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    • By troyr
      hello, I came to ask a way or script to center the texts without having to use spaces to center them
      I was for a while looking for a script or something to help me focus the texts in rpg maker vx ace, without success
      So I come to ask directly if anyone has any way to focus the texts, thank you very much. :)
    • By Polraudio
      Im wondering if anyone could spare some time to make me a neat script. It doesnt have to be private just for me but for everyone to enjoy and use :D
      This script needs 2 parts.
      Part 1: I need a private item storage script that will allow a person to store things like they would in real life and be able to have multiple containers. EX: a pot will be able to store lets say 5 items and a chest will be able to store 25 items but those storage containers are not shared.
      If i put items in the pot they wont show up in the chest when i open them and vice versa.
      Syntax EX: $scene = Scene_Storage[num, size].new
      num = the storage id. EX: 1 would be the pot, 2 would be the chest,3 would be whatever, etc....
      size = how many items can fit in the container
      Full syntax in use: $scene = Scene_Storage[1, 5].new
      That would mean when the callscript is used it will open container #1 with whatever items the player put in them and the player can put a max of 5 items in it.
      Part 2: Part 2 might be a little tricky. It needs to be the same as the top one but every item put in these containers is shared across save files.
      EX: Save 1 puts potions in container 1. When save 2, 3, or 4 access that same container on their save the potions will be in there. when they take the potions out it will no longer be in there for other saves. This is shared storage.
      Syntax EX: $scene = Scene_SharedStorage[num, size].new
      Finally the reason for this. The reason for this is because my game is going to be random loot heavy and you will have an item limit so you cant carry 10000lbs worth stuff like other games.
      The reason for sharing between saves is simple. If you find a rare item and want to give it to a friend on another save file you have the ability to. You dont want to be an assassin and have a weapon you cant use. just give it to another save then :D.
      If you need more info please feel free to ask :D.
    • By avarisclari
      Is there a simple way to create a script for a cutscene that requires you to have all items in your inventory like id's 001-010 for example?
    • By Jon Bon
      (well not yet really)
      But I did make this in order to help celebrate the occasion coming up very soon. Below are the different graphics I made for my leprechaun pack.



      ARC RTP
      -Pack Link
    • By BiddyAuthor
      I've been trying for months for RMXP to work on my laptop. I have Windows 7 64-bit and I always come across mixed reactions whenever I search it online. I have heard that RMXP DOES in fact work with 64- bit, so I was wondering if there was something I need to do for it to work. The problem is whenever I try to activate, it does not go through the system and is left saying "connecting to server" for hours on end. (I left it for two days straight one time). So...help?
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