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    • By Xega
      Hello, I'm new here. I'm making a game, but it can't stay on battle mode. Could anyone help about this problem. And also, I need a lot of tips to start on RMXP so that I can make a good game.
    • By Skywhy
      Iron Prelude [Link to Website]

      Iron Prelude is environment-driven, and built around the idea of functionality. As with many other ORPGs, players control a characeter, within the vast world of Roggenia. Players can do combat, or non-combat, and will be able to obtain money, and experience, which will allow them to level up, buy new abilities, and help them survive. As you walk through the world ridden with lore, you can explore the many areas of Roggenia.
      - Everything Eclipse Origins has to offer
      - Weather
      - Managed error-prevention systems
      - Minimaps
      - Quests
      - Mail
      - Easy to use GUI
      - Drag and Drop
      - Vast maps
      - Loads of items
      - Epic spells
      - Scripted tiles, Ice sliding, for example
      - Custom User Interface
      - Fully integrated forums and website

      - Carim: Programmer, Developer
      - Beanie: Programmer, Developer
      - Bonk: Developer
      - Becky: Developer
      - DrNova: Developer
      Main Credits:
      - Robin: Eclipse Origins Engine
      - Sekaru: Free Web domain
      - Rob & Justin: Free VPS
      - myBB Team: The myBB forum software
      - Togetkite, Level-5, Kevin MacLeod: Music
      - Enterbrain: RM2K graphics
      - For all other credits, please see the credits thread on the forums.
      Thank you for reading.
    • By GrimmHallows
      my name is Grimm Hallows, and I'm willing to make everyone music, largely so they can get rid of the not-so-great RTP music!
      As a musician, I love creating music, and while my talents are with looping programs like MAGIX Music maker 17, and Garage Band, I don't always use loops, creating entire songs through sheet music notation.
      I have provided a sample for you all to listen to; it's an example of a battle theme, with a "Starting effect".

      Battle Theme (With Starter).MP3
      This is also another creation I have recently uploaded, made for the title or main theme of a game, or even overworld music for something

      Please review both!
      Without the starting effect for the first one, which is optional, the battle theme will repeat and loop over itself, creating a brilliant theme.
      I also do "overworld" themes, for when your character is not in battle, and just about anything else necessary to do with the Musical audio of RPG games.
      Simply request it an I'll make it as soon as possible, generally within a few days per song.
      This is completely for free, so feel free to either PM me, or simply reply; this thread will be monitored daily to make sure I'm not falling behind!
    • By newgamergirl2011
      OK, I just want to let everyone know that if I play your game or you ask me a question, I am straight forward when it comes to the comments. I tell it like it is. It's not to hurt anyone's feelings or put you down. Kind of like a paid game critic tells the companies that hire them to give feedback on their prototype.
      Also, I'm new to this website and everything about it, so I may not be able to answer your questions or help you if you get stuck on something. I'll probably be the one asking for the help, lol.
      So if you want my opinion, just ask. Want me to test a product, ask. If I ever get a game made, I'll let you know and possibly ask for you feedback. Good luck to you all :)
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