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It seems to me as years, months, and even days go by, everyone around me is upgrading to an iPhone. Whether it's the iPhone 4, or the newer iPhone 4S, everyone has it as a necessity. So why does everyone think an iPhone is best? It seems to me I'm the only one that doesn't have one...


So do you think iPhones are the best? Or is the Droid better? And what phone companies with the iPhone do you prefer: Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint?


I swear Apple will never die out with how much people choose to buy from them -_-

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LOL! Thats funny! I used to have an Ipod touch. My dad asked what was so great about it. I told him "cuz you can take over the world with this thing". Ironically, that could be true with apple someday. P.S. sorry, i know this was just about i phone, but i thought this might apply since The Ipod touch was just an Iphone without the "phone".

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In my personal opinion i would have to say the iPhone is better because theres way better apps/games on the ios than there is on the android and the iPhone is more stable then android. I personally hate anything apple except the ipod touch.


As for phone companies i could care less because i hate phones. I do have an ipod touch that is the same thing as the Iphone.


If your happy with what you got why upgrade? Apple releases a new phone every single year and its 90% the same as the last one.

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I have an HTC EVO 4G (EVO 3D was too expensive) and an Ipod touch. I think my EVO is better as a phone and Ipod is better for gaming and music. If I had a Iphone I most likely would be playing games on it which would kill the battery. Also like Polraudo said, I hate phones as I hate calling/texting people. If you want to talk, we can hang. If you're going to text it better be small.

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Yeah, thats what i hate about apple....ive been wanting to get a new ipod touch, but im to afraid that apples going to come up with a new one....:(

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I don't like Ipads or whatever they're calleds at all except for the fact you can play GAMES on them :D

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I hate apple.....BUT THAT'S ANOTHER RANT


I think the whole "Oh my phone is better than yours" is something people come up with, when trying to justify such an expensive purchase or something about people needing this sense of superiority....


When it comes down to it, the hardware is all essentially the same...the REAL difference is the software, which, in this day and age (especially in the context of mobile phones), is mostly personal preference. Which works best for you, is the best phone...for you.


I prefer my phone... Motorola Razr. Yup, back when phones were "stupid," like they SHOULD be, well, in my opinion anyways...


(Though, if I were to make a choice about smart phones, I would choose some sort of Android phone, because I'm biased towards linux...and the Android phones ACTUALLY give you access to the file system, like THEY SHOULD. I can't justify paying 600+$ for a mini-computer, if it doesn't allow me to access the file system without hacking it or voiding my warranty.)

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Wow I haven't checked this forum in forever and I'm glad people posted things! And my brother also hates anything apple besides an ipod. I like the iPhone and will get one eventually, its just not a top priority...

And I have been in a heated fight with my friends over which is better- iPhone or Droids. and iPhones won,

We also agreed that Apple copies android to improve their iOS.

What do you think?

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iPhones are shit and so is apple.



Ironically, that could be true with apple someday.

Du fk you smoking

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Actually its more the opinion of which you prefer. Droids can do more than iPhones can (at the moment), and a lot of my friends have droids. It's a matter of which on you prefer and what you would do on the phone. Like if you are a business major or are employed in the business, you would get the Droid. But for matter of preference, someone like me would get the iPhone.

Both phones are great, so don't go bagging on it just because you think it sucks. Same with with programs (RMXP or RMVX).

It's always been a heated conversation among people, and i doubt it will stop anytime soon with companies releasing newer phones with better quality and more features.

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Du fk you smoking






lol, im not smokeing anything. Also.....i really dont know what i was thinking when i stated that. Reading it now, i feel kinda silly. But stilI, I kinda like apple, particularly my Ipod touch, and the games i can play on it....TO A POINT. For everything else, i like my shiny new toshiba :) . Suits me just fine.

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