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Event Issues


I have an issue. I have an event where an actor gets added to the party. I playtested it and everything was fine, but when I went back into the area the event was there again. How do you make an event go away forever?

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5 answers to this question

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I'm guessing you added an erase event to the end of your event, if you instead create a self switch and then have a new blank page added to the event that would activate when the self switch was activated it will stay "deleted". Erase event only erases the event until you refresh the map which you do when you leave and return.

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At the end of the event turn on a Local Swich A then make a blank page(page 2) and set the Local Switch A on the conditions.


The result would be. Once the event is done it will turn on a switch then when that switch is turned on it will switch to page 2 because thats a requirement for page 2.


Dont use Erase event. It only does it till you leave the map


EDIT: didnt see that rage already got it.

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Just to add some insight about the "erase event" problem, you have to understand that as far as your computer's memory's concerned, there only exists one map at a time - meaning, when you leave a map, the game simply forgets it's even loaded it, so when you go back, it's just like it was loading it for the very first time. That's the reason why the "erase event" command does not erase event forever. Selfswitches, on the other hand, remain in your computer's memory regardless of the map you're currently navigating. So if you want something to be remembered about an event, in a general manner, switches and selfswitches are the thing you're looking for.

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Wow, thanks for all of the replies guys! I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get some good support up here.

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