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I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL!! <3 Lets talk about that! Ive always wonderd if anyones noticed this. Capcom has yet to make a game or give a background on how Ada became so chummy with Wesker, at least not that i know of, and i think i would know. THEY NEED TO DO THAT!!!!!

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aha, easy there killer :P im pretty sure they both worked for umbrella and just ended up on some missions together, Ada is kinda under wesker, but is all fuuuuu about it, doin her own thing.

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thinkin bout it, didnt wesker contract ada as a merc in 4 to get the las plagas for him? i think that was it, they wrent 'friends' or anything. wesker cant have friends. he doesn tplay well with others..

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Well yeah, but they still seem to have a weird, unfriendly sort of closeness with each other, my question is why. I was just thinking it would be cool if they elaborated on it a bit more, maybe even make an ada/wesker exclusive game. Also, i was thinking once, What if Ada was...drumroll...A SURVIVEING WESKER CHILD!!!!!...and Capcom just hasint said yet.

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meh. idk why people think seperate ways was so epic. it was good, but i loved the story in 4, and i lvoed the suitcase idea, not the 10 slot they went abck to in 5..lame..and i dont really see much of a relationship of any kind there, jsut two business partners tryin to make a buck.

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Yeah, i played a little of RE 5 on 360 with a friends 360, i didint like them going back to the slot thing either. It seemed to me like it was even worse than the old version, atleast when you went into the inventory on RE 1-3 you didint have to worry about getting hit by anything. Also, what did you think of capcom introduceing the plaga? I was a bit disapointed they dont have much of the zombies anymore...

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honestly, i liked it, the zombies were getting old...oh no, another shuffler...oh no, its got claws and teeth..and a tongue -.- ew...OH GOD WTF IS THAT?!? oh, its a half decayed dog..again..*popopop!* well thats a waste of three shells..

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LOL...Well, i like the new water zombies there comeing out with in RE Revalations. They sort of remind me of silent hill a little.

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yay more recycling lol thats the one thing a long standing series cant get away from

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Im a huge RE fan, been playing since it first came out on the Playstaion and loved it.

I really dont like the direction the series is going, the series is no longer a survival horror it used to be like RE 0,1,2,3, outbreak 1,2, Code Veronica , hell even Survivor and Dead aim.

Dont get me wrong i thought 4 and 5 where alright, but too actiony, i didnt have the fear of what was goign to kill me around the corner, the dooom and gloom ominous feeling the other games gave you just, Ooooh shoot shoot zombie drops bullets, shoot shoot zombie drops first aid spray .... :I ......

The only time i felt "Yeah this is how RE is" when you play Lost in Nightmares on RE5, thats the feeling of doom, limited ammo, running for your life with no weapons, good times.

I just really want RE to go back to there roots of being scary not trying to be a Gears of war game with RE skins like Operation Raccooon City is going to be...though im still going to get it cause yeah...i still love RE 9_9


Im looking forward to RE Revalations but still i dunno, most likely ill be playing the game on Nightmare mode for a challenge.


Also nooo Ada is not part of the wesker children, She is an Merc that is hired by Wesker to get a sample of the G virus in RE2 but since she met with Leon she had a change of heart, why she starts to do her own thing than listen to Wesker.


For some bonus info, the special editions of Code Veronica came a Video to watch "Weskers Report" that helped reveal things that went on in the background, like how Enrico died in RE1 and Who shot Ada in RE2 and what happen to Sherry.





i know, im an RE nerd :B



Also, if you played Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii, it gives more backstory to Ada and weskers relationship

well... thats of course you can get above A rank on certain missions X_X

Edited by FatYogi

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so i was hal;f right, and while i agree mostly, the regenerators had me shittin my pants. till i got the rocket launcher. then it was funneh. the breathing and movement was still shaking though.

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Yeah, i had alot of fun with the regenerators too. Do you remeber the one called the steel maiden? The first time i played RE 4 it took me forever to kill that sonnava gun. I couldent figger out why my thermal scope wasint working... >:-(

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They are zombies for a reason. Add more to them, make them more human and make them in control, it takes away from them. They aren't zombies then, are they? Just because its been "rehashed" does not mean the games are not worth it. Having played every RE game thus far, I speak from experiance. However, if one does not find entertainment in RE games in general, then they don't. It doesn't mean the games are bad, or "rehashed". They are fine the way they are and they do not need to change.


Games that change or follow fads are well...terrible. In my opinion, at least.




I love Resident Evil! Glad to see another fan on the forums! Do you -- and this is probably unlike as I seem to be the only dork who likes them -- also happen to like the movies? If not, what did you not like about them? I can't get a constructive answer from anyone, and it has interested me. xD


*Oh? You are a Christian? smile.png*

Edited by CrimsonInferno

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Well, as far as the movies go, I must first say i havent seen all of them. The last one i saw was afterlife i think, and now i must say...i was a bit disappointed...i didint like how they pulled the ax monster from RE 5 from out of nowhere, at first for somereason i was thinking it was some sort of new tyrant until it hit me that they brought Executioner to RE Afterlife...i was confused....to me that just seemed like an attempt to grap attention. Also, and like i said i havent seen all of them, but i dont remember them introduceing the Majini either, another RE monster that just sudenly makes an appearance without giveing any backstory or point of relevance within the movie. For a moment when i first saw them, i was trying to figger out what the heck was going on....I mean, obviously the movie and the game dont go off exactly the same story line, but they could at least exsplain those things some how. Otherwise, I like watching them for the action, which i think it did deliver :-) ...Im a bit of a stickler when it comes to story telling. lol


Well, i hope that was what you were looking for. Ok now you tell me where ive got holes in my argument. lol

Edited by forcebreaker

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I actually agree, and I have seen all of them. Explaining the Majini and the Executioner would have been helpful, but I think they didn't because they didn't have enough time to fit it in. Hmm...

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i didnt say they were good, but after 6 games of, umbrella, t-virus, zombies, run for your life. it kinda gets old..i liked re4 cause it was a new take on it. All because they werent zombies and intelegent beings tried to harness and control it to fail misserable at my broken buttterfly or rocket launcher doesnt make it a bad game cause they changed it a bit. really,. if i was leon, goin through this crap, yet again, id turn around, leave and never look back, find a nice hole some where far away from zombies and stay there.

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@CrimsonInferno- Oh well, it was still kinda fun to see them in the movie....even if it didint make any obvious sence. OH WAIT! What was up with Chris being in the prison cell? I didint really understand that part...blink.png


@Kange- I think the plaga, majini, where a good addition to the RE hordes too. As far as the ability to think and reason goes, they certainly make a better enemy. But I think the thing that bugs me about them is that they have little to nothing (of themselves) to do with umbrella or the T Virus, at least that was my feeling in RE 4. I think RE starting to get back on track though, in my opinion. Also....i did kind of prefer the old RE 1-3, Code Veronica, RE zero way of doing things. I just wish they could some how use both ways. (ahhhh...if wishes were horses...)


Also crimsoninferno mentiond RE dead aim earlier...I dont know how you feel about that one...But i think REDA was a horrible, horrible, accident. LOL. Just wanted to say that.

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it had 0 to do with umbrella or the t-virus. They were on the side lines while leon was glaring at them, umbrella was like, whoa dude, i know what your thinking and i know whats happened the past..like..8 times. but this aint us i swear. as leon goes grumbling into the village. It was just an anomily(sp?) in a tiny part of the world. It was more about leon then it was about umbrella and i liked it.

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Yeah, but Umbrella, or rather at this point i should say Tri-Cell, wanted them for there exsperiments. Thats what i ment by thay had little to nothing (of themselves) to do with umbrella or the T-virus. Remember, even though umbrella wasint responsible, wesker was still involved in that he was holding an opperation to obtain a parasite sample, they were the "malevolent observers" (hey thats a good name for a shadowy organization, for a project i think lol).


Anyway, i think what i liked most about RE 4 was the story and the weapons. IT WAS SO AWESOME TO BRING ADA BACK...but then again, i guess they had to for bringing back Leon. But im still with Yogi, The curent RE 4-5's just dont have that same survival horror (limited ammo, limited healing, dark halls, scary music, on your toes..) feeling that the older ones had, that i played them for. I think the part of RE 4 that had that feeling the most for me was...maybe salazars castle....


But thats just me. :)

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actually ammo was pretty limited the first time around, especially at the beggining, i had to run around knifing everyone for a while, but then again im big into ammo conservation, an immunity i built up playing the others haha, the second time around though, when you start with everything, thats jsut for blasting through and havin fun with it lol, and when i got the chicago typewriter and the rpg, oh the fun..lol

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I LOVED THE BROKEN BUTTERFLY!!! I took out Salazar with one (actually maybe two) hit with that thing fully powerd!!! Every time i played, i made sure i got it tuned as past i could....that things is so exspensive to tune though. It starts out weaker than the other magnum you get latter, but after you tune it, it becomes !WAY! more powerful, one of the best weapons in the game. Only problem is the limited magnum ammo....So i also had a RED 9, one of the best hand guns :) !!!!

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meh, it was ok for when i didnt wnana fight bosses. salazar was a bitch to kill, so i popped him like 4 tiem with the butterfly and ended him. that was the second time around, the first time i actually had to fight, and it suuuuuucked

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Hmmm...was it fully tuned? Cuz i promise i killed salazar real quick with that thing. And anyway, which of the guns do you like the best, besides the unlockable ones i mean. (speaking of unlockable weapons, i like the hand cannon from the GC version.)

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He was in the cell because he was called there to help with the inmates. They got out and locked him in. The movie couldn't connect with the games 100%, it was impossible to do such a thing, especially with restrictions on budget and writers.

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actually i think it woulda been awesome to follow the games almost to a t lol, would be a movie form :P i didnt like the actress, like, at all, or the powers she got, just lamed it out for me...

and im not sure, i havnt played in forever..

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The movies aren't supposed to be exactly like it, even if it was possible to do it. They were meant for Alice's character and for fun. They were meant as seperates. There are movies for the games, I do believe. And hey! Milla is a great actress. Not the best out there, but good. I much prefer Natalie Portman, she's such a charm and good at acting. And her powers made sense since she was given the T-Virus, and she SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER loses them in the newest movie. I don't get why everyone hates her superpowers, it makes no sense. >.>

Edited by CrimsonInferno

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no heres what makes no sense...this guy *injects him with t-virus..* is a zombie..*injects this girl with virus* gets super powers.*injects this guy with yet again, same virus* becomes super strong and looks like a cheesy halloween mask, costume not included.

Edited by Kange

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@crimsoninferno- Telakenetic(sp?) powers i think have been over used....and given the effects that the T-virus usually has, why should the power it gives her be Psychic related...im mean, the T-virus even "degenerates" the mind (even in the movie), what happend with her that it makes her mind better? (otherwise, i must be forgeting something). Lol! But on a slightly different subject, when i first saw Jill in Apocalypse i thought she was Ada! But that was before i played RE3, where she wears her blue dress!!!LOL

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