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What are your thoughts on Ron Paul?

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Ron Paul isnt just localized to the US, his actions and philosophies affect everyone, world wide. Whether you love him or hate him, he is a phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. And his storm is not abating.


Just curious what everyones thoughts are about Ron Paul, now that CBS has acknowledged that he is a Top Tier Candidate for the Republican Presidential Nomination?


(that, and trying to get people to talk about something and generate a little more activity on the forums...)

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Ron Paul isnt just localized to the US, his actions and philosophies affect everyone, world wide.

Please elaborate on how this US politician affects the entire world. I live in New Zealand, does he affect me? I have actually heard of him but I'm just wondering regarding this point :)

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Eh, I personally do not like any of the Republican candidates, and I haven't seen any good from Democrats either. Sometimes he makes good ideas/ etc etc, but I don't like/agree with a lot he says.

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I dont think there is a single one of the current Republican candidates that are being force fed to us by the GOP (Republican Party) that is worth two squirts of piss. The GOP and our Media absolutely despise Ron Paul. They do everything in their power to prevent him from taking the Republican Nomination for President of the US (which affects New Zealand, and every other country world wide), they bad mouth him, and the Media barely even talks about him.


@Marked, the rest of our politicians are absolute scum, and everyone being pushed for our new President by the Media is also scum lower than dirt. They all want to push this issue of the US being the World Police Power, and for some reason think that we have the right to invade non aggressive countries by using lies and tell them how to run their country. The biggest, most dangerous, and pervasive issue right now is that Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel, a Nuclear Power) has publicly stated that Israel is now at war with Iran (another Nuclear Power), and Israel expects 100% support from the US to stick their noses where they dont belong. All of our MSM (Media) pushed candidates all think we should unconditionally support Israel and act like Israel can do absolutely no wrong, and they are all banging the wardrums against Iran. Iran, a country with Nuclear Weapons, being waged war on by two countries with Nuclear Weapons, one being the remaining Nuclear Superpower of the World. Ron Paul is the Only candidate that thinks that we should not be supporting Israel or invading other countries. If Nuclear War breaks out, it directly affects every single man woman and child on the planet, and not just the ones alive today, but the ones that will be alive a hundred generations from now. THAT is why you should be concerned.


@Crimson, I totally agree with you. There are a few things I dont specifically agree with him either, but what I do like, is that on the points that we dont agree on especially, he feels that those kinds of issues are best left for me to decide for myself and for him to decide for himself, which is mostly on issues of personal choice. The mere fact that he prefers to leave me to make my own decisions for myself on the issues we do not agree on (religion) is one of the strongest reasons I have to support the guy. I'm not very religious, but some of the other presidential candidates have basically stated that if you are not a Christian, that you dont deserve live in the US. I dont know about you, or your religion, but when did it suddenly become okay for me to impose any of my religious views on to you? I dont think that is right, and whatever religion or maybe even a lack of you might be, it should be my responsibility to defend your right to choose your beliefs and what is right for you. Crimson, just out of curiousity, do you have anything specific about Ron Paul's policies that you dont like or think he could do better?


--- Real US History Crash Course ---


Slightly off topic, but why is the US banging the War Drum against Iran? I'll tell you why. There are only three countries left in the world that do not have a Central Bank. Iran, Syria, and North Korea. In the year 2000, there were 7 countries without Central Banks. So just add Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Egypt to that list. Libya = Ghadaffi (or however you spell or say it) dead. Egypt, revolt. Iraq and Afghanistan have been Invaded. Syria is about to be sanctioned (completely cut off) by the rest of the world. North Korea is a bit harder to deal with since they are isolationistic, but their government treats their people like total shit. Point was, every single country, incliding Israel and New Zealand have Central Banks.


Central Banks "loan" the total mone supply of a country to that Government, at interest. Its oversimplified a bit as they really buy Goverment Bonds that said Countries pay interest on, none the less, it is a form of interest. Imagine this. You are KING of your Country, but you have a Central Bank. Your Central Bank loans you all the money for you to operate your kingdom, but charges you Interest on it. Lets say your country is small, and you can get a million dollars for your country. It sounds like a lot, but that is if it is all for one person. That million dollars has to be for everyone in your country to use. Now, since your Central Bank charges Interest on that Million Dollars, you are now a Million Dollars in debt, plus the interest. Where does the money to pay for the interest on that money come from? The Central Bank of course! If a King owes money to the Central Bank, his rule is subject to the demands of the Central Bank. Thus, a King with a Central Bank is not even a King in his own Kingdom. Central Banks are more dangerous to Nations than Standing Armies.


But, what is so dangerous about a Central Bank? Central Banks are the ones truly running your Country, not your Representatives, not your Leaders, not your Kings, not one single Politician in your Nation has any measure of control over what happens in your country. If they make decisions, it is allowed to happen by the Central Banks. Central Banks are all about Profit. But, what is wrong with profit? What is more profitable for a Central Bank than Perpetual War? When countries go to war with each other, many lives are lost and both sides cost a great deal of money to be maintained, regardless of who wins or loses. The money to finance the war comes from the Central Banks, which makes them the most dangerous entities in existence.


The Central Bank of the United States of America is the Federal Reserve Bank. They control the issue of our money supply, and fund our wars. Our presidents and elected officials bow to the whims of the Central Banksters. The name "Federal Reserve Bank" implies that it is part of our Federal Government, it is not. We have another company here that is quite famous with the word Federal in its name. Federal Express. Federal Express is a private company that acts as competition for our Postal Service by charging more than the Postal Service, but provides faster service. The Federal Reserve Bank also is NOT a part of the Federal Goverment. We often refer to the Federal Reserve Bank as just the Federal Reserve and omit the word Bank from their proper title. Then we shortened it even more and called it the Fed. The Federal Reserve Bank has NO reserves and is NOT a part of our Federal Government. But people think that it is a part because of the misinerpretation of the name. The Fed also will not do business with anyone except the Federal Government. It is to our Federal Reserve Bank that our entire National Debt is owed to. And with that kind of leverage over our leaders, it gives them the power to elect or assassinate Presidents, declare war on other countries that do not have Central Banks, and gives them complete and utter control over our country.


It isnt just in the US either. There is a Bank of England. They control England. New Zealand (where I seriously want to move to) also has a Central Bank. Austraila? No different. Central Bank. China, Russia, Germany, South Africa, and now Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Egypt all also have Central Banks. The only 3 countries that dont are about to get a Central Bank shoved right up their asses, whether their people want it or not.


Ron Paul is completely and adamantly opposed to the existence of Central Banks and the usury that occurs with any Dishonest Money System. We are having protests in our country called Occupy Wall Street, which has spread to every major city in our country. Mostly peaceful protests, but our Police State has crossed the line and has killed numerous protestors who were trying to publicly display their opinions that there is something terribly wrong with our country. Most are being shut down, arrested, and silenced for expressing their points of view. Some of the OWS (Occupy Wall Street, or whatever city they happen Occupying) support Ron Paul, some dont. There doesnt seem to be much of a pattern of OWS supporters other than they have been screwed over by smaller banks. And of course by smaller, I mean the big national ones that are willing to do business with the public, unlike the Federal Reserve Bank. Banks like Wells Fargo (big bank in the US). Most of the OWS protestors dont really truly have any understanding of what is going on. They see our government bailing out our "Too Big To Fail" smaller banks with our money, but what is really happening is that we, and the rest of the world have a Dishonest Money System. Our Federal Reserve Bank has enabled every smaller bank to exploit the people, and fine them, stop loaning money to businesses which has evaporated most of our job market (unemployment in the US is at about 30% right now, regardless of what your news sources may tell you) and tons of people have lost their houses. They lost their houses to the Banks, and not one single Banker has even been so much as charged with a crime, let alone convicted. They control the flow of money, and the creation of jobs, and whether or not you own your home or not (if you live in the US). And the OWS protestors are pissed about that, but strangely, there doesnt seem to be as many Ron Paul supporters in the OWS protests as had been thought, these are people that have just been screwed over and are pissed about it. The big problem with OWS is they arent offering any real solutions.


Ron Paul is the only one that I believe offers any real solutions. The rest of the candidates want to completely eliminate Fractional Reserve Banking Requirements, which would only quicken the death spiral of the World Economy. He calls it a "Sound Monetary Policy" but that is one of those mute points that I disagree with him on. I think he should call it what it is intended to be, an "Honest Money System". And what exactly is an Honest Money System? It is a Money System that frees the ordinary man from the clutches of the Money Manipulators. And the Money Manipulators were the Primary Cause for the Revolutionary War (of the United States vs England). England was pissed that the colonies (at the time) were printing and using an Interest Free Currency (not Bank Issued like today) that they had no control over. Well, the Bank of England was pissed so he raised taxes on Tea. The result of that was the Boston Tea Party (American Colonists dumped tons of Tea from England in the ocean in protest of the New Taxes on the Tea) and even at the time, Tea was implied as an acronym of Taxed Enough Already.


One of the Founding Fathers of our country stated "I sincerely believe that the refusal of King George III to allow the American Colonies to operate an Honest Money System, which frees the ordinary man from the clutches of the Money Manipulators is the primary cause for the (sic: Revolutionary) War". Thomas Jefferson wrote " I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Jefferson of course was referring to Central Banks. For those that may not know, the United States did not have a Central Bank until 1913, however prior to that, we had two Central Banks. The First National Bank, and the Second Bank of the United States. Again, the misiterpretation of using the word "National" and "United States" to imply that the Banks were a part of the Federal or National Governemnt. Every President that we have on our money supply has either been a Victim of the Central Banks, or has been a Hero trumpeting the causes of the Central Banksters. Andrew Jackson. Assasinated. Epitath reads "I killed the Bank", referring to the 2nd Bank of the US". Lincoln. Assassinated. Greenback. Kennedy. Assassinated. Silver Dollar not issued by the Fed. All have their faces on our money supply. You probably think I am on a rant, or just rambling about the crap that is going on in the US, but the thing is, this affects the entire world. If the US economy collapses, its going to probably wreck your whole existence, regardless of what country you live in. But dont think that because I am an American that I am somehow better than anyone else that comes from another country, Im not. Im trying to give you a very serious warning about what will probably happen in your own country, if it isnt being invaded already, your Central Bank is going to deprive you of your prosperity until you have nothing left to give your children. Every Country has the same problem. Central Banks. People around the world need to express to their leaders the dangers and dissatisfaction that you have with allowing your countrys power to be usurped by your own Central Banks. When Iceland joined the European Union and allowed its currency to be converted to Euros instead of whatever it was before (dont know that much about iceland), they increased their National Debt by 9 times of what it originally was. Look at what happened there. Total Financial Meltdown. Cause: Central Bank that controlled issue of the Euro. They had an opportunity to free themselves from the clutches of the Central Banksters, but failed, as they are still dependant on a Central Bank. Now think Greece. SHTF. Italy. Next is probably France. England isnt on the Euro, but look at their own Financial Crisis. China seems to be the only country that is doing ok. Russian and China both have embraced the idea of a precious metal backed currency, because there is a limit on how much of that there is in existence. That, and China pretty much has all the US's Gold. The former USSR collapsed due to their own Financial Collapse. Fort Knox (famous Gold Repository in the US) is flat out Empty. Has been for years. The Central Banks have the gold. Hell, it wasnt even that long ago that the US was on a Gold Standard. 1971 Nixon took us off the Gold Standard completely and put us on a Keynesian Economic System (Debt Based Currency instead of Gold), and the value of our Dollar has dropped thru the floor, continued picking up speed in the basement, and is half way to hell at this moment. We've lost 98% of the buying power of our dollar in the last 98 years, roughly 1% per year, and this cycle is just about complete. So think about what has happened to every country in history to date, and think for a moment that it could very well happen to you as well. --- For mods: I am a Ron Paul supporter, but I am also an RMXP enthusiast, so if my Ron Paul point of view upsets other forum members, please let me know and I'll just keep on topic of RMXP related stuff on this forum. I'd like to not get banned for having a point of view that could cause conflicts here, so if need be, I'll keep it to myself, or make such posts not anywhere on this site. You guys are the nicest bunch of RMXP enthusiasts that I've met so far.

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@Marked, the rest of our politicians are absolute scum, and everyone being pushed for our new President by the Media is also scum lower than dirt. They all want to push this issue of the US being the World Police Power, and for some reason think that we have the right to invade non aggressive countries by using lies and tell them how to run their country. The biggest, most dangerous, and pervasive issue right now is that Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel, a Nuclear Power) has publicly stated that Israel is now at war with Iran (another Nuclear Power), and Israel expects 100% support from the US to stick their noses where they dont belong. All of our MSM (Media) pushed candidates all think we should unconditionally support Israel and act like Israel can do absolutely no wrong, and they are all banging the wardrums against Iran. Iran, a country with Nuclear Weapons, being waged war on by two countries with Nuclear Weapons, one being the remaining Nuclear Superpower of the World. Ron Paul is the Only candidate that thinks that we should not be supporting Israel or invading other countries. If Nuclear War breaks out, it directly affects every single man woman and child on the planet, and not just the ones alive today, but the ones that will be alive a hundred generations from now. THAT is why you should be concerned.

Now you have your head screwed on correctly. Standing up for your views and also acknowledging that those in power also control the media, and therefore the media is biased.


I don't believe a nulclear war is going to break out. If there's one thing keeping the power-hungry US administration in check its China. By 2050 China's economy is set to be twice that of the US (source: my finance class at uni).


If there's one thing I like to see its US citizens standing up against the illegal invasions by the US. I know the world is kinda crap and 'try' to ignore all the injustice in the world that does not affect me. But seriously, taking a few of the US administration to the gallows would be sweet justice.


Did anyone see the thing on the news today where Barak Obama is in Australia and plans to employ 250 troops there? Thats WAY to close to me for my liking (across the tasman sea a wee bit). Seriously, troops in Australia, why?! The Prime Minister of Australia has no back bone. If US troops come to NZ I'll assassinate my PM myself.


So you see what the outside world's impression of the US's military operations? If they ever tried to go some good, no ones going to believe they have good intentions anymore.


One more thing, the US which controls NATO, how many innocent Libyans did you kill?! Shitloads. Seriously, hope everyone involved suffers the most horrible death.


One more thing, the media will portray Ron Paul as a villain and another puppet will be elected. Where's my Chinese flag.


For mods: I am a Ron Paul supporter, but I am also an RMXP enthusiast, so if my Ron Paul point of view upsets other forum members, please let me know and I'll just keep on topic of RMXP related stuff on this forum. I'd like to not get banned for having a point of view that could cause conflicts here, so if need be, I'll keep it to myself, or make such posts not anywhere on this site. You guys are the nicest bunch of RMXP enthusiasts that I've met so far.

All you have to do is not flame. If a member gets upset (it would be irrational in my view) and flames, they will be warned. I'll even warn a mod. A warn isnt verbal, its literally a record kept of misbehavior.


EDIT: Sorry, i got a little worked up just now sweatdrop.gif

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Hey, all good. Actually, I am glad to see people getting worked up because those that dont get worked up about anything wont lift a finger to help anyone but themselves. That is what I think of a lot of the OWS protests, and I totally agree that we need more people to stand up and say that we should not be invading nations at all. We should at least be talking to them. But our Government doesnt listen to us at all, period. As is pretty obvious with OWS, which is mostly Bank crap related just to the US, their solution is to silence the OWS protestors.


I do feel a certain ammt of responsibility for living in a country which not only conducts such atrocities against other nations, but acts like it is a good thing! And not just Libya, there have been hundreds of thousands of "casualties" since our leaders decided to invade Afghanistan. And our media refers to them as Casualties, like Death is Casual. They are human beings. Some of them absolutely hate us, but for most part, most people would be much happier if we just left them alone. We have destroyed so many families and lives around the world and we as Americans know exactly why the rest of the world is absolutely pissed at us, and think as well as they all have every right to be. I know I am ashamed of the way our Elected Leaders behave and the crap they dump on the rest of the world.


The Australian Base isnt the only thing you should be concerned with however. We have yet another new law going into effect at the end of the month roughly that deprives anyone that is merely accused of being a terrorist of every single Intrisic Human Right. Not just US Constitutional Rights, but the rights of every single human being because they are human beings. This law "allows" the US to indefinitely detain anyone accused of being a potential terrorist pretty much forever, with no trial. Thus, you dont like your neighbor, you just call the US and tell them that your neighbor said whatever and make up a convincing lie. They will come to your country just as quick as they will indefinitely detain Americans as well. I am terrified of my own Government, but I still love what my country used to be.


Lead By Example is the motto of many leaders. But our current leaders have adopted a new motto, "Do as I say, not as I do". This is the result of the attitudes they have developed for us "Mundanes", or "Sheeple". They have made the fatal flaw of thinking that being charged with the responsibility of Representing the People has some how granted them the authority to be their Dictators. Our elected Representatives no longer represent, our Media is completely and totally useless, and I accept my own personal proportional ammt of responsibility for the actions of our Facist Dictators. I do that because I want to Lead By Example. If the US really wanted to Lead by Example, they'd have half a brain to stop invading other countries and promoting war as the only possible solution. Instead, we would abolish our Central Bank in favor of an Honest Money System, we would treat all people around the world as if they all had Constitutional Rights, and would actually set the example of how other nations can promote peace and prosperity for all.


But such a world is not the one in which we live. And I realized that my ability to cause such a change is beyond my ability. So is my knowledge of such world events. I know I dont have all my facts straight, and even when I do, the facts that I do have are disputed by the Media's "Version of the Truth". I have been seriously trying to find a way to get out of this country, hopefully to New Zealand, for a while now, but to no avail. Almost every single job around here has dried up. Those that are left either under-employ, or over-employ their employees. And no employers are offering positions to anyone, even us Veterans. Those that do have either of those conditional jobs are probably going to be out of work within two years. The way that these people are being employed makes their employment conditional in a way that if they do lose their job through no fault of their own, they will not be able to collect any form of benefits. In the US, its what we call a 1099 employee, or a "Private Contractor", who is responsible for paying their own taxes on their wages (which I think is bullshit, regardless of country), but because they are Private Contractors are not entitled to any form of Benefits as those can only be provided and paid into by Employers.


Our jobs are gone, our freedom is gone, my friends have all moved out of the country (Canada and Mexico), most of my family has passed away, my entire future has been taken from me. I want out of the Untied States of Amerika like you would not believe. But one thing scares me even worse. What if the events that are happening here do not stop here? What if we do bring the rest of the world down in a Total Financial World Wide Collapse? Then, I think to myself briefly that I have two glimmers of hope. Ron Paul. And in the high probability that he is not elected, the rest of the world is no where as stupid as Americans have allowed themselves to become.


So what chance to I have of ever being allowed to become a permanent resident of New Zealand?

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