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By Ravenclaw105
Pokémon Saturn
**Important Note**
The game is still under Heavy Constructions and screenshots, characters and Pokémons may change.
Welcome to the region of Zerevan, a Place full of wonders and adventures.
Start you're own quest and befriend all kinds of different Pokémons.
Choose between a boy or a girl and fullfill you're own Dream of becoming the new Pokémon Champion.
Male Pokémon Trainer (If you choose to play as a boy)
Female Pokémon Trainer (If you choose to play as a girl)
Professor Mido (The Pokémon Professor)
Jason (You're Rival)
Tina (Professor Mido's Assisstant)
Legion of Chaos Grunt Female
Legion of Chaos Grunt Male
Aaron (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Sarah (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Ezekiel (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Cole (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Eiko (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Samuel (Legion of Chaos Commander)
Derek (Legion of Chaos General)
Khan (Legion of Chaos Elder Counsil)
Suzaku (Legion of Chaos Leader)
Leanne (Weskin Gym Leader)
Mina (Arshon Gym Leader)
Manny (Demia Gym Leader)
Teo (Karno Gym Leader)
Carlos (Imanto Gym Leader)
Crunch (Gento Gym Leader)
Jazil (Sarna Gym Leader)
Loranne (East Dhento Gym Leader)
Emerald (Elite 4)
Rivers (Elite 4)
Anna (Elite 4)
Erik (Elite 4)
Mystic (Mysterious Pokémon Trainer)
Ben (You're father)
Sandridge Village (Starting Village)
Rosehill Village (Village with the Pokémon Lab)
Professor Mido's Lab
Pokémon Battle
Zerevan Map
Saturnat's Theme (End of the World)
Legion of Chaos Theme
Jason's Theme
Flourish - Foal Pokémon (Grass)
Grallion - Horse Pokémon (Grass)
Empsteed - Horse Pokémon (Grass/Flying)
Cublaze - Cub Pokémon (Fire)
Scorchion - Young Lion Pokémon (Fire)
Kingferno - Lion Pokémon (Fire/Ghost)
Bublip - Balloon Pokémon (Water)
Snoush - Balloon Elephant Pokémon (Water)
Aquaster - Balloon Elephant Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Razoon - Cub Pokémon (Normal)
Warzoon - Tasmanian Tiger Pokémon (Normal/Dark)
Meart - Meerkat Pokémon (Ground/Fighting)
Zweart - Meerkat Pokémon (Ground/Fighting)
Wormt - Worm Pokémon (Bug)
Paddot - Cocoon Pokémon (Bug)
Seika - Butterfly Pokémon (Bug/Flying)
Poinaut - Worm Pokémon (Bug/Poison)
Poicoon - Cocoon Pokémon (Bug/Poison)
Poidoku - Butterfly Pokémon (Bug/Poison)
Kliri - Water Weed Pokémon (Water/Grass)
Kliriki - Jolly Lizard Pokémon (Water/Grass)
Klarico - Carefree Pokémon (Water/Flying)
Hynaut - Blue Jay Pokémon (Ice)
Hainata - Blue Jay Pokémon (Ice/Flying)
Hashimata - Blue Jay Pokémon (Ice/Flying)
Frynal - Northern Cardinal Pokémon (Fire)
Flarenal - Northern Cardinal Pokémon (Fire/Flying)
Blazenal - Northern Cardinal Pokémon (Fire/Flying)
Octan - Boar Fish Pokémon (Water)
Octavaro - Boar Fish Pokémon (Water)
Kara - Psi Pokémon (Psychic)
Karavanh - Psi Pokémon (Psychic)
Karnia - Psi Pokémon (Psychic)
Twinkel - Coral Snake Pokémon (Poison)
Trihydra – Coral Snake Pokémon (Poison)
Sainot - Weed Pokémon (Grass/Poison)
Seedot - Flower Pokémon (Grass/Poison)
Serevanot - Bean Pokémon (Grass/Poison)
Mariya - Superpower Pokémon (Ground/Fighting)
Mashiraya - Superpower Pokémon (Ground/Fighting)
Hito - Canine Pokémon (Normal)
Mahito - Canine Pokémon (Normal)
Himato - Werewolf Pokémon (Dark)
Ninj - Hypnosis Pokémon (Psychic)
Ninjada - Hypnosis Pokémon (Psychic)
Ninjasoul - Hypnosis Pokémon (Psychic)
Agi – Marsupial Lion Pokémon (Normal)
Flaragi - Flame Pokémon (Fire)
Watagi - Water Pokémon (Water)
Thundagi - Thunder Pokémon (Electrick)
Leafagi - Leaf Pokémon (Grass)
Sunagi - Sun Pokémon (Psychic)
Moonagi - Moon Pokémon (Dark)
Jagga - Underground Pokémon (Ground)
Jaggata - Underground Pokémon (Ground)
Jaggattata - Underground Pokémon (Ground)
Kaminari - Thunder Cloud Pokémon (Electrick)
Banrai - Thunder Cloud Pokémon (Electrick)
Seaba - Amoeba Pokémon (Water)
Oceaba - Amoeba Pokémon (Water)
Lifish - Fish Pokémon (Water)
Dolpfish - Dolphin Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Mezea - Coral Pokémon (Water)
Admezea - Coral Pokémon (Water)
Azeadant - Coral Pokémon (Water/Poison)
Psyzeant - Coral Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Gigo - Rock Scorpion Pokémon (Rock/Ground)
Gigath - Rock Scorpion Pokémon (Rock/Ground)
Gigorant - Rock Scorpion Pokémon (Rock/Ground)
Grantic - Steel Scorpion Pokémon (Steel/Ground)
Rocka - Rock Pokémon (Rock/Ground)
Rockalob - Rock Pokémon (Rock/Ground)
Seniya - Swift Fox Pokémon (Normal)
Serioyana - Red Fox Pokémon (Psychic)
Battic - Bat Pokémon (Poison/Flying)
Battou - Bat Pokémon (Poison/Flying)
Battave - Bat Pokémon (Poison/Flying)
Psybat - Bat Pokémon (Psychic/Flying)
Shattic - Hammerhead Shark Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Sharpic - Swordfish Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Mahana - Ghost Hand Pokémon (Ghost)
Klook - Steel Pokémon (Rock/Steel)
Wit - Steel Eye Pokémon (Steel)
Salwit - Steel Eyes Pokémon (Steel)
Mandalwit - Steel Robot Pokémon (Steel)
Aku - Acrobatic Pokémon (Fighting)
Akuru - Acrobatic Pokémon (Fighting)
Akurubatto - Acrobatic Pokémon (Fighting)
Jint - Genie Pokémon (Fighting/Psychic)
Medijint - Genie Pokémon (Fighting/Psychic)
Sarvannha - Capra Pokémon (Grass/Psychic)
Merivannha - Ibex Pokémon (Grass/Psychic)
Taintow - Yellow Budgie Pokémon (Electrick/Flying)
Swaintow - Yellow Budgie Pokémon (Electrick/Flying)
Shork - Shock Pokémon (Electrick)
Shinork - Shock Pokémon (Electrick)
Beezap - Electrick Bee Pokémon (Electrick)
Stingzap - Electrick Wasp Pokémon (Electrick)
Treenat - Tree Pokémon (Grass/Ground)
Treenott - Tree Pokémon (Grass/Steel)
Kai - Radish Pokémon (Grass)
Kaiwari - Radish Pokémon (Grass)
Kinkaiwari - Radish Pokémon (Grass)
Nightshade - Flower Pokémon (Grass/Dark)
Shimmeroot - Flower Pokémon (Grass/Ghost)
Harpi - Harpy Pokémon (Dark/Flying)
Harpun - Harpy Pokémon (Dark/Flying)
Harpunia - Harpy Pokémon (Dark/Flying)
Mimushi - Earwig Pokémon (Bug)
Kimia - Mosquito Pokémon (Bug/Flying)
Rosarin - Rose Pokémon (Grass/Psychic)
Mandarosa - Rose Pokémon (Grass/Psychic)
Chilla - Snowball Pokémon (Ice)
Chillblizz - Snowman Pokémon (Ice/Ghost)
Carno - Piranha Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Sharnock - Shark Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Soi - Catfish Pokémon (Water)
Arasoi - Electrick Catfish Pokémon (Water/Electrick)
Araseel - Electrick Eel Pokémon (Water/Electrick)
Infernat - Fire Salamander Pokémon (Fire)
Infurious - Fire Dragon Pokémon (Fire/Dragon)
Flare - Flame Beetle Pokémon (Bug/Fire)
Flarecoon - Flame Cocoon Pokémon (Bug/Fire)
Flaremoon - Fire Bee Pokémon (Bug/Fire)
Coalcanh - Flame Mouse Pokémon (Fire)
Cappu - Blue-capped Ifrita Pokémon (Poison/Flying)
Caprita - Blue-capped Ifrita Pokémon (Poison/Flying)
Mantu - Mantella Pokémon (Poison)
Pitchella - Mantella Pokémon (Poison/Dark)
Kwagga - Quagga Pokémon (Psychic)
Zekwagga - Quagga Pokémon (Psychic)
Fene - Fennec Fox Pokémon (Ground)
Fenekku - Fennec Fox Pokémon (Ground/Dark)
Karakaru - Caracal Pokémon (Ground/Psychic)
Hiska - Bear Pokémon (Normal)
Ariga - Steel Bear Pokémon (Steel)
Aragorik - Steel Bear Pokémon (Steel/Psychic)
Sandik - Sand Larva Pokémon (Bug/Ground)
Sandikotta - Sand Cocoon Pokémon (Bug/Ground)
Sandikova - Sand Dragonfly Pokémon (Bug/Ground)
Shorni - Sand Horse Pokémon (Ground)
Carticorn - Sand Unicorn Pokémon (Ground/Psychic)
Allir - Water Ant Pokémon (Water/Bug)
Zallira - Water Lizard Pokémon (Water/Flying)
Zamallir - Water Dragon Pokémon (Water/Dragon)
Velozan - Velociraptor Pokémon (Fighting/Dark)
Raptic - Velociraptor Pokémon (Fighting/Dark)
Flameatto - Elemental Cat Pokémon (Fire)
Aquatto - Elemental Cat Pokémon (Water)
Leafatto - Elemental Cat Pokémon (Grass)
Bhang - Solar Fish Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Wishbhang - Solar Fish Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Yunpi - Bunyip Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Yupunjo - Bunyip Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Reignzin - Shadow Pokémon (Dark/Ghost)
Carazin - Shadow Pokémon (Dark/Ghost)
Reep - Seed Pokémon (Grass/Steel)
Careep - Flower Pokémon (Grass/Steel)
Cavareep - Flytrap Pokémon (Grass/Steel)
Meton - Young Primate Pokémon (Electrick/Steel)
Armeton - Tarsier Primate Pokémon (Electrick/Steel)
Metonape - White Ape Pokémon (Electrick/Steel)
Neko - Snow Leopard Pokémon (Normal/Ice)
Seneko - Snow Leopard Pokémon (Normal/Ice)
Maneko - Mngwa Pokémon (Ice/Dark)
Seira - Poison Coral Pokémon (Water/Poison)
Seridan - Stingray Pokémon (Water/Poison)
Psyseridan - Psi Coelacanth Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Temana - Manatee Pokémon (Water)
Serenitee - Manatee Pokémon (Water)
Lessard - Shape-shifting Pokémon (Grass/Fire/Water/Ground/Psychic)
Coul - Coal Pokémon (Ghost)
Sancoul - Coal Pokémon (Ghost)
Skullder - Skeleton Head Pokémon (Ghost)
Skulltorn - Skeleton Lizard Pokémon (Ghost)
Skullight - Quetzalcoatl Pokémon (Ghost/Flying)
Skulladow - Quetzalcoatl Pokémon (Ghost/Ground)
Dreamious - Shadow Snake Pokémon (Ghost/Poison)
Dreamviper - Shadow Snake Pokémon (Ghost/Poison)
Seeroot - Ghost Root Pokémon (Grass/Ghost)
Traproot - Ghost Flytrap Pokémon (Grass/Ghost)
Ashin - Ghost Sludge Pokémon (Ghost/Poison)
Flarshin - Fire Ghost Pokémon (Fire/Ghost)
Aquashin - Water Ghost Pokémon (Water/Ghost)
Thundashin - Thunder Ghost Pokémon (Electrick/Ghost)
Taven - Orthrus Pokémon (Dark)
Faia - Cherufe Pokémon (Fire/Fighting)
Agni - Cherufe Pokémon (Fire/Fighting)
Tokage - Tiny Lizard Pokémon (Electrick)
Hitokage - Salamander Pokémon (Electrick)
Komokage - Komodo Dragon Pokémon (Electrick/Dragon)
Ryou - Chinese Dragon Pokémon (Electrick/Dragon)
Eisei - Reaper Pokémon (Ghost)
Kisei - Grim Reaper Pokémon (Ghost)
Horsicamp - Hippocamp Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Hippotha - Hippocamp Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Hari - Hedgehog Pokémon (Normal)
Zumi - Hedgehog Pokémon (Normal)
Harinezumi - Hedgehog Pokémon (Dark)
Poon (Male) Poon (Female) - Chess Pawn Pokémon (Normal)
Kakkou (Male) Kakkou (Female) - Chess Bishop Pokémon (Normal)
Kingu - Chess King Pokémon (Normal)
Ouhi - Chess Queen Pokémon (Normal)
Arizan - Mutillidae Pokémon (Bug/Poison)
Antlo - Pronghorn Pokémon (Bug/Ground)
Antilog - Pronghorn Pokémon (Bug/Ground)
Kaku - Ice Cube Pokémon (Ice)
Kakugoori - Ice Cubes Pokémon (Ice)
Blitz - Cub Pokémon (Ice)
Blitzart - Young Fox Pokémon (Ice)
Blitzopa - Adult Fox Pokémon (Ice/Dark)
Frizen - Icicle Pokémon (Ice/Dark)
Frizerio - Icicle Pokémon (Ice/Dark)
Arigan - Mystic Pokémon (Ice/Poison)
Granarigan - Aura Pokémon (Ice/Poison)
Zerarigan - Aura Pokémon (Ice/Ghost)
Hazent - Rare Fish Pokémon (Water/Psychic)
Hooriant - Magical Owl (Dark/Psychic)
Ghowlian - Magical Owl (Dark/Psychic)
Weedent - Rare Leaf Pokémon (Grass/Steel)
Saber - Young Cat Pokémon (Normal)
Saberia - Sabertooth Cat Pokémon (Dark)
Saberton - Sabertooth Tiger Pokémon (Dark)
Mammith - Young Mammoth Pokémon (Dark/Ground)
Mammotha - Mammoth Pokémon (Dark/Ground)
Mammothark - Mammoth Pokémon (Dark/Ground)
Tareel - Abaia Pokémon (Water)
Abateel - Abaia Pokémon (Water/Dark)
Ziwill - Will-o-wisp Pokémon (Ghost/Fire)
Zewisp - Will-o-wisp Pokémon (Ghost/Fire)
Akryn - Baby Spider Pokémon (Bug)
Radakryn - Spider Pokémon (Bug/Poison)
Mezmakryn - Arachnid Pokémon (Bug/Fighting)
Acoon - Baby Dragon Pokémon (Dragon)
Zerius - Dragon Pokémon (Dragon)
Emperius - Emperor Dragon Pokémon (Dragon/Flying)
Agger - Mechanical Pokémon (Steel/Psychic)
Aggerdon - Mechanical Pokémon (Steel/Psychic)
Aggertian - Mechanical Flying Pokémon (Steel/Flying)
Eriath - Mystic Pokémon (Psychic)
Corinth - Ancient Pokémon (Water/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Dezmyia - Ancient Pokémon (Fire/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Luriento - Ancient Pokémon (Grass/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Azmando - Ancient Pokémon (Electrick/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Ariado - Legendary Fox Pokémon (Fire/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Mariado - Legendary Wolf Pokémon (Dark/Psychic) LEGENDARY
Megarious - Relic Pokémon (Electrick/Ground) LEGENDARY
Mizorious - Relic Pokémon (Grass/Ground) LEGENDARY
Saturnat - Chaos Dragon Pokémon (Dragon/Ghost) LEGENDARY
Zeenat - Mystic Aura Pokémon (Water) LEGENDARY
Weenat - Mystic Aura Pokémon (Fire) LEGENDARY
Ghastmoon - Mystic Water Pokémon (Ghost/Water) LEGENDARY
Ghastsun - Mystic Flame Pokémon (Ghost/Fire) LEGENDARY
Terrichu - Dobhar-chu Pokémon (Water/Dark) LEGENDARY
Ah-zuh - Azeban Pokémon (Psychic) LEGENDARY
Kangaia - Kangaroo Pokémon (Fighting/Grass) LEGENDARY
Avilon - Guadalupe Caracara Pokémon (Psychic/Flying) LEGENDARY
Sakaton - Glyptodon Pokémon (Rock/Ground) LEGENDARY
Aquiro - Tylosaurus Pokémon (Water/Poison) LEGENDARY
Zatora - Chimera Pokémon (Psychic/Flying) LEGENDARY
Yumiru - Ymir Pokémon (Ice/Dark) LEGENDARY
Vielfrass - Wolpertinger Pokémon (Ground/Flying) LEGENDARY
Celanvee - Nuckelavee Pokémon (Ghost/Dark) LEGENDARY
Kabayong - Tikbalang Pokémon (Dark/Fighting) LEGENDARY
Puppoak - Wooden Puppet Pokémon (Ghost/Grass) LEGENDARY
Pokémon © Nintendo Company
Producer/Mapper/Writer etc © Me
Design of Cublaze, Scorchion, Bublip, Razoon, Meart, Zweart, Wormt & Reep © AllegroAlley
Design of Saturnat, Ariado, Mariado, Corinth, Ghastmoon, Kangaia, Yumiru, Vielfrass, Terrichu & Zatora © FlannMoriath
Pokémon Essentials © Peter O. & Flameguru
RPG Maker XP © Enterbrain
Saturnat's Theme, Legion of Chaos Theme, Jason's Theme, Sacrifice & Agony © Magnus & Me
By Bigace360
So for those who've played Pokemon Black/White, Nintendo has released N's real name.
Natural Harmonia Gropius
Like lolwut?
Definitely weird. Do you like it? I find it stupid and probably the reason why he goes around calling himself N.