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Digimon World Rmxp

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Can anyone join me???

I want a scripter for battle system, menu and others.

I also need a tilesets maker..........

The spriter is also needed...........

Did I miss anything????

Please join mebye.gif


I also need an Event Maker and Graphic Maker...............

[1] I want at least 3 Scrip Maker..........

[1] I want at least 3 Scrip Maker..........

[2] I want at least 2 Tileset Maker.............

[3] I want at least 2 Spriter.............

[4] I want at least 3 Event Maker..............

[5] I want at least 4 Graphic Maker.................

[6] I want at least 2 Soundtrack Maker..................



1 more thing, can you make animated sprite for this.......................

If you can't do it, it's okay...I don't mind..............Join it

Edited by Polraudio

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1. If you would like people to actually help, you need to provide much more information about the game. Some would be nice.

2. Please do not double/triple post within such a short time period. Give a few days before bumping your topic.


This forum is for anyone who wants to post recruitment for their projects. A good recruitment thread should include what the project is about, any screenshots you have of it (not required), and also a list of positions are you seeking to fill. If you only give a tiny bit of detail on your project, you are likely to get overlooked because you have no information about it. As a note, you may bump your topic once every 72 hours if it has not gotten looked at and is not on the main page of the forum.


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Questions I immediately wondered:

-What will YOU be doing? Recruiting 16 people is a massive team, what are you planning on contributing?

-What is your past experience with RMXP, and with leading a big team for a project.

-What kind of battle system are you looking for? Live action. turn based, tile movement, etc.

-What time period in the Digimon world will the game take place? Are you using new characters, or old ones from the show?

-How long of a game will it be, is there any story planned yet, how many hours of game play are you aiming for?



-All your information should be in the first post, edit posts 1 and 2, remove the info and replace it with (reserved).

-Talented spriters are extremely hard to find for free, as they are normally working on something.

-Iron out what you want for your combat system, and then if no pre-existing script meets your needs, then request the script, in the script request section.

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how do i remove the posts???

one more problem..............

my rmxp says this : "Rpg maker xp has stopped working" help me please!!!


well i just have to gave up.........................

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57 minutes and you give up...? If you stick at it and commit to the game and learning, then you will do just fine. If you ask for help and quite so easily, I don't think anyone would probably be willing to help (resources wasted etc etc). I hope I did not come off mean, I'm just trying to help...


As for your RMXP crashing problem, does it instantly crash upon boot? Or does it crash when you do something? Have you put in your registration code? What are your PC's specs? What programs were you running at the time of the crash?

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i don't have a chance to put the registration code..it's crash after i click it...............

i don't have anything running at the same time..............


it can't be helped................

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What are your PC specs? Where did you install and if I need to ask, did you get the trail anywhere else but the official site?

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Don't download at Cnet.com. You can check your PC specs regardless of who owns it. Windows 98, right? That's probably the cause, but to check specks do this:






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