy from ES... But probably not.


Anyway its great to see so many from the site, I thought id never see any of you again.


By the by what happened to ES!? The "Rock paper grenade" game was just getting fun...


Looks like I found my new RPGMaker forum though, this place is snazzy.

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