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Stolen resource in Elirium Faith - An Announcement

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Stolen resource in Elirium Faith - An Announcement


Sorry if this news is quite late but I would like to clarify that a member named Kevin.ds a.k.a. Kevinds in RMN forums had decrypted the demo I put for download and stole my game and my resources to claim as his own. This news might be old but as the creator, on behalf of my team, I cannot let this action goes unnoticed. (Thank you to a member from RMN for letting me know in my Facebook fan page.)


From these two links,


and in RMN (Unfortunately, he deleted the page but there's still google cache page anyway)



Also, from this image



This man also stole resources from the other game of my team's member. Treasure of Dragoon and put in his own project. So, Kevinds did not only stole from one but TWO games of our team.


Treasure of Dragoon



I would like to let every other members in this forum to know about the action of this man. And I would like to clarify the ownership. There are only TWO sources of official information for my project. Which are





I apologize that my game is still in Thai, I'm not ready to preview my game in the international community yet. However, due to this incident, I'm considering a premature preview to spread the news about this despicable action.


FYI, my game's name used to be "CRISIS METEOR" before I decided to reboot the project and change it to Revenant Gods. However, if you still question my authenticity, I would be more than happy to show my original PSD of every files in my project including all concept arts to prove that the resources rightfully belongs to me.


If you spotted any project that looks like mine, please let me know their name, preferrably the link to their project so that I can challenge for the ownership of resources. It's sad that someone took an advantage of foreign language RPG Maker community and steal the game to claim as his own in another.


Revenant Gods Project Creator LuZi

Treasure of Dragoon Project Creator B.o.N

On behalf of Team Alliance


P.S. I'm not sure if this is the right category to post. Sorry if I did post in the wrong one.

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Iam not working with game making anymore so don't worry about that, and I never took credit for your art in any way and i never released anything u made. But Iam aware that decrypting your game was terrible of me and for that Iam sorry. I did however plan on learning from your art and Iv learned alot from it and I was not planning on releasing anything that you have made I used them as place holders until I could manage to make someting similar myself. But again Iam really sorry that I have offended you and I will not post or show off anymore of your work

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As a member of Team Alliance, I'm shocked that this happened. But I'm glad that you have courage to step up and accept it like a man. Though LuZi is still quite mad about this. It will take time for him to get over this incident but anyway, I hope you will learn from this and become a better maker in the future.



Edited by Neoz Kaho

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I do not agree with intellectual property theft.

By intellectual property theft I mean: taking another person's creation (whatever medium) and using it as their own (i.e. claiming it as their own).


From an objective standpoint, kevin did not claim the resources to be his. HOWEVER, judging by the topic of your project (through google translate, unfortunately I do not understand Thai) you included a disclaimer, for people NOT to use ANY resources unless granted permission by you. And kevin should have respected that.


Nonetheless, I believe you should have (before getting angry and posting this all over the internet) personally contacted kevin about the matters. Why? Because judging by kevin's post, he would have stopped using your resources.


You knew the risks in releasing the demo with your resources (RPG Maker encryption is very poor, and even good encryption wouldn't ensure anything). I am not saying this makes the theft okay, what I am trying to say is: you should not be angry about this or any possible future occurrences. Just make your game, as you will do it more effectively than any other person who steals your resources could.


Also, for future reference - if you make a topic like this, you should post the PROOF here, instead of making others do the research themselves.


Also: I find it very hypocritical of people to get angry over their creations being stolen, meanwhile no one seems to care about other projects containing DIRECT rips from commercial games. Commercial project or not, intellectual property theft is STILL intellectual property theft.


In fact, you say he stole resources from another game, "Treasure of Dragoon" ( http://irpg.in.th/fo...f-Dragoon-VerXP )


Screenshot from Treasure of Dragoon:



Dragon Tear artwork from Capcom's "Breath of Fire" series:

more info: http://bof.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_tear


For some reason I highly doubt Capcom gave your team permission to use their art. I don't know if

you are working on this game, but you did say you were speaking on behalf of "Team Alliance," and this is a "Team Alliance" game as well.


Also, your topic for http://irpg.in.th/fo...-Meteor-Crystal doesn't credit anyone for the music you used... Although I might have missed it. I would like to ask you who created the music?


But I digress, I don't really want to turn this into a finger-pointing thread; I just feel you should have taken to time to contact kevin, and if you want to talk about intellectual property theft, you probably shouldn't have affiliated yourself with a game that is also stealing intellectual property/infringing on copyrights.


In conclusion, I am going to agree with Neoz Kaho (speaking to kevin):

I hope you will learn from this and become a better maker in the future.


We all have to start off somewhere, we learn from our mistakes and grow.


And LusiferNazi/LuZi, in life there are always going to be people who will try to take what you do. Hopefully, maybe, one day people will be able to respect the effort required in creation; but until then, don't let these speed bumps get you down - just keep up the good work and press forward. Ps. your game has very beautiful artwork.

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Speaking on behalf of LuZi, I won't deny that we used resources from other games and intellectual property. Yes, we did that. And sometimes we made a mistake not giving credits properly. Glad that you pointed that out. We'll take that point into account in the future.


But what trouble LuZi the most is that kevinds used his 'original characters' (which shouldn't be used anywhere else) and change their name to fit his own game. It's just painful for him because kevin broke the promise not to use the resources. (Yes, I understand they might be the placeholder for the real one, but since he made an announcement FIRST before LuZi, the public could mistake LuZi for plagiarizing the artworks instead.)


Also, we made a mistake by using crappy default encryption too. Although we know that it's not good, we still risk and did that because we put too much faith in other people (that they'll not decrypt and use the resources beforehand) when we gave them the demo. Next time we'll try to be more careful on this.


The last thing is he was planning to make a preview thread for RG in the future but seeing his game characters and resources revealed in other project, it was very disturbing. At least kevinds should have some respect and let RG be previewed first. Not take a preemptive chance and do it first. (And again, I understand he might be excited and decided to reveal the game to game first without considering LuZi's feeling in the process.)


So in conclusion, LuZi's just angry that his character and some original creations (including sprites and such) that he put so much heart and effort in them was used and revealed to the public before he preview his own game.


Hopefully my post won't cause animosity here. I'm glad kevinds realized his mistake. Just want to point out why LuZi's so upset about this. Anyway, thanks for the constructive criticism kellessdee. We'll make sure to give out credits in the game we made properly in the future.



Neoz Kaho

Edited by Neoz Kaho

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First off, I want to say, there's no animosity here (with me anyways) at all.


Also, that I do understand what LuZi is feeling. I can tell what effort he/she went through, and I do admire that talent and dedication. I also wanted to point out that I actually have nothing against you guys using whatever resources from whatever game (as long as you don't try to take full credit of course...and actually, that edit of the dragon tear is REALLY well done, I actually think it looks really nice.)


My *ONLY* issue with the whole thing, is that LuZi is unnecessarily trying ruin kevin's reputation. Because, although I can see the issue with people thinking LuZi may have plagiarized, kevin did not once claim that he ever made the resources himself. At least not here, and it doesn't appear that way in the other topic. Yes, he was wrong to take them without permission, and yes he should have explicitly credited LuZi, I, personally, feel that it could have been handled in a better fashion.


As you have stated, and as we can see, kevin has come forth with honesty. I am sure, correct me if I am wrong (as this is really the only community I am a part of), he would have gladly removed his topic/stopped using those resources. I feel like a whole topic on each forum was unnecessary at this point. I would think it was necessary IF, kevin did not respect any PMs sent to him (or tried to claim ownership). And to be completely honest, I just feel it's unfair to try and ruin kevin over such things, when your team may or may not be using copyrighted material without permission. Like I said, whether you are or not, I do not really care about. It's mostly the fact that kevin's entire reputation could be completely destroyed over something that is almost EXACTLY what some of your members are doing - using other peoples work without permission. Neither of you are necessarily claiming it as your own, but it's the same nonetheless.


I more just wanted to point it out than even really bash on you guys or anything, because, this isn't just LuZi, nearly everyone in the community has a similar viewpoint - It's okay to steal from commercial games, but not amateur games (which is a double-standard, I hate double-standards).


I just hope you understand my point, I really don't want to start any wars (especially since this seems to be resolved), I just feel LuZi is trying a little too hard to ruin someone over a bad idea they had at the time. And besides, I dunno if Kevin had run your topic through a translator... maybe he just didn't realize or think about that at the time. Which is another reason why I feel it could've been handled more maturely.


So, I hope I don't come off as if I might be trying to attack you, LuZi or your team - I truly mean no harm by it. I am glad you understand my point, and I admire that you can forgive kevin. Because, we all do stupid things, make mistakes. It doesn't mean we are bad people, as long as we learn from the things we do.


So, I really do apologize if anyone takes offence to what I have to say, I just wanted to express my opinion on the matter--especially since technically, kevin left this community not too long ago.


EDIT: And also, I really don't want LuZi to be angry, because unfortunately, these things are going to happen. You guys obviously have a lot of talent/dedication, and I wouldn't want to see that go to waste over something like this. Remember, people like nice things, and the nicer it is, the more likely someone is going to try and take it. But that shouldn't be a reason to NOT make nice things!

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Thanks for the reply. I'm glad we can resolve all these things. I understand your reason and we (Alliance) don't take your words as an offense. Actually, we didn't mean to flame Kevinds. LuZi was a bit upset and rash at the time and I might have used a bit too harsh words that it may sounds like we're trying to ruin Kevinds's reputation. That, I (as a translator) am deeply sorry. Hope we didn't overkill kevinds.

And no, LuZi isn't angry. We'll continue our work and hopefully, finally be able to preview on RMXPU. See you soon.



Neoz Kaho



Remember, people like nice things, and the nicer it is, the more likely someone is going to try and take it. But that shouldn't be a reason to NOT make nice things!

BTW, Nice quote. XD

Edited by Neoz Kaho

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Okay excellent, I'm glad everything could be worked out :)


And actually, the original post isn't really harsh in anyway. And I appreciate that it was written very maturely and calmly. It could have easily been very harsh.


And also, the reaction was only natural -- most of us would have reacted similarly.


And I do hope to see a preview in the future! [as a side note, do you guys have plans to translate any of your games? You seem to be able to write English VERY well.]

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Yes we have a plan to translate all our games for international release. We just have to finish them first. XD (And about English, well...I'm the group's interpreter. I mediate all communication from Thai-English and vice versa lol.)

Edited by Neoz Kaho

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